Calling all teens!



  • Becky_Boop
    Im in for weekly weigh-ins!
    I think I may have gained a fair bit over the holidays, my local gym has been closed and so with the lack of excersise I didnt feel the need to watch my eating either, I'll find out tomorrow though when I do my first weigh in of 2010
  • kym_lewis08
    So...I also did my first weigh in of the new year..and I'm down one pound..:happy:

    Yea yea..water weight..but it makes me feel good jus the same!!
  • Becky_Boop
    I gained 3lbs over christmas - I thought it would be far more so I'm not too upset. I'm going to have to put in more effort now it's new year =)
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    good job kym!
  • lailavendar
    Didn't really log food and exercise during the holidays much. But since school is starting back up again after Winter Break, I will have more of a schedule.

    It's 2010! A new year, a new me. Let's get that New Year's resolution juice flowing in our brains. We should be thinking of the healthier and more in shape versions of ourselves. We may have lagged during the holidays, but let's get back on track. Here are my stats:

    CW = 116 (though it tends to fluctuate between 112 and 120)
    GW = 110

    Also I have a question for you all. This coming semester I am going to sign up for a quarter long P.E. class at 7:00 in the morning (yeah! not) called Weight Training. I don't know what it is going to involve exactly, but I was wondering how I should change my current workout schedule. How should I take into account that I'll be lifting weights or whatever 5 days per week (I'm in high school)? I usually go to the gym 3 times per week and partake in the group exercise classes (step classes mostly). What should I do now?
  • Becky_Boop
    My home >> Settings>> Update your diet profile.
    Atleast I think that is what you are looking for =)
  • kym_lewis08
    good job kym!


    How was everyone's New Year??

    I wanna hear some resolutions!!
  • nikinicole
    ugg! this is getting really frustrating! i gained like 2 lbs over the holidays and i'm just kind of drifting away from the program. I can't stick to it and i never feel like exercising. suggestions?
  • Becky_Boop
    New year was quite good, I treated myself to a take-away (probably explains the 3lb gain) how was yours?
    My new years resolution this year, other than losing weight, is to get into university! I should be going this september and I cant wait. anyone else got a resolution?

    My only tip for motivation is to remind yourself why you are doing this. Once you think of a few reasons it may spur some of the origional motivation you had? or not, worth a try.x
  • kym_lewis08
    Kinda bummed out ladies...My girlfriend left for basic training (army) yesterday.

    I almost had a total chocolate relapse.

    Keep me in your thoughts.
  • elysetoplin
    i'm in!!! i'm 19...i'll be 20 in june but still a teenager for now! my current weight is 152.5 and my goal is 125.
  • kym_lewis08
    :smile: Welcome!! I'm not sure if we've set up a weigh-in yet so just feel free to post as you like.
  • Becky_Boop
    I lost 3lbs this week =)
    Back to how I was before christmas!
  • lailavendar
    I have a New Years resolution! Mine is to lose weight and tone up. It's a bit hard right now, because we are having a few snow days, so I can't really get out of my house to go to the gym. Finals is next week so I'm struggling to finish all my assignments and I still need 10 volunteer hours for my Government and Polititcs class.

    For my exercise, I've been taking advantage of all the snow by shoveling it and going snowboarding/sledding. You really have to find something you enjoy doing. That is the key to keeping motivated and staying fit. If you don't see something as exercise, you won't dread doing it. Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym or lifting weights. It can be playing with your siblings (tag, just runnig around) or unloading firewood.

    This realization, I believe, will help me achieve my New Years resolution. But you have to eat right also. I have some trouble in that particular area. I eat organic food and all of that, but my parents own a bakery and are always bringing home cinnamon rolls. It's very difficult to resist, and I never do. But I need to realize that not eating so many sweets will not only keep me fit, but it benefits my overall health and my teeth.

    My goal: less sugar, more exercise.

    I also want to have more time to myself, more time to do what I love. I am so consumed with homework (I even did it on Christmas) and have been so my whole life it seems. I need to stop trying to make everything so perfect and just get things done. As if I don't already have enough on my plate, I just got a job. My life is going to be even more hectic, unless I do something about it.

    My other goal: less work, more play.

    Let's all achieve what we want to achieve. We got the power!
  • kym_lewis08
    I lost 3lbs this week =)
    Back to how I was before christmas!

    Wtg Miss Becky!!!!
  • kym_lewis08
    @lailavender - I think that's a wonderful resolution!! We don't get much snow here in southern I'm extremely jealous of you lol. Way to stay active by shoveling the snow though:drinker:..great idea. I've been skiiing once..and hit a spot that was ice instead of snow which resulted in a cracked butt bone that still hurts me from time to time..but I must say, besides the hospital was quite a rush :smile:

    I completely understand you on the sweets part too. I live with my mother and stepdad and neither of them are interested in changing their lifestyles with me so I have to deal with them eating snickers and ice cream and every other sweet thing in the book - right in my face lol. I've been doing well though. My will power seems to be getting stronger.

    My college classes just started yesterday and I've already spent 3 hours on doing homework. It's a drag, but it's worth it lol.

    Keep us updated on your weight progress!! We're here for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • Im totally freakin in.
    About time.
  • kym_lewis08
    :drinker: Welcome Yvonne!! (I love your name!) We seem to be growing more and more!! :happy:

    I'm probably goin' to weigh in every Thursday guys. I still don't think the group has set a weigh-in date but it seems like most of the other groups weigh in on Thursday so just in case we might be in more than one group - I figured that it would be easier to weigh-in on the same day.

    I'm having trouble sleeping. Last night it was two before I finally got to sleep which resulted in me waking up around 11 am. Totally missing breakfast. :grumble: I'e been tryin my hardes to back into routine but when I'm just not sleepy, I can't make myself go. I even took some advil pm last night because of my headaches and with the hope that they would knock me on out.

    Anywho, I'm up ladies and ready for my day!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Totally just brisk walked for 30 minutes. Ooohhhhh Thirty minuutteeees. :| Im going to jog for another thirty minutes around 5-6.
  • kym_lewis08
    Way to go!!

    Last night when I was walking my little cousin came by the treadmill and unplugged me :sick:

    I was 2 minutes shy of an hour.