Beautiful Blues



  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just thought that I would pop in and say hi. You may not hear much from me this weekend. I am spending the day tomorrow at the church making bierocks to sell, and in the evening have a job in a neighboring town. Sunday is church, then a friend bought tickets for my daughter and I to go to a chocolate fountain. The funny part is that neither one of us really likes chocolate, but it is her husband's grandma, so we feel we need to go. I laughed and told her that at least they should have fruit and it shouldn't be a diet breaker for me! However, if they have white chocolate, I will have to at least try it, but in moderation.

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Hello Blues!!

    Stopping by to say hello. We are hosting a bunch of our friends today for an igloo or fort making challenge. We still have plenty of snow in our backyard to play with. I am making lasagna for everyone. Should be a fun day.

    Last night I made it to a spin class. Tomorrow I have another spin class. Have a good weekend!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning Beautiful blues,

    I'm enjoying this morning and just counting my blessings. I have a few movies to watch like "star trek 2009" and "the perfect getaway" for this weekend.

    I plan on going to the gym in the evening for about 1 hour of cardio and doing 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 on the elliptical, since those are the big calorie burners for me.

    Have a great Saturday all!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey guys-you're very motivating! Worked 16 hours yesterday with OT. Nusing shortages and sick babies, especially withdrawing from drugs-our unit is full of them! Anyway, the puppy let me sleep in, so I'm gonna head to the gym. Eating, ummmm-could be better, but could be A LOT worse! Have a good one! Kath
  • mrwatson
    I worked out again today. It wasn't as smooth today. My HRM was loose. Then, it came undone. One of my kids woke up and caught me dancing around the living room trying to perform Taebo while adjusting my HRM. Of course, then I had commentary for the rest of my workout. There is nothing like having a play by play of your workout. :laugh:

    There is an open house at a gym on Monday. I think I am going to try the spin class.
  • bHealthy
    bHealthy Posts: 4 Member
    I have that same problem with eating out. I went from Wednesday till today eating at home and taking my lunch to work. It made a HUGE difference. I used my crock-pot which (because I am not a morning person) I have never used during the week but it only took a little time with huge rewards at the end of the day. Dinner was almost done when I got home! Good Luck!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have that same problem with eating out. I went from Wednesday till today eating at home and taking my lunch to work. It made a HUGE difference. I used my crock-pot which (because I am not a morning person) I have never used during the week but it only took a little time with huge rewards at the end of the day. Dinner was almost done when I got home! Good Luck!!

    If I don't want to get up early enough to deal with it, I sometimes do the crock pot the night before, and set it ready to go in the refrigerator overnight so that in the morning, all I have to do is stick it in and turn it on. I even leave the outer part sitting on the counter in position.
  • Canaday
    Canaday Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm new to MFP. Haven't ever joined a virtual group, discussion board, chat, etc., so I'm not sure how this thing works. Need some help with my weight loss. Weight keeps going up. Need to make a change. Have 25 lbs to go. May I join your group?
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Lastnight we went to a friends birthday party it was at a winery and I knew that the food was going to be HIGH in calories and let alone the drinking. So I made a pit stop and had a sub instead. Turkey, lettace, tomatoes, pickles and I put on my own mayo so I knew how much was going on. I had a couple glasses of water with only 1 drink. I was so proud of myself.

    Today I got up was on the computer and had a seizure. We had to go up to my MIL's house for a get together (lots of food) I took it easy and made sure not to stuff myself. I think I did a pretty good job. Don't know calories and since I have had 4 seizures today I'm not able to get to exercising when we got back. So I will try my hardest to get on the treadmill tomorrow morning and then hit the dvd's tomorrow.

    My hubby wants to go to church tomorrow i don't know if that is going to be a good thing for me tomorrow too many people ugh I have to get over the fear of so many people. Its driving my husband crazy to say the least. But maybe if I promise to get some stuff done around the house while he takes the kids he will let me stay home. i could only hope.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    j_g4ever- I hope you are doing okay and please be careful. Also, please contact your doctor and make sure you have medication.

    I'm just getting ready this morning to head to the gym and do strength training for 30-40 minutes on my arms, and 1 hour of cardio on treadmill and elliptical trainer.

    I watched "A perfect getaway" yesterday and it was okay. I'm hoping to watch "star trek 2009 tonight and for dinner making some baked salmon with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts.

    Here's to a good sunday all!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have a doc appointment this week. She has already up'd my meds the last time that I saw her and I hope that she doesn't again. I have whats called a conversion disorder which means that stress and anxiety put me into a pseudo seizure. So they look and I call them seizures but when I'm shipped in the ambulance noone can do anything for me because they are "all in my head" So when I exercise I have to really watch my heart rate and just when I'm done I'm done. the things you learn.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi. I'm new to MFP. Haven't ever joined a virtual group, discussion board, chat, etc., so I'm not sure how this thing works. Need some help with my weight loss. Weight keeps going up. Need to make a change. Have 25 lbs to go. May I join your group?

    Welcome! We're happy to have you! You don't really need to do anything but check in with us for support and encouragement. We weigh in on Mondays, and send our weights to debnu, as she puts them in a chart for us to keep us on track. Just let us know as you have questions, and have a great day!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    j_g4ever- Please Take care of yourself. I absolutely understand about anxiety, since I used to suffer from it before. I read and did alot of research on nutrition and I eliminated sugar and white starches and ate very whole foods and after about 2 years my system gradually just got back to being good. Today I am doing pretty good and my anxiety is normal. I sometimes eat sugars on the weekend but normally I eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, whole grains and the occasional sweets.

    I also see some new faces on here.

    Welcome bHealthy and Canaday. This is an awesome group here and feel free to share your weight loss journey as you can see we do here. We are all very encouraging and motivated and just a great group of people. I could not have lost my weight without sharing in here with the group.
  • Canaday
    Canaday Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm excited to participate, and I think I can do this. I'll send in some numbers tomorrow.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    j_g4ever- Please Take care of yourself. I absolutely understand about anxiety, since I used to suffer from it before. I read and did alot of research on nutrition and I eliminated sugar and white starches and ate very whole foods and after about 2 years my system gradually just got back to being good. Today I am doing pretty good and my anxiety is normal. I sometimes eat sugars on the weekend but normally I eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, whole grains and the occasional sweets.

    that is interesting about the whole grains. I will send you a message and we can talk about this more because if I could get back to work that would be wonderful. Or even enough to go out in public without having issues I would be happy.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Hello Blues. I apologize for being MIA. We hosted 7 adults and 3 children all weekend long. I wasn't expecting to have them both Saturday and Sunday. I was not able to get in any gym time and I didn't eat like I should have. The scale wasn't to happy with me. But I'm back to planning, logging and exercising today. It was a fun weekend but now back to reality.

    I have my meals planned out today and I will be heading to the gym tonight. I sort of miss the gym :tongue:

    j_g4ever - I'm really sorry to hear about the seizures you've been experiencing. Be careful please.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    OK, true confessions time. Last week, when I got on the scales, I had gained 8 pounds over the holidays. Eight! Can you believe it?? Anyway, I gave myself until today to get it off, or I would have to put it on my ticker. I found that to be very motivating this week, and I worked my tail off. Oops, just looked. That may be an exaggeration - I do still have a tail. Anyway, as of this morning, my ticker is right! I lost them all! Here's to the new year! (But I'm wondering what I use for motivation this week!) :wink:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin all

    Forgot to weigh myself today but I don't think it has changed. Today is the first dayt of my challange not to eat out. I packed most of my lunch last night and made an egg sammie for breakfast. This challange is going to be tough for me but I think I can do it.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    OK, true confessions time. Last week, when I got on the scales, I had gained 8 pounds over the holidays. Eight! Can you believe it?? Anyway, I gave myself until today to get it off, or I would have to put it on my ticker. I found that to be very motivating this week, and I worked my tail off. Oops, just looked. That may be an exaggeration - I do still have a tail. Anyway, as of this morning, my ticker is right! I lost them all! Here's to the new year! (But I'm wondering what I use for motivation this week!) :wink:

    Wonderful job on loosing that weight. Maybe your motivation can be to treat yourself at the end of the week with something that you want. I personally love going to the second hand stores and getting "new" clothes.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    j_g4ever- Yeah, well I have always found a connection with diet and health. Right now I also posted here before that I'm trying an elimination diet and for about 1 month now have been off: dairy, gluten, oats, corn and am eating very little sweets and some yogurt. So far I'm finding out that gluten makes me tired and makes me bloated and gives me depression, and dairy gives me acne and probably all sorts of other stuff. Now, I've done this research on my own, but it would be a good idea to see a doctor that tests for food allergies since this is something very common nowadays to have. I'm doing it the hard way, but it seems to be working out. Sure, feel free to send me a message.

    Taradise- Awesome attitude and great planning for your meals and week.

    smadag1- Great challenge and great idea to plan meals for work. I actually did this all the time when I worked due to health reasons and also to save money. What I basically did was cook extra the night before and take that in for work. Many times my coworkers were always asking me what I had. Or, if you want to make it simple you can bring in a salad, a sandwich, and of course snacks to pull you over until you get home. Great snack ideas are yogurt, nuts, fruits, .... I think it's a matter of planning your meal the night before, and you could even log it in the night before so that you have a plan for the next day.

    msh0530- Great Job on the weight loss! Enjoy it!

    My grad school classes are starting again today and I'm excited, but also nervous, I guess from being on break. But I do fine in class, so I think it's just normal. I slept like 10 hours last night and made it to the gym this morning for a 45 minute workout. It's not as long as I would like, but it's something. I did 35 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on elliptical because I needed to get back home in time, before my husband leaves for work to be with our baby.

    Here's to a good day all!