Bad advice to son?

Good choice or Crap? My teenage son (16), who is a bit too heavy, has been trying to make healthier choices, and has been doing Extreme Workouts, kettlebells, ropes, etc. with his dad and a Personal Trainer. On our vacation, he ate a lot of junk food, and gained some weight back, probably salt-based. His dad and PT have told him that he can't have any sugar, fruit, bread, or pasta for 7 days "to jumpstart his metabolism" and get him back to where he was before the trip. This seems like it could be Not A Good Thing. Thoughts? Thank you!!!


  • very bad idea. sounds like a way to set your son up for disordered eating and an unhealthy relationship with food/fitness.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    You are his parent, not his friend.........good for you for taking his health into consideration

    remember, the choices he makes now will affect him his entire life..........You did a good thing
  • solarfish
    solarfish Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like mumbo jumbo to me, but then I have always believed in the calories out vs calories in being the only thing that matters for weight loss. Macro balance etc is important for healthy eating but I don't see the evidence that a week of particular foods is going to affect metabolism or that a week of skipping those foods is going to jump start it.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I think the no fruit is the worst part, and I would think a teenage boy could use some carbs. I'm not so sure I buy into the jumpstarting metablolism thing either. But at least it's only for a week.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    7 days is not going to hurt him. I personally would have said it as a balance to all the junk he DID eat on vacation, but I'm a mom, not a trainer. At sixteen, he is old enough to weigh pros and cons, and do his own research - ask him if he likes that choice and what he thinks about it - but DON'T ask him how it makes him feel.
  • You are his parent, not his friend.........good for you for taking his health into consideration

    remember, the choices he makes now will affect him his entire life..........You did a good thing

    I disagree. Encouraging a 16 year old CHILD to restrict himself from "sugar, fruit, bread, or pasta for 7 days "to jumpstart his metabolism"" is a good idea? How is that taking his HEALTH into consideration?

    It's encouraging an emphasis on WEIGHT at the expense of a healthy relationship with food--there is nothing wrong with fruit, bread, or pasta--as long as they are eating in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Telling him not to eat these things just to lose the weight he gained (which is likely water) is basically telling him that his WEIGHT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS "HEALTHY" LIFESTYLE he has decided to embark on. That's NOT helping him in my opinion.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    can't have any sugar, fruit, bread, or pasta for 7 days "to jumpstart his metabolism"

    i don't see how that will work. i always laugh at 'jumpstarting metabolism'

    low carb is a wonderful way to go though.

    keto flu might suck for him especially since he's still a teen. on the other hand, he might not even notice it.

    hope he likes his meat and veggies =D
  • MisChef
    MisChef Posts: 48 Member
    7 days is just long enough to get him weaned off carbs...and put him through withdrawal where he might get headaches and feel like he's got the flu.

    If he's going to give up carbs for a week, he should give them up for SIX, minimum. Then he'll be in ketosis, and he'll see some real weight loss.

    However, as soon as he starts back up with carbs again, he'll put more water-weight back on. (read up on glycogen and how it stores water.)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I don't know anything about your son or his health, or this trainer...but it seems a bit extreme, especially for a growing teenager (even an overweight one) and if it were me, attempting to restrict ALL of those things completely would cause a serious binge. Why not just increase the amount of vegetables and healthy protein that he eats, drink some extra water, and continue with the workout routine? I know when I increase my intake of vegetables and fruits, my desire for sugar and pasta decreases.

    Vacations happen. It's a part of life...time to just get back on healthy routines, but I don't see the need to go so extreme...unless it's under a doctor's supervision due to serious health issues...

    Since I just saw your follow up and realized his dad is your ex...are you and or your ex-husband willing to do this "diet" (because that WOULD be a diet, not a lifestyle) with your son? If not...kind of unfair and unrealistic.
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    I tend to lean towards the 'this doesn't sound like a great idea' camp, but I also know that for me - it does me good to completely cut something out for a few days to a week to lose my taste for it (ie: cokes, sweets).

    Maybe you could encourage him to pay attention to what he is craving after a vacation like that and judge for himself if thinks that
    will work for him.

    I am really skeptical of the thought that doing that will 'jumpstart' his metabolism.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    On our vacation, he ate a lot of junk food, and gained some weight back, probably salt-based.
    *Sigh* Why don't people ever specify how much weight is gained? 1, 2, 5, 10 pounds?

    His dad and PT have told him that he can't have any sugar, fruit, bread, or pasta for 7 days "to jumpstart his metabolism" and get him back to where he was before the trip.

    I don't think anyone should eat differently to punish themselves for past mistakes. Just move forward and eat good in the future. Sugar, fruit, bread, and pasta are all foods that are easy to over eat calories on but these foods are necessary in at least some limited amount for energy. There's nothing terribly wrong with these foods as long as they're eaten in the proper amounts. I don't see that a special 7 day diet would be of any use. Just start eating good and work on building healthy habits.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    You are his parent, not his friend.........good for you for taking his health into consideration

    remember, the choices he makes now will affect him his entire life..........You did a good thing

    I disagree. Encouraging a 16 year old CHILD to restrict himself from "sugar, fruit, bread, or pasta for 7 days "to jumpstart his metabolism"" is a good idea? How is that taking his HEALTH into consideration?

    It's encouraging an emphasis on WEIGHT at the expense of a healthy relationship with food--there is nothing wrong with fruit, bread, or pasta--as long as they are eating in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Telling him not to eat these things just to lose the weight he gained (which is likely water) is basically telling him that his WEIGHT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS "HEALTHY" LIFESTYLE he has decided to embark on. That's NOT helping him in my opinion.

    Well said.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Sounds like a bunch of well intentioned BS! He probably gained some water weight back. Give it some time to correct itself and try to focus more on being diligent about his caloric goals.

    I agree with a previous poster about the effect this type of rationale will have on his relationship with food and fitness. Its one thing to say I had a "guilt free" week on vacation now its time to get back at it and a WHOLE other idea entirely to deprave yourself because of that week.

    Children should be taught a healthy relationship with food and nutrition not self deprecating ideals. The goal is to make the HEALTHY lifestyle the norm and the vacations exactly that...VACATIONS!
  • jsh833
    jsh833 Posts: 9 Member
    A week without all of those foods probably wouldn't kill him BUT he does need to get all of his nutrients. He's got a lot of growing to do still. That being said, many adults do go without eating bread, pasta, and added sugars and are extremely healthy.

    Highschool is tough and everyone wants to feel and look good.

    I say support him in his goals but have a real conversation about health and nutrition.

    Way to be concerned! As a teacher, it's great to see a parent who is involved and concerned about their teen! :)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    honestly talk to his doctor and possibly a dietician for a healthy way to lose weight
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Omg no, let him have fruit and carbs if he wants, for God's sake! He's a growing boy, not a grown man training for a body building competition... and even if he was, no one needs to cut out all those things to look / feel good or lose weight!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Well at least he will learn some valuable lessons,
    1) theres a lot of silly theories about weight loss
    2) adults / ppl in authority don't know all the answers
    3) taking a week off healthy eating has consequences.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    On our vacation, he ate a lot of junk food, and gained some weight back, probably salt-based.
    *Sigh* Why don't people ever specify how much weight is gained? 1, 2, 5, 10 pounds?

    My apologies. He said that it was 10 pounds in the 7 days, though I do know that he weighed himself the second time with heavier clothes, in the afternoon versus the morning, after eating, etc. so there would definitely be a difference there.

    This is my ex, so I don't really have a lot to say about what he does at his house. I was of the opinion that it was mostly salt-based and that if he made some healthier choices this week and drank extra water, that things would even out and be fine. On our end, we try to focus on talking about healthy habits and getting fit instead of the scale number, and I do worry that this is starting an unhealthy relationship with food. Hence: overprotective tigress mother time!
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    It won't do jack to jump start his metabolism. He'll probably lose some water weight from the decrease in carbs. As long as he's getting enough protein, fats, and micronutrients it shouldn't really matter in the long run.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Please consult your son's DOCTOR. Immediately.