iPhone 4S or Galaxy S III?



  • ninjakitty81
    My mom has the SIII, she has no idea how to use it, so it's always me doing everything for her on it... hate it!
    Will stick with my iPhone anyday.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I don't even think they are comparable, I would go with the GS2 over the Iphone 4S. Androids now are amazingly better than when they first came out, and there is so much more you can do with them, but for the average user they are both going to do the same thing, the GS3 is just going to do it faster with a brighter screen that is going to last longer, because Apple blew by not going with the organic LED screens. Mostly you will find that people who think the Iphone is better, are people who wont try android, because they were made to believe Apple is the best product in the world. I do have an Ipod, and a Mac book though, just so you know I'm not bias against the company.

    I don't subscribe to that theory. I think Apple, and Google, and Microsoft do a good job at keeping someone within their "eco-system." If you buy an android when it came out, and were happy with it - would you switch platforms just to try something, or would you upgrade to another android when you can keep your apps, contacts, music, (and so on) the same that you have built through Google's other services? I think most people tend to stay with the platform they started with, and - though many have switched - most do not.

    maybe i'm wrong on that, but i don't think i am.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    android > Apple. That said. Get whichever one you like better.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I personally prefer Androids over the Iphone. I buy my phones at Best Buy. They have all the carriers and don't make you wait for stupid rebates. Also, if you go with their protection plan, it covers everything, even water damage.

    AppleCare covers water damage. Total Equipment Protection from Sprint through Asurion also covers water damage.

    Never. EVER. In a million years would I recommend a third party for a cell phone purchase. Always go to an "official" store if you can.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I would defiantly go with the SIII. If you really want an Iphone I wait a month or so for the new one. Even then for me I would still go with android. I waiting and hoping for the new Note2 if it comes to Sprint.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    Don't get sucked into the hype of Apple... I have the GSII (also on Sprint) and I love it, so I imagine the GSIII is even better. Samsung is reliable and isn't slave to the Apple kingdom. Also, the microSD slot is great for added storage space (especially for music) that can be exchanged out easily. Also, you don't have to have an exclusive charger for your phone, and hooking it up to your computer to access stuff is simple, no iTunes needed! Also, it is easy to root your phone if you so choose, and Android is an awesome OS. =]

    Whatever you decide, enjoy your new phone!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    GS3... although my 4.0.4 ICS update sucked the battery out of my phone (i have a S2)
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I have had better experience at Best Buy than I have had at the Sprint stores. I have used the Best Buy insurance several times (I have 10 phones between us) and it's never been an issue. Maybe I am just lucky.
  • BubbleGumKisses
    BubbleGumKisses Posts: 156 Member
    I work at a Verizon store and there's sooo much more from the Galaxy S 3 than the iPhone....

    Android does have more free apps, and voice navigated turn by turn navigation... The Galaxy has something similar to Siri that the iphone 4S has, so that part is the same.... But iphone people will usually tell you that iphone is better, and android people prefer android....

    The Android has a MicroSD card slot, so you could add more memory space to it, where as the iPhone only has as much memory as you buy, like the 8GB, 16GB, etc....

    If you want the sliding keyboard have you looked at the Droid4?
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Don't get sucked into the hype of Apple... I have the GSII (also on Sprint) and I love it, so I imagine the GSIII is even better. Samsung is reliable and isn't slave to the Apple kingdom. Also, the microSD slot is great for added storage space (especially for music) that can be exchanged out easily. Also, you don't have to have an exclusive charger for your phone, and hooking it up to your computer to access stuff is simple, no iTunes needed! Also, it is easy to root your phone if you so choose, and Android is an awesome OS. =]

    Whatever you decide, enjoy your new phone!

    BWHAH! Not a slave to the Apple Kingdom? Let's see... what did they do to get the iPhone:

    - Got rid of their premiere status for users which voided out one year upgrades.
    - They cannot insure iPhones with their own insurance because Apple provides their own insurance.
    - Sprint repair centers cannot open iPhones to change batteries/cameras etc.
    - Sprint got rid of their accessory discount for the iPhone.

    Need I go on?
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I personally prefer Androids over the Iphone. I buy my phones at Best Buy. They have all the carriers and don't make you wait for stupid rebates. Also, if you go with their protection plan, it covers everything, even water damage.

    AppleCare covers water damage. Total Equipment Protection from Sprint through Asurion also covers water damage.

    Never. EVER. In a million years would I recommend a third party for a cell phone purchase. Always go to an "official" store if you can.

    I have bought several phones through Best Buy and have never had a problem. Personal preference I guess.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    wait for the iPhone 5............then we can facetime. add me ;-)
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    I have the Galaxy S III!!! It is awesome I love all the features that it has.

    My best advise is go to the Sprint store and play with both devices, go with whatever feels right.
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I find it interesting that so many people are polarized when it comes to Apple vs Android. I have an Iphone and love it. However, that's because it's simple to use. My husband has an android phone and loves it. I tried to use his for a bit, but I like the ability to just turn it on and go. I don't want to have to futz with creating widgets or moving icons from screen to screen. So, it's more just the simplicity for me. Yes, Android can be customized out the wazoo...which a lot of people like. For me, it's just more of a headache.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Just bought the Galaxy S III. It's freaking awesome. The speed, options, and graphics are great. Even the battery life is good so far. No real complaints.

    I'm going to agree with this. I love the new SIII! I've never had anything but android phones though.

    I was really nervous when getting away from my slide out keyboard, but what helped me was the swipe texting they have now. It's the only way I text/write anymore.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 434 Member
    I've had my Galaxy S III since they came out, and it's been a great phone. I previously had the original Galaxy S, and the S III is much, much better phone. The screen is amazing, it is not laggy/glitchy like the original GS was, and the battery life has been good as well. With a normal day of usage, I still have over 50% battery life. No issue with the GPS in the S III either.

    I also use a IPhone S4 as my work "beeper", and I prefer the S III.
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    I switched from android to the iPhone when sprint got it and love it. My wife just upgraded to the galaxy three. I considered switching back because it is a very nice phone. Unfortunately android os is garbage, constantly crashing, eating battery life and just not quick to use. I customize everything and am tech savy but there is no need to jailbreak or unlock either of these phones. I was tempted to go back to android but the iPhone is just so trouble free. Battery life seals the deal.
  • ablissabby
    ablissabby Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! So funny - I'm making the same decision tonight. I've been leaning towards the SIII, but I really like the idea of Siri. Do you know of any links where I can read more about voice feature on the Galaxy?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Don't get sucked into the hype of Apple... I have the GSII (also on Sprint) and I love it, so I imagine the GSIII is even better. Samsung is reliable and isn't slave to the Apple kingdom. Also, the microSD slot is great for added storage space (especially for music) that can be exchanged out easily. Also, you don't have to have an exclusive charger for your phone, and hooking it up to your computer to access stuff is simple, no iTunes needed! Also, it is easy to root your phone if you so choose, and Android is an awesome OS. =]

    Whatever you decide, enjoy your new phone!

    BWHAH! Not a slave to the Apple Kingdom? Let's see... what did they do to get the iPhone:

    - Got rid of their premiere status for users which voided out one year upgrades.
    - They cannot insure iPhones with their own insurance because Apple provides their own insurance.
    - Sprint repair centers cannot open iPhones to change batteries/cameras etc.
    - Sprint got rid of their accessory discount for the iPhone.

    Need I go on?

    she said "Samsung" wasn't slave to the Apple Kingdom. Not "Sprint."
  • T311
    T311 Posts: 3 Member
    Galaxy S3 Rocks!!! I love this phone! Good battery life! Charges fast too! Option to buy another battery to take with you. Awesome screen! Great camera! You can buy a micro sd card up to 64GB to store pics and videos. Best phone out at this time!