Things you wish you knew before you moved in



  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    OMG this is me and my husband too.. we have been together 2 years and haven't farted in front of each other.. and her I thought we were the only couple!!!

    now you know, some of us still care about how we present ourselves to our SO
  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member

    There will be SO much farting.

    The kind of farting that will make you wonder what he ate. The kind of farting that will make you worry about when he's old and doesn't have as good control on his bowels. The kind of farting that will make you laugh despite yourself, which, in turn, will make you worry that he's farting some kind of nerve gas or nitrous oxide.

    Brace yourself.
    OH DAMN!!! You had me laughing so hard I am crying
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I wish I knew WHY my wife (GF at the time) needed to have the AC on all summer long in our bedroom and the ceiling fan during the 7-9 non AC months. It was for the noise. I was freezing but it turns out all she needed was the noise to sleep.

    One of the best presents I ever bought my wife was a white noise machine, now I don't needlessly freeze.

    When we moved in together we divied up the house cleaning tasks. We both do about 80% of it. I always clean the cat box and she always cleans the bathroom but the other 80 falls to us both.

    The rule was supposed to be whomever cooks doesn't do the dishes, but somehow even when I cook I do the dishes. We have a dishwasher so it's just pots and pans really so whatever.

    The most important thing is choose your side of the bed wisely, it's one of the most important decisions OF YOUR LIFE.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    My husband lived with his mother til' he was 29. I was pretty much prepared for the worst.

    That being said, I love living with him. He's awesome.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I wish I knew the following:

    cleaning: you better like doing it, lots and lots of it, and I mean LOTS
    missing items: things mysteriously disappear, and then re-appear in obscure places
    the remote: it will be permanently attached to his hand
    sleep: get good ear plugs, and get your own blankets, unless you like waking up in the middle of the night without them
    the bathroom/bathroom sink: it will be covered in itty bitty scattered whiskers, which get stuck in your clothes and/or underwear-happiness is 2 bathrooms, 1 for each person
    money: talk about it now, decide who will cover which bills, I have found separate accounts is much easier
    personal space: even though you are living together, I firmly believe that keeping an area that is 'all your own' be it a desk/room where you can write ideas/journal/do *your* thing is vital. You are still an individual, and need to keep something that is *yours*.

    Best of Luck!
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    I wish I had known that his dog farts more than any other living thing on the planet AND he insists on allowing said fart hog to sleep with us every freakin night...... :sick:

    is said dog a boxer? My girls boxer farts and either it freaks him out, or even the dog cannot stand his own stink.

    No she's a Boston Terrier. Cute as a button but her stink is lethal :frown:
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member

    There will be SO much farting.

    The kind of farting that will make you wonder what he ate. The kind of farting that will make you worry about when he's old and doesn't have as good control on his bowels. The kind of farting that will make you laugh despite yourself, which, in turn, will make you worry that he's farting some kind of nerve gas or nitrous oxide.

    Brace yourself.

    OMG This is SO true! I swear we have a constant green haze floating over our house because of the methane my husband's butt can produce. And for God's out if he eats Jalapeno peppers! :sick:

    The best is that your kids are victims too. Nothing like my 7-year old girl saying, "Daddy, seriously???? You are disgusting."

    we have a rule, My girl and I. If we would NEVER fart on the first dates together, it is NEVER acceptable to do it now. We been together for 4 years and none of us has yet to break wind... er.. the promise!

    OMG this is me and my husband too.. we have been together 2 years and haven't farted in front of each other.. and her I thought we were the only couple!!!

    You guys are cute.

    Wait until you have kids. It all changes. Womens bodies change during pregnancy. They fart and pee and poop, even when they don't want to.....sometimes they aren't even aware of it. Then there is the whole delivery thing itself. Nothing like watching a head come out of her va-jay-jay while her taint tears in half and she is firing poop nuggets across the delivery room knocking nurses over.... all the time you are trying to get her to "remember her breathing" while she is calling you a muther f--ker in front of everyone in there. Then a small purple alien with a cone shaped head comes out and you scream... "What the f--k is that?" All the time more goo is coming out of her and there is blood and poop and goo and..... and then the baby cries. And it all seems OK. Nothing like hearing that first cry. Of course then it doesn't shut the f--k up for the next.... welll..... it has been 10 years and the only time he stops talking is when his sisters are talking.......

    But I am rambling.... where were we?
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I wish I knew the following:

    cleaning: you better like doing it, lots and lots of it, and I mean LOTS
    missing items: things mysteriously disappear, and then re-appear in obscure places
    the remote: it will be permanently attached to his hand
    sleep: get good ear plugs, and get your own blankets, unless you like waking up in the middle of the night without them
    the bathroom/bathroom sink: it will be covered in itty bitty scattered whiskers, which get stuck in your clothes and/or underwear-happiness is 2 bathrooms, 1 for each person
    money: talk about it now, decide who will cover which bills, I have found separate accounts is much easier
    personal space: even though you are living together, I firmly believe that keeping an area that is 'all your own' be it a desk/room where you can write ideas/journal/do *your* thing is vital. You are still an individual, and need to keep something that is *yours*.

    Best of Luck!

    Some men actually clean up their wiskers properly. It took my first girlfriend to FREAK OUT ON ME about it to learn.

    My wife and I have 3 accounts. Our personal accounts and a HOUSE account. We get an allowance in our personal accounts and all the rest of our money goes into the house account. It works awesome. Everything gets paid for out of that account, bills, groceries, dinners out, vacations, etc.

    Where it works out really well is we don't see how much the other is spending for prezzies around christmas and I can lie about not going over our spending limit on each other, because I go over every year.:bigsmile:
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257

    You guys are cute.

    Wait until you have kids. It all changes. Womens bodies change during pregnancy. They fart and pee and poop, even when they don't want to.....sometimes they aren't even aware of it. Then there is the whole delivery thing itself. Nothing like watching a head come out of her va-jay-jay while her taint tears in half and she is firing poop nuggets across the delivery room knocking nurses over.... all the time you are trying to get her to "remember her breathing" while she is calling you a muther f--ker in front of everyone in there. Then a small purple alien with a cone shaped head comes out and you scream... "What the f--k is that?" All the time more goo is coming out of her and there is blood and poop and goo and..... and then the baby cries. And it all seems OK. Nothing like hearing that first cry. Of course then it doesn't shut the f--k up for the next.... welll..... it has been 10 years and the only time he stops talking is when his sisters are talking.......

    But I am rambling.... where were we?

    you are awesome!!!!
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    I knew my SO about ten years before we started dating, and we did the long distance thing for about 7 months. We've been living together about four months now, and there weren't really any surprises, other than the fact that we've managed to not only live together happily and peacefully, but still have not had our "first big fight" that everyone says should happen. Smooth sailing so far. He just got "THE JOB" We've been waiting for though, and is going to be traveling a lot, gone for three to four weeks at a time and home a week before taking off again. :( Could get interesting.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    The fifty shades was little more F'ed up than the red room of pain..
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    You guys are cute.

    Wait until you have kids. It all changes. Womens bodies change during pregnancy. They fart and pee and poop, even when they don't want to.....sometimes they aren't even aware of it. Then there is the whole delivery thing itself. Nothing like watching a head come out of her va-jay-jay while her taint tears in half and she is firing poop nuggets across the delivery room knocking nurses over.... all the time you are trying to get her to "remember her breathing" while she is calling you a muther f--ker in front of everyone in there. Then a small purple alien with a cone shaped head comes out and you scream... "What the f--k is that?" All the time more goo is coming out of her and there is blood and poop and goo and..... and then the baby cries. And it all seems OK. Nothing like hearing that first cry. Of course then it doesn't shut the f--k up for the next.... welll..... it has been 10 years and the only time he stops talking is when his sisters are talking.......

    But I am rambling.... where were we?

    you are awesome!!!!

    Yeah, we're not having kids. So this doesn't apply:)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member

    There will be SO much farting.

    Wait...are you telling me that's NOT really the dog?
  • CandeesLand
    Oh, and I have to add, make sure you still get alone time. My husband and I have lived together for 4 years, married for almost 3 and we make sure to get time away from eachother. We discovered on our first week long vacation together that being together for the whole day for that many days is just too much together time. Mine has been going for runs/going to the gym, his is "playing" in the garage or fishing. It's healthy to still be able to grow as an individual and also as a couple.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Lets see.. (This is after spending weeks with him at a time before I moved in)

    1. He should have known I'm cold nature'd and WILL use a blanket on the coach no matter that the A/C is on 78.. I cool down quickly..

    2. That my dogs shed.. they are short haired dogs.... get over it we clean the floors regularly. and NO I will not get rid of them..

    3. That I have a lot of cloths- knew this already but still want's to complain about it EVEN THOUGH we have separate sides of the closets and I don't push my cloths over onto his side.. I don't see what the problem is...

    4. I have always put the dishes in the sink after using them EVEN THOUGH the dishwashers is right beside the sink.. At least I don't leave them on the counters beside the sink instead of inside it.. I hate that he does this.. and then he is anal about me putting them in the sink instead of the dishwasher...

    5. That he has a bad habit of leaving cup/dishes around the house... Really?

    Other than those minor things that he already knew about- and sometimes mentions daily- its all good and peachy!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I wish I had known that his dog farts more than any other living thing on the planet AND he insists on allowing said fart hog to sleep with us every freakin night...... :sick:

    is said dog a boxer? My girls boxer farts and either it freaks him out, or even the dog cannot stand his own stink.

    hahahahah made my day...
    No she's a Boston Terrier. Cute as a button but her stink is lethal :frown:
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    They use so much toilet paper!!!! I swear we go through a roll a day and I have no clue why. Guys don't wipe when they pee, right!!?

    This too!! I used to get a 4 pk of toilet paper for myself and that would last me a good month or more. With him living in the house, we buy a 6 pk and replace it almost bi-monthly. WTH?
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member

    *That his cooking and cleaning would absolutely cease!
    *That when he said "he wants the kids to be kids" that meant you'd be doing laundry, cooking and cleaning (kids shouldn't have chores) for everyone in the house!
    *That after work he goes straight to the couch and stays there the whole night!
    *Two blankets is a must!

    But there are things I knew he wished he knew first about me...
    *Like I always like to be doing something....I'm not one to lounge on the couch all day!
    *That I have to have a fan going at night in order to sleep!
    *That grocery shopping with me is a pain because I read all the labels and whine about high fructose corn syrup in everything (this has led to supermarket arguements)
    *That I am not okay with eating food that is in the fridge longer than a day (he'll eat it after a week....eeewww)

    Soooo...we both are even LOL! There are just some things you won't know til you do live together! :)
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I wish I knew the following:

    cleaning: you better like doing it, lots and lots of it, and I mean LOTS
    missing items: things mysteriously disappear, and then re-appear in obscure places
    the remote: it will be permanently attached to his hand
    sleep: get good ear plugs, and get your own blankets, unless you like waking up in the middle of the night without them
    the bathroom/bathroom sink: it will be covered in itty bitty scattered whiskers, which get stuck in your clothes and/or underwear-happiness is 2 bathrooms, 1 for each person
    money: talk about it now, decide who will cover which bills, I have found separate accounts is much easier
    personal space: even though you are living together, I firmly believe that keeping an area that is 'all your own' be it a desk/room where you can write ideas/journal/do *your* thing is vital. You are still an individual, and need to keep something that is *yours*.

    Best of Luck!

    Some men actually clean up their wiskers properly. It took my first girlfriend to FREAK OUT ON ME about it to learn.

    My wife and I have 3 accounts. Our personal accounts and a HOUSE account. We get an allowance in our personal accounts and all the rest of our money goes into the house account. It works awesome. Everything gets paid for out of that account, bills, groceries, dinners out, vacations, etc.

    Where it works out really well is we don't see how much the other is spending for prezzies around christmas and I can lie about not going over our spending limit on each other, because I go over every year.:bigsmile:

    *sigh* I freaked out, and continue to freak out on stuff not getting cleaned up or put back where it goes (shoes go ON the shoe rack, NOT in the middle of the entryway where I can trip on them)
    he suffers from a 'selective hearing' disorder.

    oh yeah, that's the other thing MEN ALL SUFFER FROM SELECTIVE HEARING DISORDER
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member

    You guys are cute.

    Wait until you have kids. It all changes. Womens bodies change during pregnancy. They fart and pee and poop, even when they don't want to.....sometimes they aren't even aware of it. Then there is the whole delivery thing itself. Nothing like watching a head come out of her va-jay-jay while her taint tears in half and she is firing poop nuggets across the delivery room knocking nurses over.... all the time you are trying to get her to "remember her breathing" while she is calling you a muther f--ker in front of everyone in there. Then a small purple alien with a cone shaped head comes out and you scream... "What the f--k is that?" All the time more goo is coming out of her and there is blood and poop and goo and..... and then the baby cries. And it all seems OK. Nothing like hearing that first cry. Of course then it doesn't shut the f--k up for the next.... welll..... it has been 10 years and the only time he stops talking is when his sisters are talking.......

    But I am rambling.... where were we?

    you are awesome!!!!

    Yeah, we're not having kids. So this doesn't apply:)

    You sir, made my day.