best tasting "healthy" peanut butter?

I just saw a post on PB and realized I need help with this. I was at Kroger yesterday perusing the PB aisle and couldn't figure out how to decide which was the best for me. the other issue is that it absolutely needs to taste good!! my favorite regular pb is Kroger brand or Jif. What do you like?


  • swarrick83
    swarrick83 Posts: 11 Member
    PB2! powdered peanut butter its 85% less fat calories then traditionl peanut butter:happy:
  • Thechubbygrl
    Thechubbygrl Posts: 9 Member
    I only eat actual nut butters because peanut butter isn't a great source of protein and is actually anti nutritious. It's sucking the life out of all the work you're doing trying to put in good minerals.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I really like Earth Balance with flax. It's not very sweet like Jif etc.
  • astina2727
    astina2727 Posts: 149 Member
    I like adams
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Wow, I've never heard of powdered peanut butter before, I'll have to check that out! If you're okay with the full-fat version of jar PB, Laura Scudders is wonderful; nutty or smooth versions depending on your taste. I grew up with this type of peanut butter, and love it still, but it will probably take some getting used to if you are accustomed to the brands with added sugar. It is delicious, but not sweet at all, just strong peanut flavor and a very different texture (more of a thick drippy texture than creamy). Oh, and you have to mix the oil in or the bottom part will be really dry when you get down there, as the oil floats to the top when it's sitting on the shelf. This is a bit of a pain in the butt, but then it's good to go for the whole jar.
  • GeekMom17
    Still a fan of Bettern. I find it at Harris Teeter and it's low sodium 2 grams of fat and only 100 calories and it tastes like peanut butter. I agree the PB2 is amazing as well.
  • misslady72
    misslady72 Posts: 37 Member
    pb2 powder peanut butter. It has way less fat. And mix it in with a chocolate protein shake nom nom nom!!
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I like Smuckers Natural and also Trader joe's Valencia with sea salt - that's my favorite.
  • akinomikon
    akinomikon Posts: 9 Member
    Almond Butter is the best! Especially fresh ground from the machine at the grocery store. No need to mix.
    Also Almonds are better for you than Peanuts, which are not truly nuts and carry a deadly mold called Aspergillus flavus.
    That produces produces a carcinogenic substance called aflatoxin and causes most "Peanut Allergies".
  • whiskeycharged
    whiskeycharged Posts: 400 Member
    I'm a big fan of Smart Balance - Natural Creamy or Chunky. It has Omega-3 from flax seed oil too.
  • tricia156
    tricia156 Posts: 13 Member
    I decided to just eat Jiff which is my favorite but I buy the portion control packages to limit myself. I have bought the natural kind in the past and it just doesnt do it for me so I end up wasting my money and yes PB 2 is great I use that for my oatmeal and protein shakes but just for pb jelly sandwich its Jiff.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Almond Butter is the best! Especially fresh ground from the machine at the grocery store. No need to mix.
    Also Almonds are better for you than Peanuts, which are not truly nuts and carry a deadly mold called Aspergillus flavus.
    That produces produces a carcinogenic substance called aflatoxin and causes most "Peanut Allergies".

    I'm with her on this one for sure!
    The very best there is, is pure ground peanuts. Some grocery stores have them where you grind them right there on the spot. They usually have almond butter too. These are best because they are only one ingredient, the nuts-ground fresh. I started eating the ground almond butter and would NEVER buy the other packaged stuff again. Have you seen all the added sugar and salt in them? Crazy and unnecessary.

    Give fresh ground a try! I can get it at Winco and Smiths.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Laura Scudders or Smuckers but for me it has to be nutty and chunky. Also PB2 for shakes and sometimes yogurt. Those are my favorites.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I only eat actual nut butters because peanut butter isn't a great source of protein and is actually anti nutritious. It's sucking the life out of all the work you're doing trying to put in good minerals.


    My list:
    1. PB Crave cookie dough
    2. PB&CO Cinnamon Raisin Swirl
    3. PB&CO Dark choc dreams
    4. Wild squirrel nut butters pretzel PB
    5. PB&CO Heat is On
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    pb2 powder peanut butter. It has way less fat. And mix it in with a chocolate protein shake nom nom nom!!

  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i like kraft all natural, its nice and runny
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    I am a peanut butter addict!!!!! i love smuckers natural honey peanut butter or if you have a whole foods near you i love the peanut butters there where you grind them yourself they are awesome and you control how much you want! but if you are like me for a while i couldnt have normal peanut butter in the house becuase i didnt have self control i also like the substitutes like better n peanut butter or pb2 but they still are not the same as real pb! but they are good alternatives and if you like them they do save tons of cals!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    You can make your own peanut butter if you have a food processor or anything similar. Same goes for any nut butters. For 8 oz. of roasted, unsalted nut, you add 1 (or 2 if you like it sweet) tablespoon of honey. You grind the mixture in the processor until it's creamy. You may add a tablespoon of oil of your choice and a pinch of salt if you want but neither are necessary and depends on your palate.
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    PB&CO Cinnamon Raisin Swirl is my all-time favorite