What do I do with an Eggplant??

LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
So....I got a wild hair to buy an eggplant at the farmers market this weekend (it was SUCH a gorgeous color purple, I had to have it!) but now I have no idea what to do with it!!

Any reccommendations? Anything fairly easy would be best....I'm "kitchen-challenged"!



  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    i think it does depend on what kind of eggplant.

    My mom actually took the small round ones..split them..put some seasonings...(she used Indian spices...cause she is an indian..LOL) cut up some potatoes..and sauteed them in a pot...with some oil..and she covered it and let it cook. I didnt care for it..not a fan of eggplant but my youngest and husband LOVED it..
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Why would you want to do anything with an eggplant? LOL
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I like to grill them in the summer. Toss with balsamic, S&P, and some olive oil cooking spray and grill in your veggie grill basket or on kabobs in thin slices.

    I also make this when it isn't too hot to use the oven: http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/eggplant-parmesan-10000002011044/

    This is the search that popped up on Cooking Light: http://search.cookinglight.com/ck-results.html?Ntt=eggplant&x=0&y=0
    A lot of those look good, too.
  • slice it into rounds. Dip into an egg wash. Dip in a combo of panko and parmesan. pan "fry" in a bit of olive oil. Top with heated marinara and mozzarella cheese :)
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Google - Moussaka (sp?) recipe. Some are kind of labor intensive and some are not but so far, all are WONDERFUL!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Caponata, baba ghannouj,
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Those all sound awesome!! Thank you!!

    I'm going to try a couple of them -- it'll just be me eating it (my daughter wouldn't touch one with a 10-foot long fork!), so hopefully I can get a couple smaller recipes out of it.

    Thanks!! :)
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    i saw eggplant lasanga once...they used eggplant instead of noodles.. Look it up!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    i saw eggplant lasanga once...they used eggplant instead of noodles.. Look it up!

    That is good with Zucchini too.
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    I LOVE EGGPLANT!!! I have used it in almost everything, you can peel it and slice it thin,in rounds,chunks,strips...whatever you want and put it in whatever you want...omelets,stir fry,pizza,lasagna, it's just one of those veggies that you either like, or you don't! :smile:
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    slice it into rounds. Dip into an egg wash. Dip in a combo of panko and parmesan. pan "fry" in a bit of olive oil. Top with heated marinara and mozzarella cheese :)

    THIS and eat with spaghetti squash! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmers!
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Make ratatouille like in the cutest cartoon movie ever! A super easy version is to take eggplant, tomatoes, and zucchini, slice into thin rounds (mandolin slicer rocks), grease a deep pie dish, thinly cover the bottom of the dish with quality tomato sauce, layer veggies in a spiral into pie dish, salt & pepper, sprinkle of thyme, drizzle of olive oil, cover with parchment paper and bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes until it is all soft and juicy.

    I love to eat this with a slice of toasted crusty bread and a soft poached egg. Drool!

    Eggplant cut into thick slices, brushed with barbecue sauce and sprinkled with salt and pepper are killer on the grill. Yum.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Baba ghanouj is one of my favorites! Now I'm wanting that with some whole wheat pita wedges. (It's similar to hummus, and pretty easy to make.)

    I also had an eggplant marinara recipe that I served over whole wheat pasta. The kids didn't care for it, though.
  • eggplant parmesean!! mmmm, yummy!!!
  • make sure u slice it and salt it before u eat it (let the salt sit on it a while) to take the bitterness out
  • coopersmith99
    coopersmith99 Posts: 30 Member
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Skeet shooting or dress it up like Mr. Potato head
  • The salting advice can be very good if your eggplant is older. A young and fresh one shouldn't be bitter (that can depend on the variety and environment in which it grew, too).

    One thing to also be cautious of when cooking eggplant is that it can act like a sponge for oil. If you put a little oil on it, resist the temptation to put more on even though it looks like it may need it. If you don't watch out, you'll be using a whole pint of oil for a single eggplant.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Baba ghanoush and fresh pita = heaven :)
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I use a potato peeler to skin the eggplant first, then slice the eggplant very thin. I dip it in the egg wash, then dip it into Italian bread crumbs and parmesean - just a little bit, doesn't have to be covered. You can add more seasoning if you want, but there will already be some in there if you use Italian breadcrumbs. Pan fry, until golden on both sides. Place on paper towels to absorb any excess oil. Layer bottom of pan. Add layer of marinara, sprinkle with some parmesan cheese. Repeat until you use all of your eggplant. Put it in the oven until bubbly. (350 degrees, 20 mins)

    You can even chop up a hard boiled egg and through a few crumbles on each layer.