Does anyone just run anymore?



  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    When I first started running I did just go out and run...but now I want to do a half marathon so the training program helps me prepare...otherwise I would just run!!
  • CharityEaton
    I just run! I HATE being told what to do. I run until I can't anymore then I walk for a bit. Then I run some more. I find that intervals like that are much more practical for me an make it to where I don't hate running. I have only been running for a year so I'm not running very far just yet. I went from never even jogging to anywhere from 3-5 miles running and walking caombos. I CAN at least run a straight 1.25 miles now without taking a walking break, which is pretty good for me considering I used to never run. My kids clapped for me the first time they saw me actually running. It was like the circus came to town. :smile:
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I JUST RAN this morning. No agenda, no race goals. It was nice!
  • dirtydmvkid
    Unless I'm on the treadmil at work then I will usually just leave the house and run :) Great feeling!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Honestly the thought of just running puts a lot of us under. And I mean crawling under the table and whimpering in distress. Its over whelming to say the least. But I love c25k and you really shouldn't knock it. Its put a lot of "couch potatoes" out running with you. So who cares that we didn't just get up and run? I think the regiment puts us at ease with the transition of walking into running, I honestly didn't think my body could do it until I was introduced to c25k.

    that's all.

  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Why does it bother you so much? Some people need the structure, some just want the structure, some don't care. As long as people are moving who cares how they do it.

    For me, I want structure. I'm an engineer by trade so everything I do is calculated, structured and analysed to death. It's just in my nature.
  • charlieandrew1980
    I do - I can't get on with programs - so I just run as far as I can - I use mapmyrun to track how far/fast I've gone and I try to get better/faster/further.

    I used to hate running but now I love it!
  • oOMusicBabii
    I've tried C25k a couple times and while it's a great program, it doesn't fit me. This time I'm trying the just run thing and it's working so far. I might go back to C25k and modify it in a way that fits me better (longer, different progression in times/distance) just as a way to give myself something to follow starting in the Fall. Hopefully I can get my treadmill fixed for winter running otherwise I might have to invest in a gym membership :/
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Eventually I could run a mile....then 2....then 3. So I did a 5k. Then I tried to run 4 miles, then 5...and on and on. I just kept going. Then I did a half marathon. Now I am scheduled for a full.
    Why does it need to be so scheduled, scientific and regimented?

    You may not want to believe it, and it may not be the same as many others, but you're on a regimen/schedule yourself.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Yes, people "just run". I do and I have never ran a race. I walk out my door and run.

    I work with two guys who "just run". One runs on a slow day 5 miles and on a good day 10 to 12 miles. He even has a head light that he uses in the dark so he can run at any time. If it is raining or snowing then he runs indoors on a treadmill. I think he might have a little prolem, hehe....since he can't go a day without running, even when he is sick.

    Anyway, to answer your question.....Yes, Virginia there is "just runners".
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Everyone who runs (it seems) is on a "program". New runners do C25K. Others are training for a marathon using Hal (or someone similar). Am I the only one that just leaves the house and runs?

    When I started running, I couldnt even go 1 mile. I just started running. When I couldnt go any further, I walked until I caught my breath. Then I ran some more. Eventually I could run a mile....then 2....then 3. So I did a 5k. Then I tried to run 4 miles, then 5...and on and on. I just kept going. Then I did a half marathon. Now I am scheduled for a full. Maybe I 'm an idiot but my plan is to just keep running...farther and farther.

    Why does it need to be so scheduled, scientific and regimented?

    Does anyone else just RUN?

    NO, no one else but you. And Forest Gump.

    :laugh: :laugh: I wish I could run like Forrest Gump!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: TOTALLY Wish I could run just like forest gump!! LOL! I wouldn't be over weight now would I? :sad: :tongue:
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I run for progress. To go further than the last run. It's nothing significant, but running my first mile has made me excited to run even just meters more today.
  • CharityEaton
    I just run! I HATE being told what to do. I run until I can't anymore then I walk for a bit. Then I run some more. I find that intervals like that are much more practical for me and make it to where I don't hate running. I have only been running for a year so I'm not running very far just yet. I went from never even jogging to anywhere from 3-5 miles running and walking combos. I CAN at least run a straight 1.25 miles now without taking a walking break, which is pretty good for me considering I used to never run. My kids clapped for me the first time they saw me actually running. It was like the circus came to town. :smile:
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    I just run. We have a walking path nearby that has a few different pathing choices; I just pick one and go with it. Sometimes I do them in reverse for a different view. Works for me!
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 242 Member
    I just run. Last year was the first year I ever ran. I never did it as a kid. I started on the treadmill to lose a little weight. Then when I got outside I had to adjust. Then it turned into enjoyment. I did my first half last year and did not follow any kind of program. The farthest I had ran before the half was 4 miles and that was about 2 months before the half. I managed to run the entire thing in a reasonable time. This year no so productive thus far, but I am hoping I can still run the entire half in September. Programs are good for those who have routine, but for me, I have 3 kids who play sports and they are not at the same time or day each week. I have my husband who isn't very helpful with that, so I could never plan out a program for myself. I say do what works for you.
  • tigonometry
    tigonometry Posts: 2 Member
    kamakazeekim; You might have hit a plateau where your current efforts don't cause you to lose weight. At that point it's time to step up the effort and revise your diet. Getting past it can be a *****.

    Also, start looking at how you're feeling instead of the scale. If you hit the plateau but are feeling good and your clothes are fitting better then you're still doing well.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    I'm not on a program. I just love to run:) I even dream I'm running at times. I cant run as far as Id like yet but slowly working my way up. I'm not into competing against others just myself. But I understand others like the structure of a program. Anf the ones who love competition. Its all good as long as we all keep moving!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I started a program called 5k runner because I had never run. Ever. I could walk and walk and walk and walk, but I'd never run. It kicked my butt just to do the 90 seconds of running that it started with, but I made it up to the 3 and a half minutes of running...and then I quit due to circumstances, so I had to restart again. I was a little better with the second go round, so I got to where I'd alternate and do my c25k type program one day, and the next day, I'd do a "free run" as I call it. That's where I warm up for five minutes with walking, and then I just start running-for however long that is. It started out that it was 5 minutes, got up to 8, my last time (before my vacation) was about 13 minutes running, and that was a huge success for me! I went this morning, and skipped my c25k. It had been weeks since running because of vacation and coming home sick. I'm not even 100% yet, but I felt well enough to venture out this morning. I walked for five minutes, and then I wanted to see the damage I'd done... I actually ran for 25 minutes without stopping! I never could have done that without the structure that the program has given me and taught me...

    why do you care if I used a program to get my run on??
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Why does it bother you so much? Some people need the structure, some just want the structure, some don't care. As long as people are moving who cares how they do it.

    For me, I want structure. I'm an engineer by trade so everything I do is calculated, structured and analysed to death. It's just in my nature.

    I agree.
    People get bothered by the stupidest things. Everyone on mfp needs to worry about their own program and quit analyzing everyone else's.
  • Runnerslove
    yes, i enjoy running. same with me, i started slow, running then walking, then running a mile, then my husband likes to go with me and he kind of stresses me out because he sets a distance that we are going to run that day.

    i like to throw on my clothes and shoes, and music and just leave the house running till i feel like stopping.