

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,132 Member
    Hi Jam!
    I'm a big eater, I grew up with 3 brothers and had to keep up with them. So now I have the little plastic measuring cups 1/3 cup, 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, 1 cup - and portion out every meal with those so I know exactly how much of everything I'm getting. Even my oils, I measure out with the measuring spoons. It may sound a bit anal retentive, but it works for me! That way I don't cheat! :wink:

    Oh, I thought 'Everyone' measured all their food. I have a food scale and measure everything to the gram.....Though, I have to say it is so time consuming. Some days I just don't log my food - and guesstimate due to time restrictions. After doing this for 10 weeks, I am more comfortable with taking rough estimates.

    cmriverside AKA cheryl
  • lavittabela
    Tell them that your not on a diet. " Im just eating healthy"
    You can tell them that you are trying to eat healther, and make better choices when it come to your health.
    And just a tip drink a lot of water befor dinner it will help you curve your appitite.

    Nothing is off limits eat everything in moderation. good luck
  • janieF
    janieF Posts: 17
    Yeh, I have been trying to measure things out, but its soo hard because where I work I have very little break time. And I am kind of a procrastinator in the mornings when i am getting ready.... I've tried those South Beach Diet things, because then all the info is on there and ready for me...
    I think I just get super discouraged because the weight just WON'T GO AWAY! Ugh