


  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't have people trying to feed me, but I have had a lot of 'you will never do it' comments, particularly when I joined the gym.

    People that have never worried about their weight don't appreciate how hard it is for people that do and how much their words can hurt.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If offering you food is sabotage in your mind, I think you need to be less sensitive. Don't expect special treatment because you are on a diet. If I bring cupcakes in, I'm gonna offer them to all my coworkers, even if one is dieting, because I would consider it rude not to. It is up to you to turn things down if they aren't in your plan.
  • EmilyG34
    EmilyG34 Posts: 23 Member
    A great quote for this "Small people always belittle your ambitions, but the really great, make you feel that you, too, can become great" - MarkTwain
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Do you have people who always say negative stuff? Like you are gonna fall of the bandwagon. Also they try to sabotage my diet by giving me chocolate. I give it back! I refuse to be fat forever!

    Oh yes. Good choice giving it back. "Oh, that's so sweet! But you know, I can't eat this right now so why don't you take it to your neighbor? I bet they'd really appreciate it way more!"
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    A great quote for this "Small people always belittle your ambitions, but the really great, make you feel that you, too, can become great" - MarkTwain

    Love this! Thank you for sharing!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I was eating an ice cream bar from Dairy Queen and my mom said, "Hey, you're going to get FAT!".

    She knows I eat based on calorie counting, yet she won't do that for herself.

    Also, she is obese. Sadly.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Thanks! I just posted the quote on Facebook!
    A great quote for this "Small people always belittle your ambitions, but the really great, make you feel that you, too, can become great" - MarkTwain

    Love this! Thank you for sharing!
  • abbylanes
    abbylanes Posts: 5 Member
    Keep doing what's right for you. I suspect your friend is exhibiting passive aggressive behavior. I have a food (sugar) pusher in my life. She's extremely passive aggressive. I have learned to keep a healthy distance, and find healthier "close friends."
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    hell no. I don't allow people in my life like that.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I had a nurse at work tell me "Oh see-you look like you've lost weight. I overheard some of the other nurses saying you look like you've put on a few pounds."

    People will always try to get you down when they see you're making a changes they wish they had the willpower to make for themselves.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :laugh: im married to a navy cook, so yes

    makes me soo mad when he makes tasty food(somtimes) and then forces me to eat it

  • waynekp1981
    I would venture to say that the reason her 1200 carolie diet didn't work, is that because she stops counting at 1200 calories doesn't mean she stops eating!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    My daughter always tells me...mommy you are getting so skinny...I just laugh and say not yet but I plan to be smaller soon. I am smaller by over 100 lbs but far away from skinny. But I love hearing her say it. It makes me smile that she can see all my hard work. She says I'm a different person every time she sees me and has to look twice to even know who I am. Try not to take some comments so negative and those who try to give you food or whatever, just politely decline the offer and move on, no need to stress about it. Soon they will get the hint.
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    Do you have people who always say negative stuff?

    Appropriate response "U MAD BRO?"

    I already say that to a ton of stuff so why not? lol
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    I dont get any of that. Everyone around me is very positive. Thats what I attract to myself by putting out positive energy.
  • Monalisa85
    Monalisa85 Posts: 31 Member
    Let your success speak for you. And just smile!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Some people will always define themselves in relation to those around them (ie "I'm a better cook than everyone I know", rather than "I'm a good cook") They are not always bad people, or mean people -- they are just not self-aware or self-assured. And they cannot cope when YOU change. Because your change means that they are being forced to redefine themselves.
    How can they be the skinny friend/sister/coworker/boyfriend/husband/in-law if you lose weight? How can they consider themselves athletic, when you work out more than they? People who make negative comments, people who sabotage -- those words and actions have nothing to do with who you really are or what you've really accomplished -- regardless of how they dress it up, it is always about them.
  • redlady82
    redlady82 Posts: 43 Member
    I think a lot of people do try to sabotage. People work with their own demons and they come out in really strange ways. Girls like to do it at times becuase I swear some are comfortable with an overweight friend who has everything else going on so if you lose weight you might "pass them up." I wish I knew why "friends" could be this way. I know people love to point out weight. I had dinner with my in laws and my father in law sat down and was talking about another girl and how big she was and what her weight was and I found the whole conversation very strange especially while we were eating. My mother in law is super thin and I've heard about my weight before in that circle so I really felt like it was aimed at me. I kind of like to take the approach with anyone who is being negative about anything to be like "sorry you feel that way" or just nod and keep moving along. Especially if you know you wouldn't be that way to someone then you don't deserve it back so ignore it and if it's someone of no consequence it's easier to ignore them or drop them
  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    Fat people hate it if their friends lose weight. To them, its like you've betrayed or deserted them. Its the same with smokers. If you give up cigarettes, smokers act as though you've let them down and if you go back on the cigarettes they are delighted that you've rejoined the club! I work with a couple of women who are morbidly obese (its quite common in Ireland I find). Just as you've said they constantly try the "just a little bit of cake won't hurt you". And "you wouldn't look right if you were any thinner" even though I am overweight by about 60lbs. Its a sort of envy - rejoice in the fact that you are rising above it and doing what's best for you and your body!
  • Candy_monster
    Eurgh yes!

    I live at home and my parents have taken to actually bringing me slices of cheesecake and cream cakes up to my room when I'm studying :S It's every night, after i've had my tea AND dessert, about an hour later someone will be up with a huge slice of cake or muffin or whatever else. And there's no way of saying no because it's already cut and plated up :S