How to stop weighing yourself??



  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I honestly say weigh yourself more. Do it 4 or 5 times a day. I'm not joking either, learn how your body changes and how the weight fluctuates throughout the day. Weigh first thing in the morning after you pee, then 10 minutes later after walking around but not eating. You will see a difference. I have seen up to a 1lb difference even. Weigh after you eat, after you shower. Learn how the weight changes, it will get you seeing that the scale is not evil but that your body changes.

    Then sit back, look at your food journal and evaluate if you did anything to cause that 1lb gain or is it just water, swelling, salt, etc.... Learn to use the scale as a tool, just like your diary... it is not the enemy. I laugh at some of the gains sometimes because I know that they are ridiculous and not something I am doing. We have no control over what choices our body makes.

    Good points. It is good to know how your body weight fluctuates. Although, the OP was talking about .1lb gain not 1lb. Unless, I the OP meant 1lb.
  • mocchioni
    mocchioni Posts: 63 Member
    I weight myself every morning. If the scale is higher on a morning and I think I did not over eat the day before, I chalk it up to the scale is having a bad day that morning. If I kept gaining and I was under what I should be eating, I may start to think maybe I should be eating less than I am now.

  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    Those scales really can talk, can't they? Be very careful what you say to them!!:bigsmile:
  • happythermia
    I got a fitbit aria scale, so everytime I step on the scale it will transmit my info to my fitbit account. I can't risk weighing multiple times a day on that thing, so I do once a day in the morning before my shower. :)

    LOL I'm the opposite! I weigh myself all the time on that damn thing. I freaking love it. I like seeing my fluctuations all charted out and organized.

    To the OP - if it makes you upset, you should really ask your parents to hide it!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I honestly say weigh yourself more. Do it 4 or 5 times a day. I'm not joking either, learn how your body changes and how the weight fluctuates throughout the day. Weigh first thing in the morning after you pee, then 10 minutes later after walking around but not eating. You will see a difference. I have seen up to a 1lb difference even. Weigh after you eat, after you shower. Learn how the weight changes, it will get you seeing that the scale is not evil but that your body changes.

    Then sit back, look at your food journal and evaluate if you did anything to cause that 1lb gain or is it just water, swelling, salt, etc.... Learn to use the scale as a tool, just like your diary... it is not the enemy. I laugh at some of the gains sometimes because I know that they are ridiculous and not something I am doing. We have no control over what choices our body makes.

    I think this is bad advise. It may work for some, but for others it could be a one way ticket to eating disorders. One of the reasons I don't weigh myself often is because I grew up with a sister with a severe eating disorder. I watched her look at her stomach in the mirror and weigh herself multiple times a day and being depressed...Even when she had a BMI of 14!! It's not healthy.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    don't stop weighing yourself. I never weighed myself -- it was a way to never really face what worked for me and what didn't. I was in denial.

    The scale is tricky. I think we use it to justify maybe quitting. So -- I think you should weigh once a week and use your tight jeans to try on as a cross reference.

    But truly..after you reach goal...weighing every day is key in maintianing.
  • GabsMommy28
    GabsMommy28 Posts: 47 Member
    It isn't always as easy to just throw it away or to stop doing it. When you have OCD or are addicted to something it can actually be physically painful to do something different or force the change. I know from experience. Maybe talk to your Mom, if she is supportive and get her to help you. And I would suggest if this keeps up, you may need to talk to a professional about why you are so attached to it.
  • sarahr512
    Throw away the scale!
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    Are you a freshman in high school or college? The reason why I ask is that A) From your profile pic you look pretty healthy... B) You look pretty young C) If you are in high school get off of the scale... Stay active and remain healthy but don't let that number dictate your life at such a young age. Remind yourself to stay healthy throughout life and hopefully you won't need the scale as you get older either. Girls are too concerned about their weight anymore and that is what may lead to an eating disorder. Once again stay active, eat healthy, take care of yourself. Good luck :-)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Just stop.

    It's not that easy. It's a habit that you grow into and is hard to break.

    It is. I have a scale, too.

    ditto. today was my first weigh in in 6 weeks.
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    I would second having a family member actually hide it or lock it up. If you switch to weighing yourself weekly I think you'll really like it. It's nice to see those big happy downward changes all at once - you really see the big picture instead of getting caught up in minor fluctuations.

    I weigh myself every Saturday morning on an empty stomach after going to the bathroom, and the satisfaction of seeing a solid 1-3 pound loss instead of little changes up and down all week is enough to keep me from stepping on any other time :)
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and everytime i gain like .1 lbs i get so pissed off and get frustrated...
    Im really trying not to weigh myself for at least 2 weeks... any advice?
    I placed the scale in my parents room but i could not resist myself from going on it today.

    It's like deliberately running into a wall and smashing your face each time. Why do something that ends up hurting you? Find out what makes you engage in a behavior that's knocking you down every day.