Warning - Hostile: That ONE person at work...

Who really just irks the hell out of you? Got one? I most certainly do. Boss is gone for a day meeting - he puts someone in charge....Enter the freaking Queen of Sheba.

All of a sudden, I'm running non-existent numbers' reports. Mira! I'm a Sr. Claims Adjuster just like you. I'm usually pretty even keel, but the Aries in me does not want to play well in the sandbox today.


  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    omg yessssssss!!!! EVERYTHING that a co-worker could POSSIBLY do to aggravate someone, she does!! E V E R Y T H I N G.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    <--- is that ONE hostile person at work.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    The joys of working from home. I just ignore my chat blinking if I don't want to deal with someone.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I used to have one at my old work, but I just started a new job and so far, so good...
  • <--- is that ONE hostile person at work.

    *hides under desk*
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All of a sudden,

    I think I'm in love with you.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    I don't have that one person at my job.
    I have many, whom I dislike so very much.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Oh yes, I have had some of those before.
  • futurestarz
    Ugh!!! I know the feeling! Everyday when I get in my car to go home I just want to scream! It's a great motivator for working out though. Blowing off steam while riding my bike seems to help. Luckily she is only 20 hrs per week, so I don't have to be around her all day every day.
  • poshcouture
    All of a sudden,

    I think I'm in love with you.

    LOL! It's the writer in me.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    My assistant is a little chinese girl and she burps out loud. It really. REALLY. annoys me.
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    I don't have that one person at my job.
    I have many, whom I dislike so very much.

    ^^All of this.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I have one - she's worthless!!!! Other lady in our dept is on vaca and this one cant even work the full week!! She's taking Friday off, she didn't do enough work to get a day off! And she's been late 2 out of 3 days so far! :angry:
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    All of a sudden,

    I think I'm in love with you.

    I take it "all the sudden" drives you as crazy as it does me. :drinker:

    So far, the ONE person at my work doesn't actually work WITH me so I don't have to deal with her. But I hear a lot about her antics even when I don't see them. She just got a promotion (I'll let you use your imaginations as to how she did that) and the people who now report to her are quitting left and right. She is actually confused as to why this is happening. :huh:
  • siriusalien
    The 72 yo secretary outside my office HATES me. has from day 1 and guess always will..7 years of passive agressive s++t
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I guess I must have a good work environment because there is no one here like that. None of my co-workers get on my nerves.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Our boss is one of the few on Salary. She gets paid for 80 hours a week and claims to work 65-70. We counted her hours out over the course of 3 weeks and she averages about 30. Plus, she is on paid vacation for a week right now...it is only her 4th of the year so far. =/ Yet the owner doesn't realize how useless she is.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Who really just irks the hell out of you? Got one? I most certainly do. Boss is gone for a day meeting - he puts someone in charge....Enter the freaking Queen of Sheba.

    All of a sudden, I'm running non-existent numbers' reports. Mira! I'm a Sr. Claims Adjuster just like you. I'm usually pretty even keel, but the Aries in me does not want to play well in the sandbox today.

    "Mira!" Hahahahaha love the little Spanish flava coming out there. Rock on girl, and don't give in to the temptation to punch the Queen of Sheba.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    My assistant is a little chinese girl and she burps out loud. It really. REALLY. annoys me.

    what does her being chinese have to do with anything?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All of a sudden,

    I think I'm in love with you.

    I take it "all the sudden" drives you as crazy as it does me. :drinker:

    Oh yes!