Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30 Start August 1st.. Lets Go!



  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Its a crazy workout but I feel like I can do it because I did 30 days straight of the 30 day shred. You need alot of upper body strength to mess with Jillian. She likes to have you in Plank position which requires you to hold your own weight.

    I gave 4 lbs since I started doing her DVDs but lost over 15 inches total on my body. i went from a 45 inch waist to a 31 inc waist now... Crazy right?

    She is a amazing but you just got to keep it up!

    I loved my Faturday yesterday but today its back to business. Its a 2 workout day! Day 4 of Ripped in 30 and Week 2 Day 2 of Couch to 5K! I know I'm going to pay for that Curry Chicken Roti, 3 glasses of Moscato and 2 cupcakes I had yesterday.....lol but it was all worth it!!!!! LoL

    Lets do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #teamfitandsexy
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Just finished workout #1 for the day! Day 4 of Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 and I burned 476 calories. Now time to rest...its hard working out after your faturday....Carbs make you feel heavy and sluggish!
  • Scully0007
    Scully0007 Posts: 6 Member
    Blondie, I had the same problem when I first started working out. Everyone told me not to worry I was gaining muscle but I sure wasn't loosing any inches on the wasteline or hips (trouble areas) and was getting frustrated. I started working out because I was approaching a number on the scale that I didn't want to hit. I think for me the problem was I was hungry all the time and figured I could eat because I was working out. I went PAST that number with the working out and was really frustrated. That's when I found myfitnesspal and started tracking ALL food intake. It made all the difference for me and I finally started going the other direction. I was often shocked how many calories something was.

    Don't give up, even though you've gained weight I bet you already feel better from it.
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Just finished day 5 of Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30. I burned 440 calories. Tuesday is suppose to be my rest day but I think I'm going to do this DVD straight through for 30 days straight. I gotta get these arms and thighs together before my Mayan Riveria Mexico Vacation in September with the Mrs. Lets go! #teamfitandsexy
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Keep going @ Blonde. I havent lost any weight from 30 day shred I just lost lots of inches. Jillian workouts will make you gain muscle and lose fat but sometimes you lose little pounds :)
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Just burned another 391 calories by doing the 6th day of level 1 of Ripped in 30. Tomorrow starts Level 2 ..I'm about to watch the video to see the torture I will endure tomorrow. All workouts completed today before 9am feels good! Lets go #teamfitandsexy
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    @bossladyday Way to GO!! Lets go #teamfitandsexy
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Workout time!!! About to get up and see if I can burn off that Crumb Cupcake I had last night. Workout #1 is Day 1 Week 3 of Couch to 5K. Workout #2 is Day 3 of Week 2 of Ripped in 30 and that's burning off the sticky wings I had at BBQ's last night. #dontjudgemedamnit! Let's go! #teamfitandsexy
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Lets get it @Brawlerbella :)
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Today is day 4 of week one for me!! Shes tough and i love/hate her.. lol.. I saw another thread where people are saying that sometimes you gain a few pounds with starting a new exercise etc? Is this true with ri30? I havent lost any pds since starting and was curious about it..
  • I started ripped today :) I'm a 30DS addict and do level 3 + long dog walks everyday. Planning to do ripped in the morning and level 3 shred in the evening.

    I think 30DS (although apparently easier then Ripped) is a good basis to start Ripped :)
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Just finished Workout #2 of the day >>> Week 2 of Ripped in 30. I burned 354 calories... Now its time to rest a bit until tonight when we go for workout #3 More of Couch to 5K #focused #teamfitandsexy
  • crisdai
    crisdai Posts: 60 Member
    Waw!I love that u to both workouts in one day.day 1 got me tomorrow!
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    I am half way through week 3 of Rin30 and am already starting to panic about week 4, lol. Man, that woman is meaaaan!! Still, I am amazed at the changes in my body over a short period of time. I was sort of "skinny fat" before, and now between Jillian, hiking and running and overhauling my diet a bit, the changes are wild. Woot!

    Good luck to you all- stick with it, be proud of your hard work and the results will be very much worth it :drinker:
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Home alone today I guess I make today a double workout day (Ripped in 30 and some Cardio)...27 days until my Birthday Mexico Vacation..Yay!
  • moskey3
    moskey3 Posts: 4
    Does anyone know how to keep track of the calories burned.After doing the work outs
  • moskey3
    moskey3 Posts: 4
    How do you count the calories burned with the workout????????HELP:smile:
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    The best way is to use a heart rate monitor since it would be most accurate. However since i dont have one i found a site that calculates how much you burn based on height, weight and age and i use that. It seems to be working so far for me but i do want to get a heart rate monitor soon! I dont remember the site but you can google something similiar to your question and find it.
  • fajeeta
    fajeeta Posts: 52 Member
    Back from vacation at the beach. Ah...love the beach. Didn't love missing Jillian. Starting back on week 3 today.


    (And yes, I am trying to psyche myself up. Might have to yell that a few more times...)
  • I just started week 3 of the 30 day shred! My goal is to be able to keep up with the entire advanced portion of the video, its something I have never been able to do.. has any one gotten to this point!? What's it like :)?