Food Choices...on a strict budget



  • tothetide
    tothetide Posts: 21 Member
    Cheese itz have alot of sodium and you want to stay away from foods high in salt and fat. When it comes to protein, you want lean meats in your diet (when in doubt go with grilled/baked chicken). Also peanut butter is a great source of protein, it is a little high in calories but it's worth it and paired with some apple slices, it would be a great and un-costly snack for you and your kids. Oh! And try to go for natural foods, just compare prices and nutritional info before buying! :)
  • kanittaj
    kanittaj Posts: 36 Member
    :smile: Thanks so much guys for all of the advice. I have another question, which yogurt is better. I tried Yoplait strawberry cheesecake yogurt and I honestly did not like the taste. I have resorted to eating frozen yogurt because regular yogurt was not good. Thanks again for everything! I will increase my protein by eating eggs in the am w/ whole wheat toast. And I will eat some of the meats you guys listed. I can't eat fish, but I love chicken so I will go from there.
  • mariakhar
    mariakhar Posts: 5 Member
    Yogurt is amazing. People rave about Greek yogurt, but I find that it's just plain gross. Normal yogurt still has protein.
    I eat eggs obsessively. With a million ways to cook them, there has to be a way that your kids will like.
    Not totally sure, but I think there's some good string cheeses. I haven't had them since I was a kid, but they used to be my favorite.
    Nuts are good, high in calories but delicious all the same.

    I seem to get more protein when I don't try. It's everywhere -- dairy, meat (though I'm vegetarian), whole wheat breads and pastas, vegetarian faux meats, and everything else. Good luck finding something your kids like :flowerforyou:

    Eggs, especially egg yolks, are really high in cholesterole. So I wouldn't advice eating them "obsessively". My mums cardiologist says 3 eggs a week max.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yogurt is amazing. People rave about Greek yogurt, but I find that it's just plain gross. Normal yogurt still has protein.
    I eat eggs obsessively. With a million ways to cook them, there has to be a way that your kids will like.
    Not totally sure, but I think there's some good string cheeses. I haven't had them since I was a kid, but they used to be my favorite.
    Nuts are good, high in calories but delicious all the same.

    I seem to get more protein when I don't try. It's everywhere -- dairy, meat (though I'm vegetarian), whole wheat breads and pastas, vegetarian faux meats, and everything else. Good luck finding something your kids like :flowerforyou:

    I love plain Greek yogurt. But for those that don't like it by itself, add a little honey or fruit. I have it in my oatmeal a lot with fruit and honey. Regular yogurt (especially flavored) have added sugars in them. You can just add fruit to Greek which has 10x more protein depending on the brand,
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Farmers Market! If you have one go every week. I'm on a very slim budget and love that I can get two bags full of veggies for under 20 bucks! Plus I feel better about the fact that I'm helping people with in the community by buying them! :happy:
  • kanittaj
    kanittaj Posts: 36 Member
    Eggs, especially egg yolks, are really high in cholesterole. So I wouldn't advice eating them "obsessively". My mums cardiologist says 3 eggs a week max.

    Thanks. Ok so it may be good to have cereal one day and eggs another. That is very helpful information. Thanks so much Maria.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Beans! Chickpeas (a.k.a garbanzo beans) are super cheap and so nutritious. You can make hummus for a veggie dip, and have veggies & hummus for snacks instead of crackers -- much healthier AND cheaper. Roasted chickpeas are also a great snack; you can experiment with spices for you and the kids.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Animal crackers, cheez its and graham crackers aren't the best snacks for kids either. Can you cut up fruit/veggies the night before for them and yourself? What about some of the higher protein granola bars. Are they old enough to eat nuts? Popcorn? You can make trail mix. It is high in cals but is filling and not too expensive if you buy ingredients in bulk and make your own.
    To save money we buy lean meats in bulk, separate into smaller packages and freeze them. Also fruits, even bananas can be frozen. Do you have a blender? My grandsons loveee smoothies and you can add protein to those too.
    Do you have an Aldis where you live? I buy a LOT of veggies and fruits there for very little money.
    Can you grow any of your own veggies? I know it's too late to get started this year but I save a LOT of money growing my own tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, green beans, herbs and berries. If not, a local farmers market may be a good option for you.
    I eat eggs daily. I boil a bunch of them and then dont eat the yolk, I feed it to my cat rather than throw them out! lol Once or twice a week I will make omelets. You could add cheese or meat to the kid's omelets and keep yours veggie.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I buy all my meat on sale and the local grocery store and the rest of my food comes from Aldi's.

    My go to's for protein is omelet's, peanut butter sandwiches, string cheese, peanutbutter crackers, and meat. I have been wanting to get protein shakes but I have yet to splurge on mix or premade shakes.

    I have two kids and I am the only one that works so I totally understand. I am on a budget as well, Aldi's really helps me out.
  • kanittaj
    kanittaj Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks guys. More food ideas. I love it!!!
  • Birdnicaj
    Hon, the cheapest dinner is an omlette!!! That said, I buy whole chickens and cut them up, much cheaper. Also, to be well balanced, you can do pasta with a bag of frozen broccoli, garlic and some chicken - this one's great - it "stretches" the chicken and has the right protein carb ratio. If kids hate broccoli, try something else green.
    Remember: cooking from scratch is always always always cheaper than buying pre made (crap).
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Yogurt is amazing. People rave about Greek yogurt, but I find that it's just plain gross. Normal yogurt still has protein.
    I eat eggs obsessively. With a million ways to cook them, there has to be a way that your kids will like.
    Not totally sure, but I think there's some good string cheeses. I haven't had them since I was a kid, but they used to be my favorite.
    Nuts are good, high in calories but delicious all the same.

    I seem to get more protein when I don't try. It's everywhere -- dairy, meat (though I'm vegetarian), whole wheat breads and pastas, vegetarian faux meats, and everything else. Good luck finding something your kids like :flowerforyou:

    Eggs, especially egg yolks, are really high in cholesterole. So I wouldn't advice eating them "obsessively". My mums cardiologist says 3 eggs a week max.
    I eat about a dozen eggs a week and my cholesterol is just fine. I don't eat a lot of processed junk with added fat. Your body used some cholesterol so having eggs isn't going to do you in if your diet is full of healthy foods and not constantly over eating.

    Edit to add link with scientific support that eggs aren't going to kill your cholesterol:
  • Birdnicaj
    PS. Rice, beans and chicken thighs.... :-)
  • Birdnicaj
    Yogurt is amazing. People rave about Greek yogurt, but I find that it's just plain gross. Normal yogurt still has protein.
    I eat eggs obsessively. With a million ways to cook them, there has to be a way that your kids will like.
    Not totally sure, but I think there's some good string cheeses. I haven't had them since I was a kid, but they used to be my favorite.
    Nuts are good, high in calories but delicious all the same.

    I seem to get more protein when I don't try. It's everywhere -- dairy, meat (though I'm vegetarian), whole wheat breads and pastas, vegetarian faux meats, and everything else. Good luck finding something your kids like :flowerforyou:

    Eggs, especially egg yolks, are really high in cholesterole. So I wouldn't advice eating them "obsessively". My mums cardiologist says 3 eggs a week max.
    I eat about a dozen eggs a week and my cholesterol is just fine. I don't eat a lot of processed junk with added fat. Your body used some cholesterol so having eggs isn't going to do you in if your diet is full of healthy foods and not constantly over eating.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hon, the cheapest dinner is an omlette!!! That said, I buy whole chickens and cut them up, much cheaper. Also, to be well balanced, you can do pasta with a bag of frozen broccoli, garlic and some chicken - this one's great - it "stretches" the chicken and has the right protein carb ratio. If kids hate broccoli, try something else green.
    Remember: cooking from scratch is always always always cheaper than buying pre made (crap).

    I do this and look out for big sales. I just bought two whole chickens last week for about $3 each and froze one of them. Had the chicken legs and one breast with some veggies (three meals) and used the rest in soup.
  • hlinn01
    hlinn01 Posts: 36
    bump! I love Aldi's I also like that Wal-Mart will ad-match anything, wo you do not have to go to a million different stores to get the great deals.
  • stepgingerly
    My girls just turned 5 and 6. I have a shelf on the fridge door for snacks - Lite yogurt, reduced calorie cheese sticks. Then on the table I keep apples and nuts - The kids love pistachios, and since you have to open them it slows you down so I don't eat a ton like I would other nuts... Best investment ever was a Lock-n-lock veggie tray (square and fits in my small side-by-side fridge). I make hummus in a separate bowl (has protein and WAY cheaper than buying pre-made- I always get lots of canned chickpeas when on sale), and just keep filling the veggie tray. Sometimes I just pull it out for a fast lunch if I'm out of time/can't think what to feed the kids. They are good with Carrots and Cucumbers, one of them will eat Broccoli, and the fourth spot I keep to try different things out on them. I put the hummus on roll-up sandwiches for a condiment for me and them. I also use the chickpeas to make Chole. (Spiced Chickpeas on Good protein, cheap recipe, the kids love it on brown rice.(I skip a little of the heat for them.)
  • Lalo_Nyc
    Lalo_Nyc Posts: 20 Member
    You can add beans into your diet. There are so many varieties that should be able to find a kind you would like.

    Buy fresh if you can, canned if you want to just try out. Fresh beans can take a while to cook so look up online for different methods, etc. Here is one:

    Please, remember to rinse off beans specially if you buy in cans. This will take away the excess sodium, etc.
    One last comment about beans. It will take your body a bit to get used to digesting the beans but after a while you will be fine. Lol.

    Good luck,

    Ed from NYC
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a grad student and I've been living on my own since I was 18. Learning how to cook is the best thing for your budget and health. One thing I make often? SOUP. Soup made from dried beans or lentils is cheap, delicious, easy, and filling. I also will buy a whole chicken, rub it with olive oil and lemon juice and whatever spices I'm feeling. I roast it for an hour, eat some that night and then pull the meat off the carcass and set it aside. I take the carcass, carrot peels, onion peels, bits of celery and spices, cover it with water and boil to make stock. Then I throw the chicken meat into the stock with carrots, kale, onions, and celery and have soup for two weeks easy. Like others have said, Greek yogurt is great and easy to make yourself for cheaper than it's sold in stores. Old fashioned oats with almond or skim milk and whey protein is another good option.

    Honestly, set a day aside and cook for the week. Look up tutorials for cooking things from scratch on youtube (how I learned to make yogurt!) . Making your own food lets you control what's in it and is often tons cheaper.
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I used to buy my kids snacks that I don't like to eat.... like strawberries, pickles, etc.... Things I knew I would not munch on. I also got them to eat more veggies by melting cheese on theirs, but left mine nakey.