Do you need to eat breakfast?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I believe you should eat breakfast, thats your way of breaking your fast. Thats why its called Breakfast, so that your metabolism can wake up.
    Oh holy mother...

    It doesn't sleep, it doesn't stop. If it did, you would DIE.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    I've stopped eating breakfast about a week ago and I haven't self combusted yet. But you might want to check back with me in a month or so. Maybe the nefarious effects of breakfast shunning take a little big longer to manifest themselves. ;-)
  • sakisus
    sakisus Posts: 13
    Hi everybody! This is my first post here.
    I am not a professional and my opinion is based on my personal experience only.
    The answer behind the breakfast question is more complicated than a "Yes" or "No" only because it has to do with the reason behind it.
    And the reason will "complete" the question. "Do you need to eat breakfast....
    before you workout
    /before an IQ test
    /before your most important interview
    /before laying on the couch all day
    / before going to work on a construction site
    /before going to perform an open heart surgery? and so on.
    Because it is one thing to "feed" your body it is also important to give our brains the essential nutrients to work as good as it gets.
    Like everything else in life, every job needs its particular tools, and I see breakfast as a tool. There is no reason to use a hammer to cut an apple.
  • fernandesg
    fernandesg Posts: 54 Member
    EAT BREAKFAST ! If you dont your baody will start to convert muscle and your important tissue for energy rather than fat.
    total bs. There is zero science to back up that theory.

    The quote here is a newspaper article, not scientific proof. I have been in science for 20 years and newspaper journalists are not scientists - they sell papers, not do science (no offense to any journalists - just pointing out that they are not scientific experts; no implication of intentional misinformation :wink: ). Even WebMD put a disclaimer after their reference to the article:
    "These findings were presented at a medical conference. They should be considered preliminary, as they have not yet undergone the "peer review" process, in which outside experts scrutinize the data prior to publication in a medical journal." It is actually very poor professional practice to announce any results before peer review!

    Skepticism is key when reading any article/study (there are entire university courses dedicated to exactly that, and for good reason). Medical professionals can give you the best advice (drs, nutritionists) and your own body will tell you what is best for you.

    Personally, some days I eat breakfast, some days I don't. I find if I get up early for work, I am super hungry by 7am, but if I sleep in on the weekends until 8-9am, I can wait until noon to eat (and then I have more calories to play with).
  • fernandesg
    fernandesg Posts: 54 Member
    "Breakfast consumption is independently associated with a lower BMI in adults in a number of cross-sectional
    studies. Only two prospective studies and four randomized trials were found to date, and the results from these are inconsistent. Although the precise mechanisms are unclear, breakfast eating may prevent obesity and related chronic conditions through a number of behavioral and biological mechanisms, including being part of an overall healthful eating pattern, improving the composition of the diet, and, through a variety of substrate/metabolic pathways, aiding in appetite control throughout the day."

    Peer reviewed journal. Admittedly slightly old but still interesting.

    Timlin, M. T., & Pereira, M. A. (2007). Breakfast Frequency and Quality in the Etiology of Adult Obesity and Chronic Diseases. Nutrition Reviews, 65(6), 268-281.

    Point is, you can find any thing to support your view if you want to; even if it is a peer reviewed journal.

    Do what works for you. If you don't eat breakfast and it works for you, go for it! If you need breakfast to wake up in the morning and it works for you, go for it!

    What she said! Well put!
    <high five>
  • horsehockey
    horsehockey Posts: 24 Member
    If you think about how humans evolved, it's unlikely that you 'need' 3 meals per day, just eat when you're actually hungry.

    I do eat breakfast, but not till around 10-11am... I find that as I get older, I simply have no appetite first thing in the morning.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I eat breakfast because I got 2 small kids that I definitely need the energy for at least that's the reason I tell people , the real reason is cuz I am a fat *kitten* that loves food and I will use any excuse to eat cuz everyone says I have to eat breakfast... I am just giving the people what they want.
  • fitQueenbeast
    I need to eat breakfast. Not eating breakfast, for me, results in blood sugar crashes, worsening of mental health problems (my brain does not function well at all without sugar) and dizziness/lightheadedness (I have low blood pressure too so low BP + blood sugar crash = big problems). And it's not just a matter of eating something, it has to be good quality carbs like weetabix. (actually I prefer oatibix but it's not on sale here). Cheerios (even though they claim to be 70% wholegrain) don't prevent me having these problems, if anything they and other poor quality cereals make them worse.

    That said if someone is doing fine without breakfast, i.e. losing fat the healthy way or maintaining a healthy body composition, then I don't see the point in forcing yourself to eat it. As the OP says, so long as you're getting your macros, meal timing is about what works for you. I function way better on several small meals a day.
    excellent post

    Agreed. I operate better on the five small meals a day. Thanks for posting!

  • likemeinvisible
    EAT BREAKFAST ! If you dont your baody will start to convert muscle and your important tissue for energy rather than fat.
    total bs. There is zero science to back up that theory.

    From your article:
    "People who eat breakfast daily are likely to have other healthy habits that could also explain the association, he says."

    And I thought breakfast is a magic meal that makes us strong and healthy.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I HAVE to eat breakfast. It's the only way I can get the moor running in the morning and I HAVE to eat every three hours to keep it running, and to keep from passing out. such is life.
  • annafonte
    annafonte Posts: 82 Member
    Well breakfast works for me...I cannot function with out it!