Question? Not enuf calories = slowed metabolism.. really?

I've heard it said that you can shut or slow down the metabolism not eating enough. I am 60 pounds overweight and dont think that would apply to somebody my size.

I'm trying to eat 1200 calories but I frequently eat less or burn off what I ate so its less than the 1200. Is this something I should worry about? I'm very satisfied with what I'm eating so I don't think anything is wrong. i'm losing about 2 lbs per week.

What do ya'll think? If I MAKE SURE to eat the 1200 calories would the weight drop faster? Does it matter how I eat my calories? I mean can I eat whatever I want to add on the calories to make 1200?

For example: If I eat 1000 calories and see I'm short by 200 calories. Does it matter if I eat ice cream for 200? Or if I eat grilled cheese for 200? Or if I eat hummus and pita for 200? As long as its 200 does it matter where it comes from in terms of meeting my caloric intake for the day?:frown:


  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
  • its_rierie
    its_rierie Posts: 44 Member
    There is a lot of debate about this. I'm of the opinion that every body reacts differently.

    The major problem with eating that little, is that it's usually not sustainable, and most people will go back to bad habits.
  • Soann
    Soann Posts: 30 Member
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Bumping because I want to know too...
    Sorry I don't have the answer! :(
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    If you can lose 2 pounds eating 1700 or lose 2.1 pounds netting under 1200 which would you choose? So eat what you want to fill the gap if the majority is healthy. Edit I'm. Trying to eat as many calories as I can and exercise. As little as I can (excluding. Lifting), so when I finally. Do stall I have plenty of options on the table.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 832 Member
    Well you're asking two different things....

    First question about calorie intake.... your age, your size and your activity level all determine what you really need. But generally you shouldn't be dropping below 1200/day unless you're very petite or morbidly obese and on a program supervised by a doctor. I don't think you are either one. Really you should probably be looking at more like 1400-1500/day - that'd be a bare minimum total intake, without you taking the time to figure out exercise calories and net calories after exercise. (My experience as a mid-thirties girl is, I lose best at around 1500, and still steadily at 1650. When I was doing weight training I was building muscle and losing weight at 2200.)

    Re your second question about the quality of your calories - yes it absolutely matters. Especially given your health concerns, you should focus on making sure that all of your calories come from quality food and not junk (or as close as possible).
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd agree that there isn't a hard and fast answer that is going to apply to everyone.

    But, I do think that eating very little (and I consider 1000 cals very little!) can put you at risk of not getting all the nutrition you need to stay healthy.
    I don't think that eating at 1000 cals for one day is going to hurt anyone, but if this is what happens every day, you are giving your body very minimal energy to work with - and that can't be good in the long term.

    Why not eat what MFP suggests (1200 plus any calories you burn from exercise) for a month or so and see how this works out for you? If you aren't losing weight after a month, you can change things around if you need to. Why deprive yourself unnecessarily.

    I know many people (myself included) have lost lots of weight eating a whole lot more than that, so there's a good chance you will too.

    Regarding the choice of food - in general I don't think there is anything wrong with a cheese sandwich or some icecream, but you will really need to be careful that most of the food you eat is very nutrition dense, as you are eating so very little to start with.
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    i just read an article on this. by not eating enough, your body becomes more efficient, needing to burn less to preform the same daily tasks, which causes an overall slowed metabolism. I know a lot of people will net under what they should for a while, then eat what they should for a while, and rotate so their metabolism never really has time to get used to anything and thus keep max burn up.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I have the same problem with eating -- I don't like to eat, so i force myself to eat everyday. I am trying to do better. I have upped my caloric intake/goal, but it is difficult to maintain. However, I do realise that I need to eat the higher calorie amount to keep my body healthy.

    Weight loss is difficult at any calorie level. I waffle back and forth, 3 up and 3 down. My weight has not changed in years, yet my clothing size has gone down.

    I am trying to add more calories as I am also trying to add more exercise.

    I do not understand net calories or their significance. I struggle to understand and maintain calories.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    If you go on eating less calories than your body needs you will lose weight. You won't notice that your metabolism has slowed unless you try to eat to more later, and I don't even mean "back to you old ways" more. Depending on how low your net is and how long you keep it up, you could potentially gain on as little as 1200 calories.

    I'm not an expert and don't even play a doctor on tv, it's just based on personal experience.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 832 Member
    One other thing. Personally... I would REALLY recommend you make an appointment with a dietitian/nutritionist. As a lady in your 50's, diagnosed with prediabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and an auto-immune disease to boot... a professional consultation would probably serve you well. Especially if you find someone who is a nutritionist and has a medical background. When one considers the big picture, it is possible that some of the advice on a weight loss forum may in fact be harmful for you.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I can only say what I do. I try VERY hard to get in the 1200 minimum if I dont exercise that day. If I DO exercise, I will probably eat more but I don't eat back all the exercise calories. My choice. I am not losing too fast or too slow and I feel fine. But there are other factors that can affect a person....age, how overweight, medical issues. You have to play with your plan till its right for you AND for the health of your body.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    No, it doesn't matter. Health wise, sure. For fat loss, if you ate 1200 calories a day of bacon you'd still lose weight.

    Yes, your metabolism will slow down. That's true for anyone in a deficit. Where the problem can come in is when you reach your goal and move to maintenance calories. You'll experience weight gain while your body adjusts to the new level. You won't infinitely gain weight though and it's recommended at that point to raise your calories slowly. The other concern is loss of lean body mass. Eating at a more conservative deficit, getting enough protein and adding some form of resistance training can minimize this. If it even matters to you. If not, that's okay too.

    There are wonderful reasons to find your BMR and TDEE, preserve LBM as much as possible and eat at a smaller deficit. However, if what you're doing works for you and you're happy with it, I see no need to change it. If you ever hit a plateau keep in mind that the answer will begin with eating more, not less. You won't shut your metabolism down or cause irreparable harm to yourself eating 1200 calories. Just do your research! Get a solid understanding of your numbers, what they mean and what to do if someday, you need to change things up. That's true for all of us, 1200 calories or not.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    This is what I think, although it doesn't entirely answer your question. Do you want to be constantly going on a diet of 1200 cals for the rest of your life? Assuming the answer is no, you need to put into place a long term lifestyle change. There is little point in going on a crash diet, eating junk but staying under 1200 cals and then going back your old eating ways.

    My view is that long term it is better to eat the cals mfp sets in a healthy manner overall with fruit and vegetables and a little treat each day. Maybe not eat back exercise cals if that is your mindset. Then, you should reach your goal with a new habit of eating which is hopefully maintainable.

    To answer your original question, I don't find eating under 1200 cals slows my metabolism, but my bmr is 1240 as I am only 5'2 which may explain it.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I think you need to find what works for you. i have lost 105 lbs in 2 yrs eating 1000-1250 cals a day. Some people say I could have lost eating more, maybe???? all I know is what i have done and what has worked for me. Good luck finding what works for you. The most important thing is to not give up
  • Lunasash
    Lunasash Posts: 40 Member
    As far as eating less calories per day, your metabolism will eventually adjust and begin to slow down. If you are getting those calories from junk foods like candy you are not eating other nutrients your body needs, such as calcium and iron, etc. Ice cream can be a good snack in moderation because it does have some nutrients your body needs. Remember to try and get the nutrients you need from your food instead of from pills or supplements, your body can absorb them better.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    You should always eat 1200 minimum. I personally wouldn't even go under 1400 cals. I used to eat like you and I dont like where it's put me 57lbs later. Granted I started eating higher after 40lbs down, but the majority of my lose was eating low. Now I've ended up with low weight and high body fat (5'5 128lbs, 29.6% body fat) because I lost more muscle than I had to. Of that 2lbs you're losing, how much of can u say was fat and how much was muscle? The truth is tht some is muscle and the more u eat (and the higher you get in protein) will allow u to lose more quality weight (fat)
    About where the calories come from, that's a debatable topic. You WILL lose weight if you eat at a deficit no matter where the cals come from. But will it b healthy? NOPE! Chose the healthier option. If you're satisfied like you say eating that low, then eat higher calorie food that will get them cals up. Nuts, natural Peanut butter and Bananas are a few healthy things I can think of that are rather high in cals.
  • Danardeener
    I wouldn't eat under 1200 calories and if you are losing two pounds per week, there is nothing wrong with that. I personally eat about 1600 calories a day but I exercise 5 days a week. You can eat what type of food you want up to your amount of calories and still lose weight but you will feel satisfied longer with healthier food.
  • hattris
    hattris Posts: 5
    You will find a ton of literature for and against the "Not enuf calories=slowed metabolism". I think it best to not intake less then the 1200 cal's a day, and walk or jog for about 30 minutes a day to create your calorie deficit. I'm not an expert, but I have noticed that if I take in to few calories my weight loss does slow. I am 300+ pounds (Male 6'1" so about 70lbs over my goal weight) currently and run 5km every other day, and if I eat less then my total daily cal's the weight loss slows. However, if I take in my calorie total (type of food hasn't made a difference for me but I try and eat healthy 6 out of 7 days) I have steadily lost pounds.

    Here is a link you can read...but google the subject yourself and you can decide for yourself based on all the "expert" opinions out there. Good luck and keep striving towards your goal!
  • KDaniels2512
    I started out at 1600 calories a day and when I lost 30 pounds MFP switched me to 1200 a day. This actually made me plateau for about 4 weeks until I upped my calories back to 1600! Now I am consistently losing weight