What's your NSV (non-scale victory) for this week?



  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    I had a fantastic morning. I earned my half way to 5k badge, ran my longest distance, set a new personal record for 1 mile, and got a "Game On, World" trophy for running today on Nike+ running. A few weeks ago I'd still be sleeping right now.

    Anyday that I have gatorade g2 before breakfast is a huge personal NSV :drinker:
  • Monnietron
    Monnietron Posts: 96 Member
    I have been feeling sooo motivated lately.. I got some awesome new workout clothes... and I have been on track for almost 30 days. Yay me!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Not necessarily from this week, but I am still grinning like an idiot over the fact that I can easily fit into a size L unisex t-shirt, and an XL ladies'-fit t-shirt. Of course, I'm kind of sad that now all of my 2XL and XL concert t-shirts are pretty much only good for sleeping in/working out in, but I think I'll learn to deal....lol
  • MsTonyaRenee
    MsTonyaRenee Posts: 116 Member
    1.) I bought a smaller size jeans with the idea of them being my motivation. I figured I couldn't quite squeeze into them yet but when I got home and they fit perfectly I almost passed out!

    2.) guy at work "Fist bumped" me and said "looking good!" but not in a creepy "report to HR" kind of way :)
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I gained a 1/2 lb this week and was feeling frustrated with myself. Then I decided to measure my waist and have lost an inch since I last measured and now I feel great again and am going to reward myself with going cycling in the sunshine instead of a brutal gym workout for a change. My previous rewards would have involved chocolate!
  • I went clothes shopping yesterday and bought gorgeous clothes off the rack. Nothing I bought had a number in front of the size..example 3X which is what I have worn for many years. Now it's just L and XL and I still can't believe it...xoxo
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Mine is fitness related. I worked my *kitten* off in Les Mills Body Combat on Friday. My average heart rate for the session was down by 12bpm compared to a few weeks ago, and I was pushing myself just as hard and could keep up with a lot more of the moves. I also didnt feel as puffed. Ive been doing about 5 hours hard cardio a week and its amazing how much fitter I am so quickly. I know the improvement will be less marked from now on but its nice to know the hard work has really been doing me good!
  • dreja82
    dreja82 Posts: 43
    When cleaning I looked in the mirror and say my calves had muscle definition. I have never had a muscle definition line on my body ever! Feels great!
  • maureenec
    maureenec Posts: 34 Member
    I bought two adorable dresses that fit me perfectly and looked great. The best part is . . . I won't even need to wear Spanx under them.
  • ilyo777
    ilyo777 Posts: 20 Member
    I set out to run 25 minutes as part of the 'Couch to 5K' running programme. I had a proper 'Forest Gump' moment and ended up running for about 1hr 10mins and completed a 10.5k Trail Run.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    My NSV came as of today. I know I haven't been exercising or anything lately, so I forced myself to get on the scale to face what I've done and I'm up 4 pounds and thought to myself "This is IT!" I'm DONE with gaining weight and feeling like I'm worthless. I am back on track today and so far I've actually done very well today. I am making a yummy pot roast and mashed potatoes and mixed veggies for dinner tonight. I have still seen weight loss with still eating what I want, but watching my portions. I am watching my portions tonight.

    I am proud of myself for getting back on track, even though the scale showed an increase in my weight. I had a quick thought to just completely give up and keep whatever I want and not working out, but I can't keep doing this to myself. It truly is a vicious cycle.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I organized the garage this weekend and found an old box of clothes! Surprisingly I got quite a few new pieces to (re) add to my wardrobe!
    It feels soooo good!:happy:
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    There was free birthday cake, chocolates, and a candy bouquet in the break room at my workplace. I resisted them all!
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    The fact that i sprained my ankle pretty badly but i haven't let that stop me. I may not be able to run right now but i can still lift weights and work on my stomach!!!!!
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    Got off of diet coke and coke. Started eating lots of veges salads instead of crackers, chips and candy bars. I had a headache the first couple of days and now I have so much more energy. I don't feel so sluggish and I have gotten myself to the gym!
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    I was able to slide easily into shorts that I usually have to wiggle up my thighs =]
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I exercised every day for the past 7 days except for one. (I was sick and made up for it later.)

    Also, I've lost about pounds in the past week!
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I got my wedding rings on and can wear them now!!!
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I set out to run 25 minutes as part of the 'Couch to 5K' running programme. I had a proper 'Forest Gump' moment and ended up running for about 1hr 10mins and completed a 10.5k Trail Run.

    Whoa!! I want one of those NSVs! You are incredible!
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    my bingo wings have had a dramatic firming lift and because of it, my biceps are looking leaner than ever. the reason why this is an NSV for me is because it was one of the four sections on my body that i think needs the most work. thanks jillian!