What keeps you running?



  • shellisugar
    shellisugar Posts: 120 Member
    I still sometimes slow to a walk here and there, but I usually pick it right back up after a brief walking interval.

    What keeps me going out to run at all is my mood. I become major B!tchy McCrabby Pants if I don't run for a few days. Helps my health, my mood, and my marriage. :laugh:
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I just keep my legs moving :P I tell myself I can still make to point X, but since I'm an overachiever, that point X keeps moving until my time is up. (I do C25K)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I pretend there is bacon in front of me! Ha! :)

    OK, not really ... *thinking* ... hmm ... that may work though ...

    For me, it's my goal ... I am now setting weekly and monthly goals ... so I have something specific to shoot for.

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    OH, and I sign up for races, it keeps goals ahead of me and I'm competitive so I always want to do better than my most recent PR. The races keep me training, started with some 5k this year we are looking at my first half marathon, I can't wait!
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I hate quitting. I set a goal distance, and push through everything to get there. If I stop running, I end up beating myself up mentally for it, so I don't.

    I wrote a blog about what I do to keep me going through the things that hurt... in case anyone is interested... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/MireyGal76
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    i need music that is intense and bass driven.....

    and zombies...
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Before I start, I know in my head what I want to do. I at least get to that point, then once I reach that point in the middle of a run, I may go longer depending upon how I feel.
  • My coach. xD

    But also
    I log it into MFP BEFORE I go (and yes, I account for the fact that MFP way overestimates calories burned). Then I feel like I have to do it or it'll throw off my predetermined schedule.
    ^this is a really good point. For summer training I had predetermined workouts, so I wrote each day's workout on each day on my calendar, and told myself I wouldn't let myself sleep if I hadn't done it and given it my best effort. That helped keep me from skipping days.

    During a run I use the getting-it-over-with method of motivation, which works poorly when I don't know the course or the neighborhood I'm running in, and/or how long it will take me to complete it. Being able to count down the minutes or seconds is what really gets me through it. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used to push, push, push myself... then I thought, "Why? What difference does it really make if my average pace is a 9 minute mile running the whole distance, or 9:20 mile with a few walk intervals?" I'm still covering the same distance, but my three mile run will take me 28 minutes instead of 27. Big frickin' whoop.

    I enjoy running much more with walk intervals when needed. But I do set personal challenges to myself, like "Keep running to the top of the hill," or "Keep running to that mailbox."
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    I log it into MFP BEFORE I go (and yes, I account for the fact that MFP way overestimates calories burned). Then I feel like I have to do it or it'll throw off my predetermined schedule.

    ^^^ this for sure!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Ha, that's me too! :) ... Literally ...

    i need music that is intense and bass driven.....

    and zombies...
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    If I get tired, I will tell myself "Just run till that song is over"... Then the next song comes on and I think "I like that one, I wanna keep running".

    Or my husband who responds to me being tired with "I hope you brought your phone so you can call somebody who gives a *kitten*!" Makes me so mad, that I continue to run.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Goals are what keep me running. If I didn't have a goal such as an upcoming race, a personal best to beat or some other milestone, I would probably slack.

    Next month I have a half marathon. It keeps me pushing. After that, I'll sign up for another shorter race and I'll train for that one.

    Oh, and my garmin is a huge motivator too. I know my heart rate, know how long I can maintain that rate. If it starts slowing down I know I'm getting lazy.
  • tri10806
    tri10806 Posts: 192 Member
    I usually run a predetermined course and run with other people whenever possible. You tend to feed off each other whether it's the pace or the distance. Somewhere along the way each of you will have those moments and you keep pushing because everyone else is too.

    I also do most of my running on trails. You really have to stay focused on the roots and rocks to keep from busting your butt and the miles seem to fly by.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I don't think I've ever properly answered this question or one similar to it on a board before. I don't seem to have the canned respones that so many do.

    I keep running because it feels right. I've NEVER not liked it, other than in high school when I was super self conscious, and didn't do things because I always thought people were laughing at me. Aside from being a father, which at times I don't feel all that cut out for, running is what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing. I know it's just a hobby, but still. I belong on the road logging miles. I've stopped for long periods and been very negative in my behaviour, and now that I'm back at it I feel inspired again.

  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    The last half of my run is always the worst for me, probably because it's slightly up-hill, so thats when I start telling myself over and over again that I only have another quick half to do and I'm done, just a measely 15 more minutes, the first half was a breeze so this next half will be too.

    The other thoughts that run through my mind are:
    "when your done you'll be super proud of yourself for not stopping and if you stop now you know you'll be disappointed, KEEP GOING"
    Whenever my legs start to slow and I know I'm on the verge of stopping I yell "NOOOO!" in my head and run faster.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I need to keep my mind zoned out and off running, so that means either an audiobook or a podcast.

    I've never had to cut a run short. I've been close a few times with stomach issues. Even a dog bite didn't get me to quit a long run. Went to the doc, gotta shot and a bandage, went back to running. Mind you it was a sucky run.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    I count how many songs I have till I am finished. If I am just doing a 30 minute run I count 4-5 songs worth.

    ^^^I do this too when I'm running on the treadmill at the gym... It usually goes like this... "Just one more song.." (you said that the last 5 songs!)... I hate running on treadmills.
  • KWNurse
    KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
    I run using the Jeff Galloway run/walk/run method. He says you should break up every run into run/walk intervals so you don't get tired, injured, or slow down. It is amazing how far I have come. I'm upto 4 miles. Check out his website!
  • If I get tired, I will tell myself "Just run till that song is over"... Then the next song comes on and I think "I like that one, I wanna keep running".

    Or my husband who responds to me being tired with "I hope you brought your phone so you can call somebody who gives a *kitten*!" Makes me so mad, that I continue to run.

    Sounds like my husband!

    I run for the pure fact that I can now run a 5k.. it took me months to get there when it took my friends weeks. But I am happy to finally be there and am currently trying to go further.

    And the markers in the road help, I know how far I have gone and how much further I need to go to get home.
    Plus, Plus I love the sweat that comes from it. If I walk I know I won't sweat as much. I enjoy looking at my sweat maks when I get home. Weird? Yes. Satisfying? Hell yea.
  • When on a bad/weak day i break it down to smaller goals using natural markers along the way: the next mailbox, the big tree a block ahead, the light post at the end of the road, etc. When getting close to one marker i find another one ahead.

    By the time i'm done with the game i have jogged extra distance that i would have walked otherwise.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    And as I've seen here also mentioned by others ... races. I forgot that one ... having something on the calendar gives me more reason to work out other than just exercise ... training for something tangible is always more motivating to me.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    Music keeps me going. I have a specific playlist for running. I do a lot of, "You have to finish this song", and then just like it was preplanned, another good song comes on and I have to finish that one.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Increasing my mile time is a huge motivator. And I never really started with the walk run just ran as much as I could each time.
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    More miles/time I run ... more calories I burn ... more wine I can drink.

    Burns more calories than walking the same amount of time

    I don't really sweat often, so I like it when I sweat while running. Makes me feel like I'm really doing something.
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    Running is better for strengthening my bones than walking, which is particularly important to me because of medication I'm on. I think of all those little bone cells being created with every step. (Don't know if that's medically accurate, but that's how I think of it!)

    Various chants and counting steps - esp'y on the way home I think "the faster I go, the sooner I'll get there." If I'm lucky, my mind will get distracted and I'll realise a while later that I've lost count.

    Sometimes I do walk for a bit, but I try never to drop to a walk when there are cars going by - I feel as if the drivers would think I was lazy, I guess! :-) (Sometimes people do mention that they saw me out running - don't want them to say they saw me out walking!) Depending on the time of day or where I am on my typical routes, that can keep me going for quite a while!

    Knowing how good it feels when I'm done. Especially when I run in the morning, because then I can feel virtuous all day! lol
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    2 things. Music with a sick beat, and I try to match my pace with the bass. haha. And stressful situations of the day, or whenever. I play them back over in my head and pretend that I am running away from them. Oh my god, does it help my psyche. :)

    Totally agree with the jiggle when pounding the concrete though. Ughh.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    my legs
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member

    What stops me? Nothing.