What is/was your first mini goal??

Hey everyone! I'm curious as to what is or was everyone's first "mini-goal" whether that be weight or NSV.

I have set mine at getting back in the 200s which would mean a loss of 13 pounds. Not much but every step counts!


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Mine was getting out of the 180's... completed a few weeks ago. My next one is to get out of the 170s lol
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member
    my first goal (milestone) was to break the 200 mark!!!
  • gemmalianne84
    My first goal was to get to 9.5st from 12st. And I've done it! Very pleased. But since in not a tall person I can still afford to lose another stone. So now I want to get to around 8.7st but I want to tone up my flab mainly. I wouldn't mind losing a few inches rather than weight now. I think that's a fair trade off :)
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    Mine was to lose 10% of my body weight...Which puts me at 160. I have a ways to go
  • ThreeKeys_
    ThreeKeys_ Posts: 93 Member
    Mine is to hit 130kg and to feel comfortable on an actual bike rather than just the one at the gym!
  • dewdrops4life
    I am currently working on my first mini-goal: Saying goodbye to 200 and hitting 199. This means I have 25lbs to lose to reach this goal, and I am already anticipating the amazing feeling... I've been around 230 lbs for about 4 years without being able to get out of my rut. I can't wait!
  • mckellipgirl
    mckellipgirl Posts: 63 Member
    To be in ONEderland. Getting there! :D
  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member
    My First Mini Goal is to reach 170 (5lbs to go). Then new ones set for every 10 pounds to my final goal. :smile:
  • dstackable
    Hi! My first mini goal is to get under 160. I have been close sooo many times and gain it right back. I only have 3 lbs to go to this goal, but it has taken forever!
  • ArtemisXXII
    I'm closing in on my first mini goal which is to lose 5% of weight which will put me down to 266.1lbs. After that it's onwards to getting down to 253 which will be just under 10% and was the lowest weight as adult I have on record with my doctor and that was more than two years ago. I'm well on my way. :) Good luck everyone keep up the good work and don't get discouraged.
  • Tashie_bailiff
    It is so good to see so many people who have reached their mini-goals or who are so close. I can't wait to get mine done with and behind me forever! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • JustMagpie
    JustMagpie Posts: 31 Member
    My first mini goal was to get below 200. I did that then went up 5 lbs. I have now reached under 190. My next goal is 180. I just hope it does not take so long as the last one! I am not fighting it any longer!
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    i want to be in the early to mid 130s when my engagement party rolls around october 6th. weighing myself this morning showed that i'm 5 lbs away from 135! shouldn't be too hard :)

    and i just keep on going from there!
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    my first mini goal is to get under 200, only 4 more to go :)
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    First is to lose 10%, which puts me at 175. I'm 188lb now, so a bit to go there
    Second is to run for 30 mins straight - I was close tonight with only 2 x 1.5min walks
    Third is to make it to my workout class three days a week for 2 weeks, then I will wake up the remaining two days to run. (i have a habit of OVER setting goals when I get started, then when I "fail" I stop all together, so that's why I'm not "allowed" to work out 5 days a week until I can be consistant with 3 days a week for 2 weeks)
    Finally - I want to round out my eating so that I'm hitting all the MFP goals (calories, carbs, fat and protein) I get to the end of the day and am always way over in fat and under in protein and carbs, but not enough room in calories to fix it - I know this will come from making better food choices which will be better for me in the long run!
  • brendas026
    brendas026 Posts: 68 Member
    my first goal was to break the 150 plateau, I was 166, Im now 144 and my second goal is 138.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    My first mini-goal was not a number, really. It was simply to be able to wear some of my cute clothes again, which I 'outgrew' so quickly while my thyroid disease went undiagnosed. Thirty pounds in three years was mind-boggling to someone who wore her wedding dress on her 25th anniversary. To make matters worse, I'm beginning to lose muscle due to a degenerative nerve condition, so those pounds were 100% fat. I never wanted to believe I couldn't lose the weight again, so I've been limping along on just a couple baggy, stretch-waisted outfits from the resale shop. Meanwhile, my cute clothes have been languishing in the closet.

    Since losing 15lbs, I finally met that goal last week (hello again, size 8 capris!), and am purging my closet of the ratty fat clothes. Good riddance! :drinker:
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    My first mini goal is to be under 300 by Christmas.....yikes I better buckle down really hard, Christmas is just around the corner.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Currently: to get to 150!!! Ahhh seems like I'll never get there somedays but trying to just keep working hard.
    2nd: get through my whole cardio/ strength class doing regular full pushups. Almost there!
    3rd buy those cute size 8 ae skinny jeans without my belly hanging over. They fit everywhere else.. Boo.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Mine was getting off the 20 pounds I gained from May of 2011 to May of this year. I did. :)