Am I fat??



  • fitbabe49
    fitbabe49 Posts: 19 Member
    I wouldn't worry so much about the number on the scales. The calculation of BMI is just a guideline and doesn't apply to people which are muscular. I'm one of those people whose weight is quite high, but don't look like it. My bones seem to be quite big and I'm also quite muscular..
    I'm looking in the mirror and how my clothes fit me to judge myself in terms of weight.
    You seems to be very active and happy with yourself, so don't worry about anything!!!!

    PS: Funny most people don't seem to notice that you are 5'11 that equals to 1,80m in metric terms. 215 pounds = 97kg.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Yeah bro, you're probably fat. Trust your parents. Their guidance is based on love for you.
  • AmyEE77
    AmyEE77 Posts: 3
    Speaking as a parent, I would never dream of calling or telling my child they were fat. I think that there is a healthier and more positive way to approach it without add a complex or guilt upon your shoulders. Why not encourage you to get motivated and moving? Eating more healthy? Just my 2 cents on the matter.....
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    It's hard to say without a picture. Going purely by BMI yes you are overweight.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Speaking as a parent, I would never dream of calling or telling my child they were fat. I think that there is a healthier and more positive way to approach it without add a complex or guilt upon your shoulders. Why not encourage you to get motivated and moving? Eating more healthy? Just my 2 cents on the matter.....

    I thought the same thing. But, I have a daughter who tells everyone that I am calling her "fat" if I invite her to go with me to the YMCA.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    My husband is 5'11" and 145 but he is on the lower end of normal for his height. Unless you are very muscular, you are probably carrying extra fat.
  • Jheer32
    Jheer32 Posts: 7
    Got a pic up, hope it helps
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    My parents think that I am extremely overweight.

    Your parents must be smoking crack....
  • rpolly30
    Just looked at your picture. You don't look fat. You clearly have some muscle which is what is increasing your BMI. You could stand to cut a little to bring out your muscles but I would not consider you fat.
  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    You are definately NOT extremely overweight....! My hubby is about 5'9" and is 14 stone which is only a stone lighter than you. However, you are over 2 inches taller. From what you say you're physically fit so I wouldn't worry too much.
  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    Your parents must be smoking crack....

    Funny! (and I agree)
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    I love my kids too much to protect them from harm they may be doing to their bodies. I discuss fitness with my kids frequently, but ultimately it's their choice. I can't protect them from themselves. Only love them passionately, whoop their butts when they are disrespectful, disobedient, or dihonest, and pray fro them daily.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Got a pic up, hope it helps

    Dude, are you full of sh_T? I mean...c'mon now. Are you just posting for attention? If that's really your pic you had no business posting up this thread.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    My parents think that I am extremely overweight. I am 5''11 ft 215lbs male. I know my bmi is high(30.0)

    I wouldn't go off BMI. I'd go off body fat.

    I am also 5"11 and I'm 220lbs at the moment but I have lots of visible fat on my stomach and upper back and my BF% is somewhere between 26-28%. Even though we are the same height and nearly the same weight. You are visibly skinnier than me and I wouldn't classify you as fat to look at you.
  • Jheer32
    Jheer32 Posts: 7
    That's really me. And my parents have been calling me overweight for a few years now and its starting to really get to me. But I promise u that I'm not lying in any part of this thread
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    That's really me. And my parents have been calling me overweight for a few years now and its starting to really get to me. But I promise u that I'm not lying in any part of this thread

    That's ridiculous. You look great.
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    In your original post you said you are 16. That being the case and you a male, you have a good 2 - 3, maybe even 4 years of grownig to do yet! It may not be much, but you will still gain height and possibly shoulder width (my son did). Stay active, work out some in between team sports, feed your body a balanced and healthy diet, give it what it needs to operate, monitor yourself, and try not to become overly worried. If it is an issue between you and your parents, offer to let a dr. settle it by determining your BF.
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    You look fine but if you are still conserned get a full physical with cholesterol and fat measurement test. They have more accurate tools than a calculator. Then show results to your parents. If they are sooo concerned fo your being overweight what are they feeding you? Are they placing healthy portioned controled meals before you. How do they look are they practicing what they preach? You have to consoder the source before taking it to heart. Just stay away from soda and pick healthly eating habits and splurge every other month or so. I think you are fine. I would never call my child fat or overweight. I would just invlove myself and my kid with healthy activities! Far as I can tell you okay
  • Jheer32
    Jheer32 Posts: 7
    Thank you all for all your help. It really does help me out. I always appreciate more comments about anything.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    The number on the scale does not reflect who you are and the body you have. Don't become a slave of the scale. Based on the picture in your profile, you look fit. I think your parents need to approach you differently. By calling you fat, extremely overweight, etc., they're raising a self-conscious young man. They created low self esteem in you and because of their negativity it's only going to grow. How do you feel about yourself?