You know what really bugs me....



  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    damn, where were all those 23 year olds when I was 23?

    when I was 23, everyone was finishing college and getting their careers going and I was a frumpy mom of a pre-schooler!

    and damn now that I'm 37 and my daughter is almost out of the house, the late bloomers are all starting to have babies and have pre-schoolers.

    I think WTF!!! quit having kids, I have no friends! LOL!!! ;)
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    At least she isn't the I hate fat people lady.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    ahh well if that's the case, don't feel old. Age is what you make it.
    I'm 10 years older than you and have friends and co-workers who have kids in High School.

    I rarely feel old.

    And while you may be at different points in your life, this is a natural occurance. Try to keep up with them. They could use the company and fun!
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    i understand completely. im 26. i use facebook to reconnect with people i went to school with or have lost touch with over the past years. most of them have kids, are married and i am the minority (single, never married, no kids). im happy with my choices and not hating on them for theirs. but if i wanted to see pics of your childs first day of school, ill let you know. quit cluttering up my fb lol
  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Hun, I have children and had them young, and I know your not being judgemental. Your just say thinking out loud, making conversation, cut the girl some slack everyone. The only people that are being judgemental are the ones that are judging the poster.

    Looks like a few hungry grumpy posters on here :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Facebook really bugs me. That's why I no longer have it!
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 236 Member
    What really bugs me is when someone posts something and all the judgemental people jump on the bandwagon of being judgemental towards the OP. I am proud of the OP for being 23 and enjoying her life. You go girl!
  • twinsmom03
    twinsmom03 Posts: 90 Member
    Why is it that as soon as someone expresses an opinion on here, they are quickly branded as judgmental?

    That is what really bugs me, in answer to the original question of this post.

    Bugs me too!!!!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Most of our parents had us when they were that age too... it's called growing up!
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Wow, really?!
    I wasn't doing this to be judgemental towards them. I actually said that I'm happy for them, and I really am. At least they know where they are going with their lives, I don't.

    I never said it was a bad thing for them to choose that direction. I know it's their lives. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm old enough to BE at the point in my life. THAT is where I was going.

    I'm not trying to be judgemental towards them. I'm completely happy with my choices, just as I know they are happy with theirs. I was simply stating that it bugs me that I'm at the point in my life now where this happens.

    I guess I should have added that to it, made it a little more clear that this was a post about me feeling OLD, not about me hating everyone.
    If this is true, you should learn to express yourself better.

    This. Your original post said none of the above-just that it 'bugs' you when your friends (and i use that term loosely, as i wouldnt want any friend of mine to be *****ing about me on an internet forum) post pics of their kids first day at school. Then when people didnt react positively to that, you added the part about being totally cool with it all and just feeling old.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What really bugs me is all the restraining orders my (so called) MFP friends keep taking out against me. Jeez anyone would think I was creepy or something, when we all know that if God didn't want me to stalk you he wouldn't have invented GPS and google maps.:devil:
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    Facebook really bugs me. That's why I no longer have it!
  • Oh, can I say what else bugs me?!

    Road Construction. They always block off the entrance that I need to use for work.
  • Most of our parents had us when they were that age too... it's called growing up!

    My mom was 31.

    Perhaps, this is where I get it! lol
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't get it either, is is just an American thing? The majority here wait until they're in at least their late 20s/early 30s before getting hitched...I mean I was doing my Masters at 24 and busy establishing a career and having fun my 20s. I think that's also why there's a lot of divorce... Then again, what works for some people works for them....It would NOT have worked for me!

    ETA: I don't have FB anymore, it's sh!te!
  • I can see where you are coming from. I look at it from a different perspective. I am 28; my youngest is 3 and my oldest is 7, so I started having kids when I was younger than you. Yes, it was my decision. I wanted to have my children, get them through school, and be young enough to enjoy them being out of the house! I will be in my early 40s when my youngest goes off to college--hooray! I applaud your being mature enough to realize that you want to wait--kudos!

    ETA: I was also called a little crazy-I got my B.B.A. and Master's in the midst of having my three children and working my bottom off to pay for school.

    And also, it bugs me when people say they will meet me some where at a specific time and show up late without telling me in advance or just text me to say they can't make it when they should already be there!
  • azwethinkweizm
    azwethinkweizm Posts: 47 Member
    W-o-w! What is everyone's problem on this site lately? Chill the heck out. I think I get what you were _trying_ to say actually? That you are 23 and you're old enough to have children/be married (and the proof is right there on your FB news feed because some of your friends are in that situation) but that you don't FEEL like you are at that place in your life. I understand because I'm 25 and single and sometimes when I see my friends have kids or get married I feel like I've been left behind or that maybe I haven't grown up fast enough. Don't let it bug you too much though :smile: x

    What bugs me is people on here claiming other people are being judgemental when they themselves are being judgemental because the truth is, we are ALL judgemental (everyone makes judgements about everything!). Yeesh.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    Great topic PattieCakes23. You have a great head on your shoulders. Don't be discouraged by others.
  • paralegalnc
    paralegalnc Posts: 43 Member
    I had my daughter when I was 20 and my son 22. My son is now 23 and I take him to college for his senior year tomorrow. People I went to school with have kids just started college or even lower. I don't regret those choices.

    However, what bothers me...I was looking for a bathing suit for my upcoming vacation (14 days from today) unfortunatley I had to look plus sizes still, but they had skinny models modeling a plus size bathing suit. Really??? let me see that hawaiann print on THIS *kitten*... or with let me see how it covers up this back fat... put 40 DD in that top... COME ON!!!!!!
  • What bugs me is people on here claiming other people are being judgemental when they themselves are being judgemental because the truth is, we are ALL judgemental (everyone makes judgements about everything!). Yeesh.

    This. Everyone Judges.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    I think I can understand what you are saying here, but I don't think it came across the best on the internet. When I was your age, I loved kids, I loved OTHER people's kids, but I just could not picture myself as being old enough to have kids. It was a mental thing on my part. Listening to all of them talk about their kids kind of made me feel like I was stuck in time as a kid or something while they were turning into adults. Shoot, at 36 I don't feel old enough to have a preschooler and 1st grader.

    What bugs me? It bugs me when somebody picks the bathroom stall right next to me in the bathroom when they could easily sit in the one that isn't right next to me.
  • The beauty of having kids young is that when they are ready to move on, I will have money to enjoy traveling with my wife while I am still young enough to really enjoy it. So there are some rewards. But hey, whatever people want to do, it is definety not the easiest way to have them young..

    What really bugs me is those damn people who drive like idiots in front of me. Turn in front of me, fine. but then get your *kitten* up to speed...
  • willing2try
    willing2try Posts: 23 Member
    My daughter just got married on July 7. She is 29 Many of her friends have just married recently and some are still waiting. So don't worry about it. Don't be in a rush for what can be one of the most important decisions in your life. Enjoy being 23 and relatively free!:smile: Take this advice from an old guy, still happily married for 32 years, who got married when he was 33.
  • What really bugs me is those damn people who drive like idiots in front of me. Turn in front of me, fine. but then get your *kitten* up to speed...

    It's like they don't get it. haha. You don't pull out in front of someone and then slow down, that's just not how it works.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Facebook really bugs me. That's why I no longer have it!


    So many people get wound by things on facebook, it's not the law that you have to be on there.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I totally get what you are saying. My son is 24 and I can't imagine him having a child that is school-aged.

    I did have him when I was 21 and I am glad I did. It helped keep me from becoming a wild child, and settled me down. The one huge benefit to having him so young is that now I am 45 and can enjoy my time with my husband without having to race around taking care of kids. It's just him and me. Well, it will be whenever my son moves back out...

    My mom had me when she was 39. She always felt so old compared to all of my friends' moms.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    Some poeple like to get child rearing out of the way early & others like me wouldn't have dreamed of having a child under the age of 30. I'm 37 with a 5 year old & most of my peers from school are sending their kids off to uni or becoming grandmothers.

    Things that bug me? too many to mention. But i have learned to be much more zen over them so even when being annoyed most poeple wouldn't have a clue. lol
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What bugs me is people on here claiming other people are being judgemental when they themselves are being judgemental because the truth is, we are ALL judgemental (everyone makes judgements about everything!). Yeesh.
    So what? I have no problem with being judgmental. The problem is with posting a negative topic here, that she's afraid to post on facebook to be seen by the people she's complaining about. And then backpedaling and trying to say it was all a misunderstanding.
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    You never know why, nor should it matter, why people make the choices they make.

    Judge me if you will, but I had two children by the time I was 19. I also had a hysterectomy at 23 because I had cancer. If I had not had my children so early, I would not have had any. My friends' kids are starting kindergarten - my oldest is starting high school.

    I will be all of 37 when my youngest graduates. I will (God willing!) get to experience so much of their lives with them, and it's wonderful.

    And, though I was a teen mom, I am doing well financially, and raising my kids right without any help. And I have been cancer free for 9 years. And I would not have it ANY other way. If any of my facebook friends were as judgemental as you are, they would not be my friends.

    You are AWESOME :heart:. Congrats on being cancer free for 9 years!!!
  • What bugs me is people on here claiming other people are being judgemental when they themselves are being judgemental because the truth is, we are ALL judgemental (everyone makes judgements about everything!). Yeesh.
    So what? I have no problem with being judgmental. The problem is with posting a negative topic here, that she's afraid to post on facebook to be seen by the people she's complaining about. And then backpedaling and trying to say it was all a misunderstanding.

    Hmm, funny you should say that I'm afraid to post it on Facebook. I did post on Facebook.

    Oh, and Twitter.