Supplement questions....



  • You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

    Ok - So my diet has a lot of protein from whole foods. I do weigh my food and measure - I was completely shocked actually about some things! Especially condiments!
    I love Greek yogurt and have been incorporating chia seeds which also have protein. I guess I am most concerned about my vitamins that I may or may not be getting from my diet. :)
    I do my best to eat a well rounded meals, 6 or more but I am on the go a lot so sometimes it’s difficult. Low fat string cheese, celery, carrots and Eggies have become my best friends! And cubed up chicken breast with a little Ms. Dash. That’s an easy finger food too. Is it enough?

    How much do you weigh?

    Generally you need 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. If you are trying to lose body fat (or weight for those who are fixated on numbers), you will need more protein per day.

    I think you have lots of protein but you may want to calculate it just to be sure.

    I weigh 271 and I am 5'8" - I have 100 lbs to lose! Thanks for the CLA info. I acutally tried that a while ago but that was before I really got serious so they went to waste.
  • Every doctor I have been to has told me something different. There is research to support everything everyone has said..... I am just curious what works for who. I appreciate everyone's input. I know the main thing is hard work and determination and stopping all the bad habits I have. One step at a time. I am not looking for a magic pill - I don't want to rely on something that I cannot sustaine for the rest of my life. This is a lifestyle, not a "diet".
    Thanks for all the input....
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It has been published in Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 2006 on pgs 67 to 76.. maybe you should purchase a copy. Or come to the University and ask the Doctors themselves. I really think more research needs to be done because none of the American studies I've read on CLA even suggest that any of the studies mention specific info on the weight ranges of people who are considered obese/overweight, nor the body types, diet (other than they were permitted to eat crap food), possible thyroid issues, etc? All the studies outside of the US have suggested that CLA MAY**** help change body composition along with diet and exercise. None of the studies I've ever read from any country state what kind of body fat CLA can reduce if any.. viseral fat? And to be honest, its hard to take most American studies seriously as they only study American people who eat American food.. food, obesity percentage and lifestyle are different in so many other countries.

    There is simply not enough proof either way so I'm willing to compromise. I am genuinely empathetic when I say I'm sorry that you spent money and it didn't work for you and for the others here who didn't benefit. But from my personal experience, I've lost 10" in total in the last 9 days since I've been taking it. Three years ago without CLA, I was much younger and lost "weight" but never truly lost body fat and I worked my a- off.

    It's too bad everyone is so busy trying to prove me wrong instead of congratulating those who have had success with it. lol

    Here's one problem. People unfortunately believe that the FDA and American Big Pharma companies actually want to improve the health of Americans. :wink:
  • unkeptwalnut83
    unkeptwalnut83 Posts: 33 Member
    Call me whatever you want, trust me my boyfriend already has.
    But I am frustrated. I've been tracking and working out for over a month and I have only lost one pound. I know gaining muscle, its denser than fat, I'm a physiology tutor, I have more book education than I need in this subject. However my body fat % hasn't changed ( 36% on 6/27 and 8/3), and neither have my measurements. So I am frustrated.

    So I decided to start taking some supplements. I'll let you know what happens. At this point, if it gives my weight loss a kick start, I will gladly part with the money even if it is just a placebo. I have the same thought process on my anti-depressants, maybe it's a placebo, maybe it's not, but the one thing I do know is that I get out of bed every day now.

    In addition, I have ordered a food scale and batteries for my HRM so I can get a better calorie burn estimate for my work outs.

    So call me stupid and gullible, it won't be the first time this week.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Call me whatever you want, trust me my boyfriend already has.
    But I am frustrated. I've been tracking and working out for over a month and I have only lost one pound. I know gaining muscle, its denser than fat, I'm a physiology tutor, I have more book education than I need in this subject. However my body fat % hasn't changed ( 36% on 6/27 and 8/3), and neither have my measurements. So I am frustrated.

    So I decided to start taking some supplements. I'll let you know what happens. At this point, if it gives my weight loss a kick start, I will gladly part with the money even if it is just a placebo. I have the same thought process on my anti-depressants, maybe it's a placebo, maybe it's not, but the one thing I do know is that I get out of bed every day now.

    In addition, I have ordered a food scale and batteries for my HRM so I can get a better calorie burn estimate for my work outs.

    So call me stupid and gullible, it won't be the first time this week.

    Not meant to be negative or mean but the best part of your post is that you bought a food scale. That's actually really huge when it comes to diet. I've been weighing my food for a couple years now and sometimes I still surprise myself when I throw food on it and see how much a serving actually weights and I think people that don't weight/measure their food are doing a huge disservice to their self. You're likely overeating which might be why the scale hasn't moved for you.

    I still really believe that there are very few useful supplements, but there are some. Things like CLA and Ribose have enough good medical research behind them to disprove most theories on their usefulness. But then you have things like caffeine (obviously), taurine, and raspberry ketones that have been noted to be impactful in weight loss. Simple things like real lemon juice and milk thistle help your liver which makes it more efficient and helps in the fat loss. The supplements are out there but it's often not the over-marketed ones that are the ones.