What time of day do you exercise?

After breakfast?
After dinner?
Before bed?

When do YOU exercise?


  • ktadanthony5
    i exercise after lunch and then go walking in the evening after dinner
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    On my days off, usually about an hour after I wake up. On my work days, as soon as I am done doing all my work, so in the afternoon/early evening.
  • luvnunity
    luvnunity Posts: 7 Member
    I work pt 4am-7am and come home to two little ones. I go when I can. Just joined the Y and am able to drop them off, so we usually go after breakfast around 10.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    5:30AM. After work I'm pretty useless!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    First thing in the morning before work! Usually up at the latest 5am. I love working out in the AM. Great start to the day!
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    Right after work so it's part of my routine.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Whenver I can fit it in - I don't have a set time I just make it a point to do it daily - and when I have the opening I go for it.
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    Main workout happens first thing in the morning. I also take a walk, usually with at least part of the family, after dinner.
  • CameoDouglas
    CameoDouglas Posts: 78 Member
    I usually force myself into it in the morning after breakfast to get it over with but I much prefer exercising late, anywhere from 7-11pm. I just like knowing I get to relax and fall asleep in my bed and get a good nights rest right after.
  • Katzm2
    Katzm2 Posts: 7 Member
    Whenever the group fitness class is!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    After dinner
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I prefer 5am so it's out of the way. However this summer I've been lazy and it's mostly been evening.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member

    I leave for work too early in the morning to workout before. And, most of my exercise is martial arts related. So, I need to go when the classes are offered. So, each evening, off to the gym I go!
  • clumsygermangurl
    Late at night around 10-11, so not to many people are outside :D
  • coopersmom2006
    I get up early (between 515 and 6 depending on which day of the week it is) so I can workout before hubby goes to the office. I'm a homeschooling mom of a very busy 6 year old boy so I don't get a lot of me time during the day to workout. I'm not a huge fan of evening exercise.
  • mumi
    mumi Posts: 24
    I run after I put my son to bed so around 8:00pm. I will also work out on my hour lunch break at work if I know that the evening will be too busy.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    On weekdays, I exercise at 9:30 am. This is about 2 hours after breakfast for me and after I've got work established and going. I do my physical therapy and lifting in the evenings while I watch tv, anytime from 6-10pm.

    On weekends, it's whenever I can haul the family out of the house for some fun as that is my only weekend exercise typically. It's far more motivating.
  • Shange_Gully
    In morning or around noon, fasted.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Before bed - it's the only time I can fit it in, typicall between 9 p.m and midnight
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    When I work at 6AM I walk the around 4AM before breakfast. And then I do my real workout after work around 4 or 430PM.

    When I work at 3PM I work out after my morning coffee. I'll probably still continue to walk the dogs before breakfast, but I'll wait until after coffee to do the bulk of my workout.

    On off days I workout whenever it fits best in my schedule or I have the energy -- really depends on what I have planned for the day.