Walmart Selling GE corn---unmarked



  • DantiaX
    DantiaX Posts: 23 Member
    GMO's don't actually bother me in the sense that we have densely populated regions without the capacity alone to provide enough food. Like the U.S. for instance. However, I think they should be thoroughly tested before mass market. If the thing with the corn is true than I would consider that to fall in the test fail category. Most of the food we eat (unless bought locally and even then the seeds could be modified to some degree or really who knows what a local farmer is doing for that matter?) has been tampered with. Ears of corn are larger than they used to be, apples made to be especially red, chickens bred to infirmity for maximum meat. That's a symptom of an overpopulated society that is reaching, or has reached, an environments capacity to support it. In nature animals would move or spit off into other groups. We've already spread pretty much everywhere so that's not really an option.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    If you only knew about all the food you ate.

    I studied plants and soil science (particularly vegetables), and you wouldn't believe the amount of things you don't know.

    Buying local isn't always the best choice, but it does improve your local economy and you can meet the people who grow your food :happy:
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Another major problem with canola oil is that 80% of the acres sown are genetically modified canola, and it’s not the GMO type of product that has been developed for the benefit of the species of plant, but for the benefit of the herbicide. First introduced to Canada in 1995, genetically modified canola has become a point of controversy and contentious legal battles as Monsanto’s “Roundup Ready” herbicide allows farmers to drench both their crops and crop land with the herbicide so as to be able to kill nearby weeds (and any other green thing the herbicide touches) without killing their crop. The effects of this herbicide on the environment as well as the health of individuals who consume the products have been questioned. (Read more on pesticides and herbicides here.) Superweeds have begun to develop, and much like the overuse of antibiotics, eventually a resistance to the chemical builds up, and a more powerful one must be used. Monsanto is already working on a stronger herbicide (called SmartStax) which they hope to debut soon.

    I am not sure where the idea came from that farmers are really excited about "drenching" their crops with herbicide. It is regulated, you have to have specific certification to do it, you must be competent in math to figure what you are putting out per acre and how to mix it. Also, it is really expensive. In addition, GMO's reduce the need for pesticide as they are pest resistant. If there were no GMO's food prices would soar. Crop loss due to weeds and insects would be between 40-60 percent.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Think about this next time you buy "organic". They have found high levels of caffeine, various medications and pesticides in the Pacific ocean off Oregon. Now, I've lived in Oregon off and on most of my life, in all corners of the state and I know that it, generally speaking, is one of the cleaner coastal states in the country. So, if they are finding this kind of crap in the waters of the ocean, what else is out there?

    What's in the air that's being absorbed by those "organic" plants? What was in the soil before it was planted? We've been doing our best to destroy this rock we live on for quite a long time now and we still may succeed. The stuff we know is in our food and the things we know have been done to it are bad enough, what about all the things we don't know or don't think about?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I like my pesticide free, pests and all!
  • mirandamayhem
    Think about this next time you buy "organic". They have found high levels of caffeine, various medications and pesticides in the Pacific ocean off Oregon. Now, I've lived in Oregon off and on most of my life, in all corners of the state and I know that it, generally speaking, is one of the cleaner coastal states in the country. So, if they are finding this kind of crap in the waters of the ocean, what else is out there?

    What's in the air that's being absorbed by those "organic" plants? What was in the soil before it was planted? We've been doing our best to destroy this rock we live on for quite a long time now and we still may succeed. The stuff we know is in our food and the things we know have been done to it are bad enough, what about all the things we don't know or don't think about?

    Yup, truth is, we're all going to die anyway, and it's going to get progressively more aggressively as the decades go on. Since the industrial revolution we've done our level best to ruin this planet.

    Wow, that's a cheery thought.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Think about this next time you buy "organic". They have found high levels of caffeine, various medications and pesticides in the Pacific ocean off Oregon. Now, I've lived in Oregon off and on most of my life, in all corners of the state and I know that it, generally speaking, is one of the cleaner coastal states in the country. So, if they are finding this kind of crap in the waters of the ocean, what else is out there?

    What's in the air that's being absorbed by those "organic" plants? What was in the soil before it was planted? We've been doing our best to destroy this rock we live on for quite a long time now and we still may succeed. The stuff we know is in our food and the things we know have been done to it are bad enough, what about all the things we don't know or don't think about?

    In order for a field to grow certified organic food, it needs to be tested for certain chemicals and various other crap. If it fails the test, it needs to remain untouched for 7 years, allowing a full turnover of the soil before it can be tested again.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    Lots of great thoughts and information on here. This is why I love discussions forums. I always learn so much. :) Heaven knows I can always use more knowledge.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    I would think that if you cared about your corn, you wouldn't be buying produce from Walmart. Just sayin'

    um, walmart gets a lot of produce from local and area farmers.

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say. But who the hell buys produce from Walmart?

    I do. Many do. You seemed to imply that walmart had inferior produce, or maybe that their produce is the product of an evil corporation. It isn't.

    I guess you believe that Wal-Mart gets their produce from local farmers????

    GTFOH.................when I used to shop at Wal-Mart everything says from California, Mexico, Chile, etc...........I am in the Midwest, yeah that is local farming at its finest.

    I prefer going to the Soulard Farmers Market in St Louis and buying from LOCAL farmers. I also have a CSA membership and Coop membership............local farmers again.

    I eat what is in season, so in the winter the things that are available are way different than what is available in the summer.

    It is pretty easy to see where your produce comes from. It is clearly marked. Simply read the label. This is from the enactment of COOL, country of origin labeling.

    I grow my own or shop at the farmers market. I don't buy from Walmart as it seems to spoil faster. I will attribute that to handling practices.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Funny thing is that only in the US can Wal-Mart sell that junk, it's not allowed in any other country so the Wal-Marts in other countries sell better products. If folks would just stop buying products with GMO's and HFCS, companies just might get the message that we don't want their junk.
    If people would stop buying ANYTHING from Wal-Mart there would be a lot fewer problems in general. It's not just a matter of the produce the "Evil Giant" sells.
  • mirandamayhem
    Funny thing is that only in the US can Wal-Mart sell that junk, it's not allowed in any other country so the Wal-Marts in other countries sell better products. If folks would just stop buying products with GMO's and HFCS, companies just might get the message that we don't want their junk.
    If people would stop buying ANYTHING from Wal-Mart there would be a lot fewer problems in general. It's not just a matter of the produce the "Evil Giant" sells.

    We've got Asda-Walmart and Tesco here, I hate both with a passion. Sometimes needs must, but I hate the big monopolisers. But that's a different topic :wink:
  • Melisa25
    Melisa25 Posts: 16
    Living in the Mid-west, working in Agricultural all my life does not make me an expert but we (farmers) use less chemicals then the past. There is far less soil depletion or soil stripping.

    The people that are really fooling you are the organic people. Some use more fuel. They are all not totally honest with consumers. Also some use practices that are so out dated.

    How can we continue to feed a growing population without the use of technology? We grow more corn and soybeans on LESS land with LESS chemicals then in the past. Farmers have been recycling before recycling was the it thing.

    As a person in ag, I feel that farmers are more aware of what they are doing to their land. Yes, there are some very bad people out there.

    Do you stop and think if farmers did not produce at the level we are: what would you eat? We are in a drought this year and things are going to change in the World in the next year.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Just found out Walmart is selling genetically altered corn. This corn is actually designed to cause insects organs to rupture so the corn grows better. Problem is, in lab testing, it caused organ failure in lab rats. Now they are selling it to the public with no warning labels or anything. I was so mad about this earlier when I read about it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    General Mills refuses to use this corn in their cereals, and I believe they are owned by the tobacco company. That tells me a lot if they are refusing to use it.

    I personally believe all genetically modified foods (plant or animal...after that AquAdvantage Salmon was approved) should be labelled as such. The laws in the US Government, specifically within the rules of the FDA and USDA, do not require such labels. It's perfectly legal to sell without informing the consumer if the USDA and FDA have approved it. I'm of the opinion that a lot of people would not touch GMO foods if they knew that's what it was. Some GMO foods are going to be fine, though.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I would think that if you cared about your corn, you wouldn't be buying produce from Walmart. Just sayin'

    um, walmart gets a lot of produce from local and area farmers.

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say. But who the hell buys produce from Walmart?

    I do. Many do. You seemed to imply that walmart had inferior produce, or maybe that their produce is the product of an evil corporation. It isn't.

    Yep, that's what I was implying. I guess I'm not a huge fan of Walmart, and now that I think of it, none of the Walmarts in my area even carry produce, so it just seemed super strange to me. I totally forgot that some of them do have full on grocery stores. My bad.

    In vaguely related news, ie people with lower incomes not having as good of access to fresh food, the organic farm around the corner from my house accepts food stamps for their farm share/CSA program. I spend fully half of my food stamps every month there, and think it's awesome and hope that more programs like these start and people know about them. I googled looking for it and was surprised to find it (CSA that accepts EBT). Definitely needs more attention/publicity.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Living in the Mid-west, working in Agricultural all my life does not make me an expert but we (farmers) use less chemicals then the past. There is far less soil depletion or soil stripping.

    The people that are really fooling you are the organic people. Some use more fuel. They are all not totally honest with consumers. Also some use practices that are so out dated.

    How can we continue to feed a growing population without the use of technology? We grow more corn and soybeans on LESS land with LESS chemicals then in the past. Farmers have been recycling before recycling was the it thing.

    As a person in ag, I feel that farmers are more aware of what they are doing to their land. Yes, there are some very bad people out there

    Do you stop and think if farmers did not produce at the level we are: what would you eat? We are in a drought this year and things are going to change in the World in the next year.

    THANK YOU!!!

    We are in a drought and the world will look much different next year. The ag industry as a whole is working to find ways to be more efficient through proven programs like no till and fallowing practices.

    Seventy years ago just under half of the population farmed. Today, just under two percent of the population are producers. Two percent of the population supplies the nations food and exports. Efficency is essential.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Living in the Mid-west, working in Agricultural all my life does not make me an expert but we (farmers) use less chemicals then the past. There is far less soil depletion or soil stripping.

    The people that are really fooling you are the organic people. Some use more fuel. They are all not totally honest with consumers. Also some use practices that are so out dated.

    How can we continue to feed a growing population without the use of technology? We grow more corn and soybeans on LESS land with LESS chemicals then in the past. Farmers have been recycling before recycling was the it thing.

    As a person in ag, I feel that farmers are more aware of what they are doing to their land. Yes, there are some very bad people out there.

    Do you stop and think if farmers did not produce at the level we are: what would you eat? We are in a drought this year and things are going to change in the World in the next year.

    I kinda agree. While we may not know what the long term effects of GM plants are down the road, who has a better solution? In a college Bio class we had to write a paper basically picking a side of how we would solve the world's food couldn't be some BS idea like everyone in the US just skip one meal a day or anything like that. I think the best plans after doing tons of research were giving loans to farmers in poorer countries and genetically modifying plants (and then giving those plant seeds to the poor farmers, not selling them for millions of dollars.)
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Kashi recently got their *kitten* handed to them by consumers for toutings their products on the healthier, green side, but using GMO ingredients. They are now labeling their products as certified non-GMO (for those non-GMO products) and attempting to launch an effort to mandate labeling.

    I think they are setting a good example and learned the hard way that misleading labeling will burn you.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Living in the Mid-west, working in Agricultural all my life does not make me an expert but we (farmers) use less chemicals then the past. There is far less soil depletion or soil stripping.

    The people that are really fooling you are the organic people. Some use more fuel. They are all not totally honest with consumers. Also some use practices that are so out dated.

    How can we continue to feed a growing population without the use of technology? We grow more corn and soybeans on LESS land with LESS chemicals then in the past. Farmers have been recycling before recycling was the it thing.

    As a person in ag, I feel that farmers are more aware of what they are doing to their land. Yes, there are some very bad people out there.

    Do you stop and think if farmers did not produce at the level we are: what would you eat? We are in a drought this year and things are going to change in the World in the next year.

    The majority of large corn and soybean farmers are not growing for the general public. Their level of production is to supply corporations. That is where the money is.

    Prior to corporate takeover, our society ate rather well by growing their own crops or simply selling locally. The only people I see suffering from a downsize of corporate agriculture are those who choose choose not to fend for themselves (for lack of a better phrase).

    I feel if money didn't rule the agricultural soul, then this country to go back to eating as healthy as they were 40 years ago.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    I would eat it.

    I am not a rat or an insect. I don't think I will explode xD

    I wonder how much weight I would lose if I exploded and what the calorie burn would be.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Canola seeds???? There is no such thing. Canola oil is made from Rape seeds. When this was given to sheep it caused scraple! Canola oil is not good for you at all. It means Canadian oil company. Check it out on line.
    I just googled Scraple There is no such anything. Check your facts before posting.

    I suspect they were referring to "scrapie", which is a disease in sheep related to BSE (aka. Mad Cow Disease) in cows.

    I fail to see how canola/rapeseed has anything to do with it, I'm just assuming that's what was meant because it was a big health scare (rumors abounded that many cows picked up BSE by having sheep "scrap" added to their diet as a cheap protein source, and of course no one wants a big plate of Creutzfeldt–Jakob), is spelled similarly, and is related to sheep.