Runners- frustrating TMI question



  • jakilde
    jakilde Posts: 22
    I get up extra early and have a cup of coffee and gets everything moving go sure! After, I can enjoy my run free of errr, the runs:)
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    I've got the same problem a lot of time! I still haven't found a way to fix it, except than choosing a route with bathrooms on it :S
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Avoid dairy the evening before.

    A small coffee works to set things moving pre run.

    A banana or oats just before the run helps by binding things.
  • Abbygrlbff
    Abbygrlbff Posts: 52 Member
    This is hitting way too close to home, and is the reason I don't run in the mornings on work days. I literally had to go on the bike path one time. I just did a squat right there...SOOOO embarrassing...hahaha, but you have to do what you have to do. Thank GOD no one was in that section of the path at that time! :)
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    You're totally normal.

    The women's marathon world record holder, Paula Radcliffe, once had to lower her pants and relieve herself in front of God, the cameras, and everybody.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Well, surely that early in the morning, no one is around, so you could go behind a bush if you needed to!

    When I go for long walks, several hours long, I go to the toilet behind a bush when no one is around. But my walks are in the woods - might be a bit more difficult in an urban area! But I find if I make myself go to the toilet twice before I leave, then I can last a 5 hour walk just fine. In your situation, I would drink two glasses of water as soon as I wake up, and then go to the toilet straight after. Then I would go again to the toilet before leaving. The two glasses of water should make it possible to go twice.

    ETA: Oh, um, I think I might have misunderstood the question! I thought you meant to pee. Never mind then. Disregard what I said. Maybe some prune juice the night before would help you be ready to go when you wake up.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Well, surely that early in the morning, no one is around, so you could go behind a bush if you needed to!

    When I go for long walks, several hours long, I go to the toilet behind a bush when no one is around. But my walks are in the woods - might be a bit more difficult in an urban area! But I find if I make myself go to the toilet twice before I leave, then I can last a 5 hour walk just fine. In your situation, I would drink two glasses of water as soon as I wake up, and then go to the toilet straight after. Then I would go again to the toilet before leaving. The two glasses of water should make it possible to go twice.

    I don't think this is a water issue.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    haha- part of the reason I prefer to run on a treadmill!!

    But makes total sense -- this is, after all, part of the reason we walk our dogs! to get things moving..... just gotta change your body's routine, shouldn't take too long. :)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My only early morning runs are Sunday mornings but I have had the same problem.

    What has worked for me are jumping jacks. Sounds silly I know but after I am dressed and ready to go. I do 25 - 50 jumping jacks. This loosens things up enough to go. So, after I go then I can start my run.

    In addition, I have made a point of not eating after 8pm on Saturday nights when I know I will be running the next morning. Less in the tummy = a more fun run in the AM.

    One of my running buddies calls this situation the "Runner's Runs"! :-)
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Wow! After reading these responses, I feel very fortunate!! I have a very sluggish GI system. On a long run, I might get a little discomfort about 5 miles in and then it passes. However, sometime AFTER my run, the bathroom must not be too far away. Guess I'm lucky to not have too big of an issue during the run!

    When I ran my first half marathon back in May, I wondered why people were waiting in HUGE lines for the porta potties behind the start line. Guess MOST folks need to handle business before hitting the course!!

    As "TMI" a subject as it seems, it's definitely been educational for me today!! :-)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's kind of a relief to know this is common.

    I get up at 4:00 am to do my morning runs during the week and drink some water and quietly walk around the house to try to get things moving. Giving myself the extra time instead of just getting up and heading out has helped a lot. I still carry some TP with me but haven't had to use it for the past several runs so hopefully my body is getting accustomed to taking care of stuff a little more quickly. It's not a GI distress thing from the running it's just my body saying "time to ****!" When I run in the afternoons I don't have any issues.

    I've been running in a neighborhood that has a lot of new houses still being built so there are portacans everywhere an no one using them at 4:00 am. I'm about to move into a neighborhood that doesn't have that feature so I'm hoping I'm past the need.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Yup, running is pretty much the only thing that keeps me regular! All my regular running routes have a public convenience within the first mile or two, or my warm-up is around the block so I can drop back home before carrying on! It's been a bit, ahem, touch and go some times! :blushing:
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks soooo much for the responses! Some have made me giggle, but Im so glad Im not alone! I will definitely give some new things a try. I run in the subdivisions around my area, so there is not a single place that is not either on a busy road or at someone's house. I ALMOST thought about finding a bush at someone's house! THen I thought "Well, at least Im wearing black leggings, so if I DO go on myself, at least you wont be able to see it!" AHH! But even early in the morning, you never know who is up in their houses and may see or be upset that I use their bush as a toilet!

    Yeah...on the rare occasion I get to run in the afternoons, there is not an issue. THis is the reason my long runs are on Saturdays when hubby is home. (I should mention we have two small children, hence the reason I cant just leave and go anytime).
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I've found that certain veggies the night before will make the situation worse for me. Salad is a HUGE no-no. This was a learning process for me and not a fun one!

    I do get up early enough to try to make things happen before I go and usually I'm successful. But I've also had this issue when running in the evening. That's when the veggie choice is even more important. I also can't have any higher fat food and NO butter at all before a run.

    And I make sure to run where there are porta-potties along the way. Also, the laundromat is at about mile 6, so if there is a delayed response, I've ducked in there a time or two.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    really some great responses!
    I have not (know on wood) had this issue yet but I do have friends that do
    they carry alittle extra tp w/them on runs (just in case!)
    I would say if you could get up alittle earlier to give your body time to wake up then go before you run
    Maybe get in habit of watching what / when you eat night before may help too
    good luck!!
  • shellisugar
    shellisugar Posts: 120 Member
    Yes! I force myself to go before I leave. Now I think I have my body in a routine of going ( sorry I know that sounds gross). I also eat a half of a banana. Not sure why but that seems to work also.

    I also have to just 'make it happen' when I run in the morning. I also pee one last time just before I go out the door.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    lol you just have to experiment and see what works for YOU. I make sure I go before races and long runs, but if its 4 miles or less I dont eat before or go before, I just drink some water. Then by the time I come back and stretch, THAT's when I'm ready to go. Do what works for you haha :p
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    This is hitting way too close to home, and is the reason I don't run in the mornings on work days. I literally had to go on the bike path one time. I just did a squat right there...SOOOO embarrassing...hahaha, but you have to do what you have to do. Thank GOD no one was in that section of the path at that time! :)
    OMG! I'm sooo sorry you had to do this. I can't even imagine having to do that! And I thought that tooting LOUDLY the entire route was embarrassing. Btw, for anyone else with gas problems, to reduce the 'noise' from gas, I wear underwear under my running shorts. It makes a big difference. lol
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yeah, definitely do not drink coffee before your run if this is a problem for you. For me, coffee "gets things moving".

    Since you run in the morning, it is very important to make sure you are WELL HYDRATED for the 24 hours before your run. I don't mean guzzle a 24oz bottle of water 30 minutes before your run, I mean make sure your body is saturated with water even the day before (you should be peeing often). The feeling of "oh no, I gotta go #2" during a run is often (but not always) diarrhea due to dehydration. I get this if I don't have enough water in my system. If I hydrated well, I almost never experience it. It makes a huge difference for me personally.

    As for eating before your run... If it's a morning run, I have a bite or two of an energy bar, that's it. A full stomach will weigh you down and probably bother your digestive system.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Great tips everyone, thanks! I'm bumping so I can remember the pointers later! :laugh: