Runners: 5K, What's Your Time?



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I thought the question was PR...maybe not.

    My first (post-injury/high school x-c days) 5K was 29:45 in April 2010. In August 2010, I was down to 24.05. I've raced quite a few 5Ks since then and have only knocked 58 seconds off. Current PR is 23.03 and as I stated before, looking to go 21.xx by year's end. Once my marathon is done with, I should have a good chance at doing that...thank you holiday 5K season!

    I am very new to this, and ignorance on the matter has hold... I have no idea what "PR" stands for. I will take a wild guess and say "Personal Run"?? As opposed to a 5k that you run in with others?... My question was all of the above!! Give me your PR's, your 5k's, your anything and everything :). I just had no basis of an "average" to see where I stood at. Yes, my main goal is just to complete this 5k, with it being my first one ever. But knowing where I kind of stand as far as time range with others it has helped my confidence... I'm pretty sure I won't be last to cross the finish line, which is all I ask for besides finishing :)

    PR = Personal Record, often equated with PB, which is Personal Best.
    I distinguish PR as an official race time and PB as something you do in training. But I don't pay any mind to PBs myself.

    The average (as you can see) varies greatly, depending on weight, experience, training and a slight bit of genetics/natural ability.
  • HorganMom3
    HorganMom3 Posts: 63 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for commenting!! I don't run with anyone and had no clue before what the "average" time for a 5k was... So I had no idea where I stood or how bad/good I am.

    My first run (6-15-12)was on the treadmill and I only ran 1.75. My time which includes a warm up and cool down and stretch was 40m.
    All my runs since then have been outside, either around the neighborhood or a track at the local park. A total of 7 runs since then, and I went from 2.25 miles in 27:37 to 3.14 miles in 33:46. Considering before getting into shape and before getting into running I couldn't even run down the block, I'm pretty proud :)

    Again, thanks all for the info, the support, the advice, and all! I will post how the 5k goes so if your curious look for it. It's September 8th, and I'm excited!!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
  • kmodrak
    kmodrak Posts: 13
    here's a link to lots of race times - if you look at the results pages

    you'll get an idea for how you would place.
  • Islandqueenfl
    Islandqueenfl Posts: 59 Member
    Worked my way from just under 40 min to 21:29

    That is crazy amazing!!! I hope I can get there someday. How long did that take to cut your times that much? Did you do interval training?

    It took probably about 2 years, I lost about 8 pounds and trained mt tail off! In that time I also got really serious about triathlons which helped my overall fitness. Just keep at it! I try and have a long run day, easy run, tempo/speed day, and then a brick run(run after a long bike ride)
  • itsmarcel
    itsmarcel Posts: 52 Member
    30 minutes flat. And proud of it. :tongue:
  • aarong452
    aarong452 Posts: 2 Member
    I ran(walked most of it) my first 5k 1 year ago at 48 minutes. Today I ran my second one and ran it in 32:12 so that would be my PR. In between last years race and today I only started running 5 weeks ago. I felt pretty good about my accomplishment today running at that time until I seen most everyone else's time in the low to mid 20's. Guess I have some work to do.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    my first 5K race last September was 37:55, i did a 10K last Weekend and my 5K split was 26:16 :) Im possibly going for a 5K in a few weeks to set a new 5K time but thats about right for me
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I just ran mine in 30:10 :D Best time ever!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    30 minutes flat. And proud of it. :tongue:

    so long as you give it all you got, be extremely proud of it, not matter the time! Its the best you can currently go, and a target to beat :)
  • RancidPolecat2
    25:08 for official race
    23:46 on treadmill
  • vynnette26
    vynnette26 Posts: 58 Member
    30 min currently. working to 24-25min
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    38 mins-- downhill race. Usually I average a 45 min 5k.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Both ran on a stress fractured foot I did a 10k in 1:18 and a 5k in 39. So aapparently I'm a pretty steady pace with a hurt foot :p
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I did my first one last September and was 34 minutes, now I can do it in 26 to 27 minutes, my last one I did was a week ago after a swim and bike ride and did it in 27 mins
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I ran 25:10 today on my own, but my best time this year in a race was 23:40. I prefer longer distances.