Ever leaving MFP?



  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am near goal but intend to keep using MFP. I have lost weight before and found the maintenance thing more difficult than the actual dieting, and just end up putting the weight back back on. I don't want to have to do this again, so monitoring my food and exercise is the way forward for me. I also intend to hit various fitness goals, as working towards a target focuses my mind.
    ELCABRA Posts: 50 Member
    Well I feel you one hundred percent, some times I feel obligated to comment or to log on but then I think of those times when someones kind words were just enough to give me that lil push to get my *kitten* moving and I think I don't wanna rob someone of that support. In reality this site and MFP in general has all but replaced my Facebook time, I figure at least I am doing something positive for me , I mean playing angry birds or beating someone in scrabble only gets you so far.....
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    haha OP's join date jun/12 ;D
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I reached goal in April/May of this year and even though I don't log everyday I do check in and log 5 days a week. I want to make sure I'm eating the right things and keep up my healthy ways. After reaching goal, in one month I dropped 10 pounds (a few life-interruptions through off my body) and I'm attempting to put a few of those back on. MFP seems to help keep me on track, even if it's not every day.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Hmmm, I can see myself becoming less involved with MFP over time. I don't think I'll be leaving in the near future, but I do hope to develop a lifestyle that allows me to leave one day.
  • fishermanwife
    im not near my goal but it is time consuming and with 4 little kids i cant neglect them, mfp has taught me too look at a real serving and only eat it and that things have many more calories than what anyone thinks so i dont log every day anymore just when i have time and i also log the bad days when i have time to remind myself the hidden dangers out there, i dont want to be dependent on this program and should be able to do it on my head i feel bc if they ever start charging for the program i wont have money to pay for it
  • dogberry3
    for me MFP doesn't take much of my time because I don't spend much time on the forums etc. I focus on what I need to do for me and if I see a topic I like when i'm on my home page I will sometimes click and comment (like today) but I actually don't daily log like some do. I actually use this to plan my meals for the week then I make a shopping list from it and that keeps me from cheating ever because if I don't buy the nasty stuff at the store and it isn't in my house and I have a meal all planned out then I stick to the plan. I actually found that I spend less time doing it that way because I'm not spending much time in the week scrambling for what to eat. I will probably always use it because it is sooooooooooo easy to track food and keep on track and I too have a long way to go. My first goal is to be on here a year and lose 100 lbs. So far I've been on since end of June and I've lost 27lbs I am on track and feeling really good about myself so why would I leave some place that makes me feel so successful?
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    Thats a great question.

    I'm using MFP to get me back on track and I don't honestly know if I will stay with it period. I imagine I will get to my goal and need help maintaining it for a while as I don't want to be eating my Calorie count for the rest of my life lol.

    I think for me it's about finding the right balance and support. Also being there to help others too. After you get to your goal you will have invaluable knowledge to hopefully help others. Not that you haven't got it now! You never stop learning even the things that don't work for you, might work for someone else.

    Even at this early stage, I would hope I am going to be on here for a while after I get to where I am going, if not for myself, then most certainly for others.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    If I stop logging my food, I will get lazy and slip back into old bad habits. Then I will have to come back here and lose the weight again. So, I'm planning on staying here for life. I am done with the weightloss rollercoaster. I do spend a lot of time on here, but it's because I want to be here. But the logging the food part doesn't take that much time. If I got tired of the rest of it, (not that I would) there wouldn't be a problem coming on here and just logging food. =)
  • suenix24
    suenix24 Posts: 121 Member
    nope ;)
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Not at goal weight yet but I think I will probably use it for a while after I do. I know myself and I am very much a creature of habit. I went from eating whatever I wanted to a "structured" program. So if I stopped logging in I may slip up. But with that said I have learned so much about food and calories during my journey that I think I could probably stay on track without it. I plan to get pregnant next year though and plan to use mfp to help me gain at a healthy rate.

    I love mfp though and have no plans to leave anytime soon. Every morning logging in is one of the first things I do.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I don't think I would leave MFP unless they started charging.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    This is certainly something I have considered.

    I have been maintaining on here for over six months now and I did have a phase of wondering if this was it - that would be writing down everything I eat and drink every day for the rest of my life and in a way - begrudged it because I wanted to be one of those 'thin people' that just ate/lived normally without too much focus or attention on food. I do find that MFP has me thinking about food more than I would like!

    I did come off the programme a couple of months ago for two weeks and found that you do need to stay accountable. I used it as a learning process and realised my mistakes. I have now tailored my eating habits to be maintainable (hopefully) without recording food so eating three meals a day, and no snacking and knowing when I can enjoy myself on occasion.

    I am currently training for a half marathon so I am logging everything into MFP as it's important I eat exercise cals back, but I'm considering trying to distance myself from the programme a bit following that. Though I think it would be best to do it gradually.

    Edit: I wouldn't leave it entirely - it's the food logging I want to start letting go of. But I wouldn't delete my account as I have met some wonderful people on here that I wouldn't want to lose touch with and would want to be there when they hit their goals.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    After I get to my goal weight and feel comfortable in my skills to maintain and eat healthy foods in proper portions sizes, I will probably stop using MFP as much. I'll most likely come back if I see my weight start going up or down and see where I'm going wrong.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    If I left MFP, that would be like saying " thank you very much for your support, but I got mine, good luck with yours.." to my friends, who made it possible for me to reach my goals. I won't quit until every single friend of mine has reached their goals.
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    I think I will stay on as long as my work doesn't block the site. :)
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm thinking about it actually. I cut my "friends" list from over 120 down to about 10 because I didn't want th distractions of 10 "wtg" comments whenever I logged something. I've been at maintenance for some time & hit most of my weight loss goals last year. What I don't want to give up is the control I have over my nutrition through logging & tracking my intake. I know that I could walk away & probably do alright but I don't want to slip back into old bad habits.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Not logging is a definite goal for me, I have a framework now, I know what works and I don't want to be tied to documenting my nutrition, it's not natural.

    I might stick around the forums to annoy people though ;)
  • lifescircle
    I'm thinking about it actually. I cut my "friends" list from over 120 down to about 10 because I didn't want th distractions of 10 "wtg" comments whenever I logged something. I've been at maintenance for some time & hit most of my weight loss goals last year. What I don't want to give up is the control I have over my nutrition through logging & tracking my intake. I know that I could walk away & probably do alright but I don't want to slip back into old bad habits.

    LOL... WTG!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    MFP is like my bank account for calories.
    I keep my bank account up...and balancing the checkbook and paying bills suck...
    I keep my calorie account up (MFP)...and logging and exercising suck...
    (i hope that changes, but for now it is less work to log than it is to make sure I'm getting in a good workout.)

    Maybe I should change the analogy to be "balancing the checkbook and going to work to make the deposits...?
    I actually LIKE most of my job...just not the paperwork part! This way, I can hold out hope to find a "job" (exercise) that I love!

    ETA: I will balance my checkbook forever...and I will be a MFP member forever. I get WAY more out of MFP than my bank account. (no banking buddies to encourage me or lift my spirits...) and It doesn't take that much time to log...especially with the bar code scanner on my android phone. click...add...eat (except when I find out that item costs too much.)