Is your food diary public?

hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
Do you have a public food diary? Wanna be friends? I am nosy and I like to look at what other people are eating. :)


  • nancykay
    nancykay Posts: 12 Member
    How do you make it public? Didn't know you could do that. Might help me to more accountable if I know someone else is watching me.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Go to your home page then select settings in the tabs on the top, then go to change diary settings and scroll down to make it public, or you can make it only visible to friends.
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    ok...just set mine to friends only. I'll send a friend request :) Just don't yell too much for the past few days. I've been really out of wack and have skipped a few meals. I'll make it up though...I'm sure!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    lol I am not one to yell sometimes my calories are all over the place.... Please excuse my behavior for last Sunday I had a huge over indulgence in cookies and didn't log til later:noway: stupid mistake . I am back on track now though
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    mine is public but the last couple of days it's been not so good...
  • kabailz13
    kabailz13 Posts: 18 Member
    mine is public :) good old accountability and all that :)
  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    It has to be public! You cant hide the diet! Doing well for my 4 days! And its helping other people who arent members track me!! 6 weeks doing this tough, then settle to a better routine!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mine is public too!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mine's public. It's not *always* great, but really, who's is?
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    mine is public ... but in case you look i just got back to logging last week .... i had not logged in before thanksgiving
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,710 Member
    Mine is public. Feel free to snoop!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Mine is public, or public to friends maybe.
    But you know that show "What Not To Wear"?
    My food diary could have its own show called "What Not To Eat" :blushing:
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Mine is public :)
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    Mine's public.

    Lost ten lbs this week.

    and if you look at it, you'll even see I eat junk sometimes.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Mine's Public
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I go back and forth between making it private, public and friends only, lol.

    I like that I feel accountable when people can see it because it DOES help me monitor my calories more carefully. But it also does weird things to me psychologically. Like, if I cave and have a piece of chocolate, I will faithfully log it in a private journal. In a public journal I'm too tempted to leave it off. Which is irrational I realize....

    I've also had people send me messages with their opinions about what I'm eating and I don't like that. It's one thing if I were like, "I can't figure out why I'm not losing weight!" but I actually feel pretty good about my progress. I keep within my calorie range and eat good foods.... but I'm not perfect. I'm always learning and growing. Getting healthy requires so much knowledge. There's a lot of opinions fired your way and a lot of them contradict one another. It's confusing. So I like to work on one area at a time. First, getting the calories down. Then turning those calories into healthy ones. THEN paying attention to daily sodium/fat/sugar intake. When I was at a point where I was JUST starting to get comfortable logging my food, a couple of (totally well-meaning people) made comments that shook my confidence and freaked me out a bit. So I went private.....

    ....I'm thinking of going back to public, though, now that I'm feeling more confident in my choices and less likely to feel threatened by other peoples' opinions. :blushing:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I go back and forth between making it private, public and friends only, lol.

    I like that I feel accountable when people can see it because it DOES help me monitor my calories more carefully. But it also does weird things to me psychologically. Like, if I cave and have a piece of chocolate, I will faithfully log it in a private journal. In a public journal I'm too tempted to leave it off. Which is irrational I realize....

    I've also had people send me messages with their opinions about what I'm eating and I don't like that. It's one thing if I were like, "I can't figure out why I'm not losing weight!" but I actually feel pretty good about my progress. I keep within my calorie range and eat good foods.... but I'm not perfect. I'm always learning and growing. Getting healthy requires so much knowledge. There's a lot of opinions fired your way and a lot of them contradict one another. It's confusing. So I like to work on one area at a time. First, getting the calories down. Then turning those calories into healthy ones. THEN paying attention to daily sodium/fat/sugar intake. When I was at a point where I was JUST starting to get comfortable logging my food, a couple of (totally well-meaning people) made comments that shook my confidence and freaked me out a bit. So I went private.....

    ....I'm thinking of going back to public, though, now that I'm feeling more confident in my choices and less likely to feel threatened by other peoples' opinions. :blushing:

    Wow, that's not really cool that people are sending completely unsolicited 'advice'. I agree that it's a learning process - I did the same thing with focusing on calories at first, then changing those to healthier calories, adn then focusing on more specifics.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Mine is :happy: I have no reason to hide what I'm eatting.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    my diary is public. please feel free to check it out and message me. i would like your input on what i'm eating, the good and the bad.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Do you have a public food diary? Wanna be friends? I am nosy and I like to look at what other people are eating. :)

    My food diary is public. Feel free to snoop around!:bigsmile: