Addicted to Soda all my life.

Hi Everyone,

I just joined a few minutes ago. I am 5'9" and 215 pounds. I have done fitness and dieting, but through it all I would not give up Dr. Pepper and Coke. Well, after going to the gym 5 days a week for nearly a year, I have lost zero pounds and have become chunky. I have always heard through the years that if you just give up soda and replace it with water only (no fruit drinks) then you will lose weight. So I am finally trying it. Today is Day 4 without soda. I am going to weigh myself on Day 15 to see if there is any weight loss. Have any of you lost weight giving up soda? If so, I would like to know the NUMBERS, please. HOW MUCH weight did you lose -- particularly after 2 weeks, after 1 month, etc...

I have been a 6-pack a day soda drinker since I was 12 years old. Despite this, my weight was never a problem until 4 years ago. I got a great paying job which required me to travel 200 miles a day. I had to get up at 5am, and it was go-go-go all day. I had no time to prepare lunch, so it meant the drive-thrus. Would be ravenous and dog tired as soon as I got home. Stopped going to the gym because I was too tired. Put on 50 pounds in 3 months. Last year my schedule changed and my commuting time was cut back nearly 2/3. I finally had time to go back to the gym. I thought that now that my schedule was okay, the weight would come off. IT HAS NOT! It's like now that it is there, no matter what I do it won't go...

So I am giving up my beloved DP and Coke. The plan is to go cold turkey for 1 month. I will weigh in at 2 weeks and then again at 1 month. PLEASE anyone who has had success with this, share your story with me. I need some inspiration because, today is Day 4, and I've got some strong cravings.



  • I lost 25lbs after giving up soda for 2 months.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    I am also addicted to soda, and giving it up is soooo hard. I am only on day eight, but I have already lost two pounds! It's worth it. Water is starting to taste okay, when I first started it was disgusting! :happy:
  • I gave it up in 2007. Well, technically I gave "it" up in 1994...but that's neither here nor there.
    Anyway.....I didn't lose any weight from giving it up. But it really wasn't all that hard to just say NO. I can't drink it now - it tasty artificial and nasty and gives me a tummy ache.
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    I dropped Diet Coke and anything related diet carbonated on July 1st and have lost considerably since then. In regular soft drinks you're getting the sugar intake, which is not great, but you are also bloating your stomach which makes it expand and accept larger portions. I know it isn't easy, but you're doing the right thing. If you ever doubt this, take out a scale and measure out 39 grams of sugar and you will see how much of this you are ingesting each time you put a can to your lips. Good luck, giving up cola isn't easy.
  • I didn't give up the soda, i just started drinking diet dr. pepper.
    & i'm losing weight.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    You said you were drinking a six pack a day. 6 cans of dr. pepper = 900 calories. I'd wager you'd lose a substantial amount if you cut that out.
  • Hi there, I drank Diet Pepsi 2-3 cans a day and stopped 5 weeks ago and have lost a total of 21 pounds.
    I walk 30-40 mintues a night and eat about 1400 calories (I am 5'10 and NOW weigh 261) (Started at 283)
    I PROMISE after just a couple of weeks without it, you wont miss it. I had a craving last night so I bought a small Diet pepsi and
    took 2 sips and immeditale burped and got a tummy ache! LOL..(tmi - I know but it did give me a belly ache.)
    Now I drink alot of water and when I have a "taste" of "taste" I sprinkle in those Crystal light packets, and its like juice or tea.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I had lap band surgery and lost 85 lbs in 6 months....I attributed quite a bit of that to the lack of cherry Dr. Pepper by the gallon not being in my system. Soda makes a huge difference! Six years later and I rarely have soda!
  • TennesseeSodaholic
    TennesseeSodaholic Posts: 129 Member
    Wow, all these replies in a matter of minutes! THANKS!
  • scarlet331
    scarlet331 Posts: 42 Member
    I lived on it like it was water going out of style. I would buy 12 packs of Coke or Pepsi whenever it was on sale and stock up. I went through a 12 pack in just 1 day. When I decided it was time for a change,I had to cut the soda. It wasn't easy at first, since the caffeine is what gets you. I was having caffeine withdraws. Headaches, irritability and ween myself down to 1 soda a day. I still have an occasional thirst for soda, but I drink more water, Crystal light, iced tea(decaf). To those who say it is hard, it is at first, but you have to be determined to do it. You will save your kidneys in the long run and I lost a total of 4 lbs since then. I still have a long way to go.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    It's not that bad to quit soda cold turkey. It was my new years resolution and I still haven't had any :) Although New Years Day next year I may be funneling mt. dew like a freshman college kid :p

    Although I'm not a chronic drinker like you, I think you can do it.

    I never lost weight from giving it up, but i've always been at a healthy weight and don't really have too many extra lbs to lose (5'4" and 132ish)

    Best of luck to you!
  • My addiction was mexican soda (i.e. Fanta... Especially the pineapple one. OMG YUM!) which is loaded with sugar. I switched over to mineral water which gives me the same bubbly sensation I get when I drink fizzy soda. I'm absolutely hooked on Perrier. Its all a mind game. I've tricked myself into thinking its soda and now I can't get enough of it. Zero calories... Zero sugar.... Zero sodium. Give it a try =)
  • TennesseeSodaholic
    TennesseeSodaholic Posts: 129 Member
    Yeah, water is getting old, old, old. BUT SO IS BEING FAT! I have been putting a slice of lime in mine. That's starting to get old too, but I ain't quittin! :grumble:
  • I quit cold turkey. One day I drank 2 20oz. pepsi and the next day I was drinking water. I have not had a soda in 4 weeks. I am on ny 5th week. So far I have loss 7 pounds. I have been exercising and eating better as well. It will make you feel better to. I really dont know how I did it because usually I get BAD headaches because I have no caffeine but I have been doing good.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    There are 140 calories in one can of coke. If you drink a six pack a day that is 840 calories a day, or 5,880 calories per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. So basically, if you change nothing else, you will lose over 1.5 pounds per week. I drank coke my whole life. Love he stuff. I avoid it like the plague now. I made an agreement with myself. I can have soda, popcorn and candy when I go to a movie, but not at home. You will thank yourself for giving it up. My results are below.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I gave up soda earlier this year and I didn't lose any weight. I drink it sometimes now and again if I need something with caffeine or if I need to reach my daily goal. But usually now I'll drink coke zero or diet soda. I didn't drink as much as you though even when I drank it the most so yeah, stopping 900+ calories will probably help, it couldn't hurt at least. Good luck! :drinker:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just joined a few minutes ago. I am 5'9" and 215 pounds. I have done fitness and dieting, but through it all I would not give up Dr. Pepper and Coke. Well, after going to the gym 5 days a week for nearly a year, I have lost zero pounds and have become chunky. I have always heard through the years that if you just give up soda and replace it with water only (no fruit drinks) then you will lose weight. So I am finally trying it. Today is Day 4 without soda. I am going to weigh myself on Day 15 to see if there is any weight loss. Have any of you lost weight giving up soda? If so, I would like to know the NUMBERS, please. HOW MUCH weight did you lose -- particularly after 2 weeks, after 1 month, etc...

    I have been a 6-pack a day soda drinker since I was 12 years old. Despite this, my weight was never a problem until 4 years ago. I got a great paying job which required me to travel 200 miles a day. I had to get up at 5am, and it was go-go-go all day. I had no time to prepare lunch, so it meant the drive-thrus. Would be ravenous and dog tired as soon as I got home. Stopped going to the gym because I was too tired. Put on 50 pounds in 3 months. Last year my schedule changed and my commuting time was cut back nearly 2/3. I finally had time to go back to the gym. I thought that now that my schedule was okay, the weight would come off. IT HAS NOT! It's like now that it is there, no matter what I do it won't go...

    So I am giving up my beloved DP and Coke. The plan is to go cold turkey for 1 month. I will weigh in at 2 weeks and then again at 1 month. PLEASE anyone who has had success with this, share your story with me. I need some inspiration because, today is Day 4, and I've got some strong cravings.


    I gave up soda as well. I drank about 2 liters a day from the age of about 13-24 and even after that when I drank less, it wasn't that much less. I have been soda free for about 6 months straight now and I don't miss it a bit. It was insanely difficult for me to give up, but after noticing the same problem you described (working out with no weight loss) I knew it had to go. You can do it, soda has no benefits and is only going to hurt you. I am sure its rough, because I know it was for me, but stay strong and drink plenty of water! Don't sub out sports drinks because the sugar in them isn't much less than a soda and it will only cause you to continue the cravings.
  • Itssojen
    Itssojen Posts: 73 Member
    I gave up soda in March of this year. Although I don't know how much weight I've lost just from giving up soda considering I've been doing other things to lose weight as well, I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel not drinking soda. I felt a difference after just a couple days. I always drank diet and that's how I justified that it was okay. I've had soda a few times since I've cut it out, and every single time I have tummy issues the whole next day. It's amazing how bad it really is for you and your body. Good luck - stick with it!
  • Life_Is_Good2_Me
    Life_Is_Good2_Me Posts: 36 Member
    I gave up soda in July 2011 and lost 16 pounds in 90 days doing P90x. I drink one occasionally, but soda makes me feel bloated and gives me a tummy ache so it really isn't worth it anymore. If I want a something sweet to drink, I have a diet green tea with honey. No calories and it taste better than soda and doesn't make me feel like crap! Good luck and good for you for changing after all these years. You will NOT be disappointed!! The new you will feel so much better than drinking any soda!!
  • TennesseeSodaholic
    TennesseeSodaholic Posts: 129 Member
    Wow again! What a wonderful community! I'm so inspired reading your stories! And no, I have not been substituting with fruit drinks or diet drinks. Just water. Hubby and I are fixing to go to the gym and play some racquetball! Can't wait to read more posts when we get back. :laugh: