What do you do with clothes that don't fit you anymore?



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Trousers I'll get altered (usually by Mum as she's a dab hand with the sewing machine :bigsmile: ). Tops I'll keep wearing until they look huge and if they've not worn out, will go to charity. Underwear gets chucked and I buy new :bigsmile:

    Saying that, given I've not reached the end of my weight loss journey, I'm buying most of my 'new' clothes from charity shops. I was highly amused recently to see a top I'd donated actually on the rail of a local charity shop and a woman exclaiming over what a good find she'd just made :laugh:
  • GefMongoose
    I just give them away and feel pleased with myself!
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Give them away, donate or sell on ebay, depending on the brand & condition. I had a lot of brand name jeans that I bought a few months ago that are too big, so I sold them on ebay to get money to buy new ones!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Donate my clothes.
  • CRichards22
    Kept my two largest items. kept only One tub of the nicest things for after I have my 3 baby (we want to try next year) and the rest gave to Goodwill. I don't plan on every being my largest size again, but I know I'll need some for after baby, just not alot. That way I don't have any choice but to get smaller. Hopefully I won't gain much and that tub can just go right to goodwill along with everything else! BUt I've taken 6 bags of clothes so far this year and donated! :-)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Anything I can alter so I get more wear from it I do on my sewing machine, other than that if it's still in decent shape it goes to Dr Barnardo's charity shop, if not it goes in the bin :smile:
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    Since I had too much nice clothes to give away I've called few charities to come and pick them up (those who offer this service of course), but none of them bothered so I threw everything away. I am buying new clothes very slowly since I am still losing weight, especially bottoms are a pain in the *kitten*, even if my weight didn't change much since I started exercising I lost a lot inches in waist.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I gave away all the stuff in good shape, threw out the stuff that wasn't. Some of it had been through 2 newborns and all the spitting up that they bring with them. Ewwww.

    It wasn't a big deal for me to get rid of all my bigger stuff though beceause I have a whole closet full of skinny clothes waiting that I don't fit into yet. So right now I'm in the in between stuff, which I also had waiting in the closet.
  • Uxorial
    Uxorial Posts: 38
    I've done a variety of things over the years (lost 100 lbs):

    *given to a friend for her mom.

    *donated to a charity shop.

    *gave to a women-returning-to-work organisation.

    *gave to women's shelter.

    *rags, made quilts.

    *recycled to other wear (work tops become gym tops, sleep tops).

    *I now buy pants that fit properly but have drawstrings (all my pjs do), skirts.... all more forgiving clothing for weight loss.

    With this next batch I am consigning them. I'm on a budget right now and trying to lose my last 40 lbs. Consignment stores will often give you higher credit than cash. So I am going to do that to keep myself clothed.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    If I still like clothes I get them altered, if not I donate.

    I have a friend who had quite a bit to lose and she's very active in a bootcamp. They would periodically have clothing swaps.
  • MrsAlexS
    I am keeping them in hopes I will fit in them again. :)
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    As soon as a piece of clothing outgrows me I donate it to a shelter for abused women. Some of those women come in there with only the clothes on their backs if that.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    As of now I keep them becaue I yo yo a lot. But once I am offically done I will give friends first dibs and send the rest to a womens battered shelter.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Once I have reached my ultimate goal, I will donate them. For now, since I'm still trying to lose, they're all I got to wear since I don't want to buy new clothes just to lose more weight and they too, become big and have to be donated.
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    I donate my clothes. I make it a point to make a donation list and then bring it to a place that gives you a receipt instead of just dropping them in the donation bins that are in the back of shopping centers. I use the good will/salvation army list that the IRS (US) reccomends to tally up the clothing's value and deduct it off my taxes. I help less fortunate folks get nice clothing and I save a few bucks on my taxes. Win/Win to me.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I take in what I can and Freecycle or donate the rest. Gave away 2 big bags of 18's to a lady who had also just lost a bunch of weight also so she was happy and I was happy to see them go to good use.

    I'll likely try to take the bra bands in if I can as the bra's I have are still quite new and they aren't cheap for my size so throwing them out isn't really an option.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    If they're in good condition, I donate them. If they're really worn or have something wrong with them, I throw them away or make them into rags for the garage.
  • ovege
    ovege Posts: 110 Member
    I sold my nicer clothes at a consignment shop and the regular ones I donated for the tax write off.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I donate them to Goodwill.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Please donate usable clothes.
    If you don't like the goodwill try a homeless shelters, battered women shelters, veterans services and disaster victims services all need clothes.