appetite suppressant

Does anyone have a good appetite suppressant they can recommend W/O any of the so called "energy herbs?" II get palpitations with coffee and green tea so I can't take most diet pills. I'm just trying to curb the hunger in between meals. I'm starving!!! :sad:


  • ag081067
    ag081067 Posts: 4 Member
    drink water before your meal and this will curb the hunger pangs. eat fruit also inbetween meals if you are hungry. I find raw carrots are great for taking away hunger pangs. Hope this helps
  • mhuch110
    mhuch110 Posts: 130 Member
    Can you just eat some small, filling, snacks in between meals instead of taking something? If coffee makes you jittery, I imagine most suppressants will as well. My doc tried to prescribe me Adipex and gave me so many warnings with it, I decided it wasn't worth it!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Alcohol, seriously even just a little
  • Room temperature water helps fill you up more then cold water:) and try small snacking like some fruit or try brushing your teeth when you dont want to ear anymore thats what I do then you know if you eat after it wont taste good lol xD
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Can you just eat some small, filling, snacks in between meals instead of taking something? If coffee makes you jittery, I imagine most suppressants will as well. My doc tried to prescribe me Adipex and gave me so many warnings with it, I decided it wasn't worth it!

    I have used the adipex and i went online to webmd to read up on it and then i read all the reviews of how ppl have felt. I never had even close to any major issues with it other than very dry mouth and constipation. No appetite and increased energy and enthusiasm was what i got.

    If it wasent Dr approved at the time i would never have taken an OTC pill or otherwise appetite suppresant.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Appetite suppressants are nasty. You really don't want to do that. And really....if you're using something like that to WILL gain it back, because you've never learned how not to.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Appetite suppressants are nasty. You really don't want to do that. And really....if you're using something like that to WILL gain it back, because you've never learned how not to.

    I have to disagree with you there. A persons reasoning for using those are different . My BP was high, my weight was too high, causing me pain in many many places on my body. My desire and motivation was non exisitent and i just didnt care any more. I told her i would rather be fat it was easier and id just take something for the pain. Well, she said please try the Adipex for 2 months and in that time make as many better food choices as you can and try to walk just a little each day.

    Let me tell you that Dr gave me my life back and i will never regret taking it. From the first pill i wanted to make better food choices and i did. I didnt just get a lil walking in....i did it every day. She believe in me that i could do it and with a little jumpstart from her i AM doing it.

    Maybe my diary isisnt the best all the time but i try very hard to make the right choices. I measure and weigh everything now and i exercise 6 days a week because i want to not because i have to. Cardio 5days a week, zumba 3 times a week and strength train 3 times a week. .

    I dont think i will gain it back because i took the pill. I learned that i needed to put the effort in to make it work as a long term lifestyle change. I am learning every day how to be a better ME and enjoying it.

    So thats my story about taking an appetite supressant.
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    Just to make myself more clear. I would NEVER take a diet pill. I was talking supplements. Like I know 5HTP is known to treat sugar cravings and L - Carnitine is used to reduce cellulite and fight fat. All of these things have to be done in accordance with a healthy diet. & exercise regimen
    I'm NOT looking for a quick fix. or a magic wand I plan to lose my weight actually just under a pound a week, (like 0.8 per week.) I have no issues with putting in the work but I'm starving!! Way too hungry to stay within my allotted calories to even lose that .8 a week.
    I was asking if anyone knew of a supplement or drink that curbs hunger. I'm not making it from meal to meal and those "lil snacks" creep up to an extra 3-400 calls over my limit
    Thanks ya'll.
    I did see a few good suggestions but I can tell you now it's not water, at least not for me. An apple when I'm hungry just makes me hungrier. I just have a few calories, I have to use them wisely. Guess I'll keep eating egg whites..
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    .... but if anyone comes across a good natural SUPPLEMENT, please messae me.
    Thanks!!! :heart:
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    Appetite suppressants are nasty. You really don't want to do that. And really....if you're using something like that to WILL gain it back, because you've never learned how not to.

    My intent was to use it until my body gets used to less food. I'm not sleeping at night because of a growling stomach.
    Not directed at just you, but ppl in general should realize that the word appetite suppressant does not always mean a "diet pill." They do make some that come in the form of supplements w/o the stimulant.
    Thanks :heart:

    (Think GNC or Dr. Oz)
  • Currently I am taking BioAPP Appetite Suppressant. It is a natural aid to reducing calorie intake.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    .... but if anyone comes across a good natural SUPPLEMENT, please messae me.
    Thanks!!! :heart:

    Black coffee. Black tea with a pinch of cinnamon, black pepper, cloves, ginger (okay, basically masala chai).
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    My intent was to use it until my body gets used to less food. I'm not sleeping at night because of a growling stomach.

    Oh, then leave a hundred or so calories after your dinner and eat cottage cheese if you don't have any problems with dairy. Casein is a slow metabolized protein and will keep you full.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    Chia seeds.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Appetite suppressants are nasty. You really don't want to do that. And really....if you're using something like that to WILL gain it back, because you've never learned how not to.

    My intent was to use it until my body gets used to less food. I'm not sleeping at night because of a growling stomach.
    Not directed at just you, but ppl in general should realize that the word appetite suppressant does not always mean a "diet pill." They do make some that come in the form of supplements w/o the stimulant.
    Thanks :heart:

    (Think GNC or Dr. Oz)

    Just because something is "natural" doesn't make it good or better. Arsenic is "natural"....

    A better suggestion would be opening up your diary - people could give suggestions on what types of foods would keep you full longer. What's your TDEE? How many calories are you eating? What's your weight loss goal? The answers to these questions will help you a lot more than looking for a quick-fix.
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member

    Someone beat me to this! Do an hour of cardio... not only will you not think about food for that hour, but afterwards you can have a snack and feel no guilt at all. :)
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Don't go to bed hungry. Eat a little more protein at dinner maybe or snack on some veggies in the evening. If my stomach growls I eat. I had an apple and peanut butter before bed last night. I rarely eat in the evenings but my schedule got thrown off and I was hungry. Sometimes I will eat a few baby carrots or a handful of broccoli. Just a little something healthy to stop the growling.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I don't have a real recommendation, but I can say AVOID the Fullbars that they sell over by the protein bars/shakes. I got one for free once (probably around a year or two ago) and decided to try it.. it tasted like a Shamwow (I assume) and did nothing for me at all.
  • I would suggest omega3's and fiber pills or just extra fiber. I use Shaklee supplements. When I have a Cinch shakes I add psyllium husks and it makes me fuller and satisfied so I don't crave anything in the morning. I just did a 7 day detox cleanse with shaklee and it really helped with sugar cravings. I started craving fresh food! So a detox might be a good idea too.