How DO you get a 6 pack??!



  • Oh and the percentages of diet and exercise to get a six-pack are completley irrelevant, you can eat like a pig and still get abs if you do enough cardio

    yeah, good luck out exercising a poor diet.

    You can have a "poor diet" and still only be in a small surplus which is easily turned into a deficit by exercise. My point was not to encourage bad eating, but to say that even if you don't eat the ideal "healthy" food or amount of calories...hard work can more then make up for it. Obviously diet is an easier method of weight loss but if one was so inclined (which I have have been), they could eat 400 calories above their maintinance and burn 700 calories from cardio every day.

    I agree with out-exercising a small surplus. But when you originally wrote "eat like a pig", to me that implied a huge surplus. 700 cardio calories a day seems like a great way to burn out.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    1st thing is to NOT be 40 years old. :tongue:
    trust me, I've been fighting that battle for a while now. Damn you, 20 somethings! :grumble:

    I will not give up!!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    1st thing is to NOT be 40 years old. :tongue:
    trust me, I've been fighting that battle for a while now. Damn you, 20 somethings! :grumble:

    I will not give up!!

    I'll be 41 in a couple weeks. I'm going to prove you wrong (I hope). I'm down to about 15% and I should be able to tell within a month or so if it's possible. My obliques look pretty nice and I have a noticeable "V" coming off them. Now if I can just get the fat off my mid to upper abs and lower back. That's my last boss battle.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    If you have a flat stomach with a low bodyfat percentage and your abs are still not showing, you should treat abs like any other body part and lift heavy in the 6-12 rep range. It seems like its just a problem of them not being large enough to really seperate themselves from your stomach. Whats your approximate BF%?

    My body fat is like 19%. You think I just need to add weight to my workout and do less reps?

    If you want a full 6 pack you need to lose at least 10% So if you weight 180, you need to lose 18 lbs.

    I weigh 130 and I am 5'4, if I lost 13 pounds I would look gross! Ill try adding weights to my ab workout and see if that gives results. Thanks everyone!:smile:

    Hmmm...I'm 5'6" and 116 lbs and I don't think I look gross.

    Different people have different target weights. She may have a larger frame or some other factor that may make her target weight higher than yours. Looking at your profile picture I don't think you look gross, but it's still completely possible that if the OP lost 13 pounds she might be too thin.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    1st thing is to NOT be 40 years old. :tongue:
    trust me, I've been fighting that battle for a while now. Damn you, 20 somethings! :grumble:

    I will not give up!!

    I'll be 41 in a couple weeks. I'm going to prove you wrong (I hope). I'm down to about 15% and I should be able to tell within a month or so if it's possible. My obliques look pretty nice and I have a noticeable "V" coming off them. Now if I can just get the fat off my mid to upper abs and lower back. That's my last boss battle.

    You SHOULD prove me wrong. For the record, I was joking on that one. I'm 39, and while I do have a semi-6pack at this point it comes and goes depending on how busy I am for work that month (I.E. how good I'm being with my food and exercise). anyone around the 40 mark can still do it, it just depends on how much effort you can put into it. Results may vary though.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    My doctor says I have a six pack under my 100+ pounds of fat. He also says I can eat whatever I want and just need to do crunches to lose the fat. According to him you can target fat loss by working out the body part that is fat. Getting a six pack has virtually nothing to do with diet. Keep up the good work with the ab workouts buddy!

    I'm sorry, but this info seems wrong to me on so many levels, I just don't even know where to start!
    Does your doc have a 6 pack that's visible?

    Do you think that advice is wrong? I have been following that advice for 6 months, and have actually gained weight.

    I'm inherently trusting. I shouldn't be, because you're likely mocking me, but in case you aren't.... Yes I do think it's wrong.
  • andreyat
    andreyat Posts: 3 Member
    Carb cycling
  • andreyat
    andreyat Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, but you are a man. :smile: It is much more difficult for a women to get lean enough for a six pack stomach. It will take a very clean diet and exercise.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My doctor says I have a six pack under my 100+ pounds of fat. He also says I can eat whatever I want and just need to do crunches to lose the fat. According to him you can target fat loss by working out the body part that is fat. Getting a six pack has virtually nothing to do with diet. Keep up the good work with the ab workouts buddy!
    Your doctor is a moron, and so are you if you think doing crunches will counteract your 12000 calorie a day diet.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    yeah but, lol, i want a lower your body fat % cookbook - not general rules of thumb.

    I want recipes! im greedy and spoiled bwahahahahaha
  • The Truth About Abs review at has a lot of information on the whole 6 pack problem.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My doctor says I have a six pack under my 100+ pounds of fat. He also says I can eat whatever I want and just need to do crunches to lose the fat. According to him you can target fat loss by working out the body part that is fat. Getting a six pack has virtually nothing to do with diet. Keep up the good work with the ab workouts buddy!

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    My doctor says I have a six pack under my 100+ pounds of fat. He also says I can eat whatever I want and just need to do crunches to lose the fat. According to him you can target fat loss by working out the body part that is fat. Getting a six pack has virtually nothing to do with diet. Keep up the good work with the ab workouts buddy!


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