Mud Runs - People talk the talk...



  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Jus signed up for the Gladiator RocknRun Atlanta! My first one Im sooo excited! Worried about some of the obstacles !! LO!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Did the Warrior Dash this year and doing it a 2nd time on September 15th (in Michigan) with my 16 year old daughter ... she wants to do it for her birthday so we're running it together :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    September 15th is her birthday, so we're doing in "on" her 16th birthday ... just to clarify :)
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Did my first one this last may. Was going to the Spartan Sprint in Washougal WA but ended up with an injury and couldn't participate- watched my husband do it and it made me more determined to do one next year. So much so I signed up for two! Headed to MT in May and then to Washougal in August.

    I am about to hit beast mode on my training- I'm h-e-l-l bent on completing those races strong!
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    LOL my friends keep trying to get me to do either the Spartan Race or the Warrior Dash and I always give them the same answer, "I'm too much of a princess to get that dirty!" :laugh:

    I just can't do it. I'll do 5Ks and will work my way up to 10Ks but I have no desire to run/crawl in the mud. LOL
    Congrats to all those who can and do! I think it's great! :happy:
  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    I have done quite a few mud them! I have also done the warriror dash. My husband and I like to dress up and come up with a team name when we do it...good times! Here are a few pics from ones we have done in the past...

    Team Muddstache :)




    Can only find one picture from after the race, but they were all fun!
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
    I've done a Warrior Dash and the Hero Rush this year so far. Have the Hardcore Mudd Run on September 8th and signed up for the Tough Mudder in June of 2013. The training I do is absolutely ridiculous looking...many a stares my way as I lug sandbags up the hills or walk with extra long strides that make me look goofy or drunk or wear my weighted backpack to do household chores and to the grocery. I could give a rats *kitten* what I look like while training/working out. I, personally, am ALWAYS looking for a new challenge!! Heck, I just started these mud runs this my age!!!!! I want to do/try it all!!! A perfectly good day is wasted if you haven't learned anything or tried something new!! Some folks just get stuck in a comfort zone or too comfortable with the "I can'ts". My greatest wish is for them to step out of that box and throw it away and embrace the excitement of something new. Having them turn their can'ts into cans. I use the saying JUST DO IT, EVEN IF YOU SUCK quite
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I did a mud run in July and doing another one in is an adventure not a spectator sport....Its funny..doing the run with women who are atleast 10 years younger then me..but its all good..
  • KatdenRN
    KatdenRN Posts: 52
    Local mud run here brought us multiple patients to the ER... be careful out there... slippery when wet!
  • Chipmunk222
    Chipmunk222 Posts: 240 Member
    I had never even heard of one of these until a few weeks ago when my 18 year old daughter showed me a video and decided that we should do one together, I know i'm not ready yet, and although she thinks she is, I have my doubts, her soccer tournament over the weekend left her with sore muscles and barely able to walk on Monday :)

    ..... but it looks like lots of fun. :)
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    Did the Warrior Dash this year and doing it a 2nd time on September 15th (in Michigan) with my 16 year old daughter ... she wants to do it for her birthday so we're running it together :)

    What an awesome birthday present!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Did the Warrior Dash this year and doing it a 2nd time on September 15th (in Michigan) with my 16 year old daughter ... she wants to do it for her birthday so we're running it together :)

    What an awesome birthday present!

    Completely! Excellent father/daughter activity if you ask me!
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks to MFP most particularly Skinny Jeans Soon, this 46 year old NON runner tried, completed, and had THE most fun in the MN DirtyGirl 5K Mud run!!! As I came off the course grinning like a complete idiot I would have run it again RIGHT there!!

    My race buddy Jill, the other woman in my profile pic ( I am the one w mud in my teeth) we ran that race side by side- did every obstacle and even sang as we headed down the side of the hill.

    To all of you - DO IT! go slow go fast walk, jog run or mosey.... I simply cannot tell you how fabulous you will feel... I am trying to talk myself into MudFactor... life just fills up but I want to do another one and I think the obstacles add flavor! :):)
  • ScottyV013
    i did my first mud run, Rebel Race, this past June. not sure it was smart doing it as my first 5k ever, but overall it was very challenging with all the different obstacles, and fun with being able to swim basically through mud lol. i do plan on doing the warrior dash and zombie run later this year, which i believe also leaves you covered in mud :P

    my advice, DO ITTT!!! you will have have a blast :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thanks to MFP most particularly Skinny Jeans Soon, this 46 year old NON runner tried, completed, and had THE most fun in the MN DirtyGirl 5K Mud run!!! As I came off the course grinning like a complete idiot I would have run it again RIGHT there!!

    My race buddy Jill, the other woman in my profile pic ( I am the one w mud in my teeth) we ran that race side by side- did every obstacle and even sang as we headed down the side of the hill.

    To all of you - DO IT! go slow go fast walk, jog run or mosey.... I simply cannot tell you how fabulous you will feel... I am trying to talk myself into MudFactor... life just fills up but I want to do another one and I think the obstacles add flavor! :):)

    Thanks for sharing that!
  • khatzke
    khatzke Posts: 5 Member
    I've never done one but have recently been looking for one nearby to try out. I'm not a runner per se but do a lot of cross fit/functional fitness stuff with running thrown in. I'm sure it will be a challenge but I need a new thing to do to challenge myself. My non-running self has already done a marathon so I do believe I can do anything I set my mind to doing.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Doin mine today!!! 3 hours from now! :-D
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    My sister did a mud run and had a blast. I don't think I'm ready for that quite yet (I struggled through my first 5K last Saturday) but it is definitely a goal of mine for the future.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    I haven't done one although I think they look like great fun! However I'm the sole breadwinner and can't afford to potentially get hurt! Kid in college...all that good stuff....with that in mind, be careful doing it...last year at a warrior dash one guy dove head first into the last obstacle of crawling thru the mud...literally broke his neck! It was his own foolishness, but In the heat of the moment remember to continue racing smart
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Doin mine today!!! 3 hours from now! :-D


    What a crazy awesome time! 5kms, 14 obstacle courses, and a whole pile of mud... there were hay bales, hurdles, cargo net crawls, a monkey wall, 3 scalings of spring hill, a 200' slip and slide, 3 teeter totter canoes, a dumpster full of mud and water, a mud pit, and for the grand finale... another mud pit with barbed wire and 8 people pouring mud and water on you as you crawled through on your belly...

    I had mud in my eyes, ears, nose, teeth, you name it... took me three shampoos to get it out :-D HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT!?!?!?!

    Oh, and I am now sporting a leg full of bruises, I smashed my hip on a rock taking the slip and slide head first, and have road rash on my shoulder from when I had to roll into the hay and grass to stop myself on the slip and slide.


    (PS... I'm 404)