Censorship on MyFitnessPal Forums



  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I only abide by their rules for as long as I want to use their site. I'm fine with whatever.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    it's hard to tell when someone is being sarcastic or telling a joke or being serious, in pure text. so, to save confusion and hurt feelings, lots of stuff gets deleted by a blanket policy.

    i like it =/ i like it because i'm sensitive. and i LIKE being sensitive. life's been tough and i want to be sensitive, not hard shelled. i'm scared of my body image, i'm scared of my poor education on exercise and nutrition. i'm scared to make new friends, of sounding stupid, of asking one of those 'no question is stupid' questions and getting one of those 'duh, don't you know this is common sense??' answers.

    but i'm still here. and knowing that there are blanket policies that remind people 'yo, play nice' kinda makes me feel safer. i'm chubby and i've got already got a shell to break out of. i don't need to be pushed, like how my grandpa threw my twin cousins into the middle of a lake with life jackets and said 'now learn to swim'. it's okay to go slow, to go gentle, and just be cool. just chill and relax. but when people start throwing their opinion around like it's a right and not a privilege, it gets scary. and some of us slink back. we curl up with a bag of chips on the couch and shudder and stare at the computer screen that is now very far away and hope spam and time make the bad people stop! =D

    most posts here have been, like others said, very classy. and i like that. it helps me feel brave. i'm taking baby steps, i even respond to some posts - though surely not perfectly! and, i guess i'm one of the 'butt hurt' people who is grateful for policies like that. so, to mods of this forum and others unrelated ;) thanks. thanks for deleting things you weren't sure needed to be deleted but that you hit delete on just in case they might offend someone else. that someone else was probably me. thanks for keeping it a nice safe place and hey, if you have to use the guise of 'it's my castle, what i say goes' that's fine by me! i fully intend to play nice in your castle!

    maybe some people don't know what it's like to stumble accidentally into an offensive post and suddenly find yourself flying off the handle! some of us are here because we lack self control *blushes* like i said, baby steps. and MFP has so far been an amazingly safe place to take 'em!

    did i mention in my babble that i'm grateful? XD

    I don't think you're one of the "butthurt" people just because you support the censorship. Remember, everyone has an opinion, and yours is just as important as everyone else's so you should be able to voice it without degrading yourself :) Thank you for telling me your point of view xx
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    >I ask for no hate
    >Get slammed for voicing my opinion

    Thanks, guys

    People respectfully disagree with you and they're "slamming" you?

    Read page 2.

    Your post was on page 1. I saw people disagreeing and stating why they disagree. I didn't see anyone say anything that I would consider "slamming." People are allowed to not agree with you.

    On page 2, MissShansey said, "i feel like you are trying to censor the opinions of the people who see another point of view... nobody has “hated on you” or said anything rude to you .. or even given you attitude ... just ... different opinions ...


    and in reply, I stated that, "First of all, I never said anyone was "hating on me" so I'm not sure why you put it in quotes. And you don't think this is attitude? "ETA: Screaming over and over 'I'm an adult and I can do or say whatever I want' is a very immature attitude to have." Personally I do, because IMO I didn't come off as "screaming" that I could do whatever I wanted.... Taunto, Please show me where I was disrespectful."
    I then proceeded to quote Taunto's original message where he accused me of screaming:
    "This isn't a democracy...this is basically a private business.

    If you go to a store barefoot and without shirt, you get thrown out due to the law of "no shirt, no shoes, no service". Many businesses, even in state where its allowed, donot allow smoking inside premises. It's their business. If you don't like their policies, you can take your business elsewhere.

    I am personally fine with the censorship here. And I am one of the people who have gotten in trouble more than once for saying things. And I still believe it is fine. Why? Because I donot want every immature kid coming in here screaming and cussing. Neither do I want this site to turn into a porn site where everybody is showing off the goods. They have certain adult hookup sites for that if you like

    ETA: Screaming over and over "I'm an adult and I can do or say whatever I want" is a very immature attitude to have.

    Those who want respect, give respect"

    I agree, and challenged people to disagree with me in my first post. However, repeating the forum rules and telling me to accept it or leave is rude and also not very constructive.
  • buudharich
    Their site; their rules.

    Besides, this thread disproves your point: we aren't all adults. :wink:

    Plenty of other "adult" sites out there if you want to get into nitty gritty on stuff, that includes swearing. Way too much flirty nonsense with threads like "Is The Person Above You Cute". They should lock it down more imho.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    Also rml_16, why would you challenge my definition of getting "slammed" if you refuse to read the entirety of the thread to see what I was talking about?
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    u folks worry to much
  • liss125
    liss125 Posts: 77
    Their site; their rules.

    Besides, this thread disproves your point: we aren't all adults. :wink:

    Plenty of other "adult" sites out there if you want to get into nitty gritty on stuff, that includes swearing. Way too much flirty nonsense with threads like "Is The Person Above You Cute". They should lock it down more imho.

    Yeah, I roll my eyes when I see topics like, 'Rate the person above you, only if you can take it' or whatever. Though, I have to remember that there are many people who think stuff like that is fun. Pretty harmless, really. I assume it's harmless anyway, as they don't get taken down :) It's difficult, but I try my best not to be a grumpy old woman.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Also rml_16, why would you challenge my definition of getting "slammed" if you refuse to read the entirety of the thread to see what I was talking about?

    I did. No one slammed you.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    Ahh. I see it's hit the fan already this morning. I'll put on the coffee. It's gonna be a long day.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    1) In before this is locked like all the others as it should be because it doesn't do any good.

    2) Your freedom of speech is only protected from the government. Private entities are legally allowed to set limits when it comes to their property.

    3) Every board I have ever been on has had some sort of limit as to what can be posted or said. This includes some pretty open boards where even the "naughty" areas have some sort of rules. Think Reddit.

    4) You are supposed to actually read the TOS when you sign up before you agree to it.

    5) You do have the right to not use a product if you do not agree with the TOS.

    6) In conclusion, you can simply not use the forums on MFP if you do not agree with the TOS. You are not forced to be here.

    And yes, that is a valid conclusion. You can whine all you want about the rules, but you agreed to them. If you break your agreement then you get in trouble. It really is pretty simple but too many people don't seem to understand it.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Their sandbox, their rules. I could care less about thing like this on forums like this one. I run a forum of my own and I have rules there, too.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    1) In before this is locked like all the others as it should be because it doesn't do any good.

    2) Your freedom of speech is only protected from the government. Private entities are legally allowed to set limits when it comes to their property.

    3) Every board I have ever been on has had some sort of limit as to what can be posted or said. This includes some pretty open boards where even the "naughty" areas have some sort of rules. Think Reddit.

    4) You are supposed to actually read the TOS when you sign up before you agree to it.

    5) You do have the right to not use a product if you do not agree with the TOS.

    6) In conclusion, you can simply not use the forums on MFP if you do not agree with the TOS. You are not forced to be here.

    And yes, that is a valid conclusion. You can whine all you want about the rules, but you agreed to them. If you break your agreement then you get in trouble. It really is pretty simple but too many people don't seem to understand it.

    I'm not suggesting we banish the TOS altogether. I understand that I agreed to the rules, which is why I am not using foul language to express myself. Do you understand that I've done nothing to break the rules?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    1) In before this is locked like all the others as it should be because it doesn't do any good.

    2) Your freedom of speech is only protected from the government. Private entities are legally allowed to set limits when it comes to their property.

    3) Every board I have ever been on has had some sort of limit as to what can be posted or said. This includes some pretty open boards where even the "naughty" areas have some sort of rules. Think Reddit.

    4) You are supposed to actually read the TOS when you sign up before you agree to it.

    5) You do have the right to not use a product if you do not agree with the TOS.

    6) In conclusion, you can simply not use the forums on MFP if you do not agree with the TOS. You are not forced to be here.

    And yes, that is a valid conclusion. You can whine all you want about the rules, but you agreed to them. If you break your agreement then you get in trouble. It really is pretty simple but too many people don't seem to understand it.

    I'm not suggesting we banish the TOS altogether. I understand that I agreed to the rules, which is why I am not using foul language to express myself. Do you understand that I've done nothing to break the rules?

    Well, your post can be seen as questioning the actions of a moderator or a public protest against the actions of a moderator. I am not saying that was your actual intention, but it could be read that way.