Working Mom-Struggling to do it all-100 lbs to lose



  • You can do it. I promise. I speak from experience. I have three kids. My youngest is 1. I started at 226 and am down to 130. Me time is scarce. I add exercise to dailly task. I do lunges when clean carpet. I do squats when picking up. I jump on trampoline with kids and that helps alot. I walk about a mile at my kids pace in park at least 3 times a week. Just use your imagination and take small steps that lead to big rewards. Just smile and keep your head up cause you are special and can do this.
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    Add me if you want I am a single mother to a two year old little girl trying to keep up with her my full time job and a barn of horses. there isn't enough time in the day to do everything I need to do! I definitely understand where you are coming from.
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    You can add me .
    Im a stay at home mom to a 10 month old but soon to be working mom! Yikes
    I Live in missouri so im also in the midwest.
  • Have you considered adipex it was recomended to me by my OBGYN to lose 100 lbs. I too am a home mom and busy I have been takeing Adipex for 3 days and it feel it has helped some. I live in Texas and recently had major back surgery so excersise is out I do laps in the pool however. Good Luck!
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    I am right there with you! Full time job full time student 2yo son and husband. It is a constant struggle but some how it works. feel free to add me
  • :yawn: :yawn: Not feeling motivated today, anyone else? I have my meal plan made out i just dont feel likr doing laps in the pool.
  • mss_anthropy
    mss_anthropy Posts: 31 Member
    Not in the same boat per say. I'm busy with just a hyper puppy and a boyfriend, keeping our small apartment picked up and being the primary source of income. He pays his half, but I have to make sure I'm buying and cooking food as he is not at full time status with his job yet and we're working to keep his truck fixed up so it'll last till he gets a promotion or new job. I used to be in the fire department till I moved, have a demanding full time job as an administrative assistant that is now as my boss says "her right hand". So busy yes, but in the terms of your level no.

    Kudo's to you though on all you do! That's just fantastic. Especially the volunteering bit :)

    i think we're in the same boat. i almost didn't respond because i don't have children lol. full time work, with a full time los angeles style commute. primary source of income, with a kitchen impaired boyfriend. when i first started, i was going to the gym 5 days a week (or trying to) but then i was super tired all the time and my boyfriend was complaining about how we never see eachother. now-a-days i try to make it to the gym every other day, and on the days i dont go, i cook a big enough meal to have left overs. weekends are wild cards, and i try to get to the gym in the morning. i still haven't mastered "me" time lol but i'm getting there....
  • Ok...WARNING...I'm going on a massive pity party rant here...don't judge.

    I'm am DONE! Work is a mess right now-it's insanely busy and I'm incredibly behind. My daughter had surgery a month ago and I was out for a week-I came back to stacks and piles and a new employee to train on top of that. A week and a half after getting back we had a death in the family and I had to leave to go out of town for the funeral, etc...and yep, got back again to the already existing piles and stacks being even bigger than before.

    The new employee who I was training then left for her wedding...leaving me to handle her docket, on top of mine.

    Today I walked in to a huge mess and was in tears by 8:30am.

    By 10:45 I was leaving the office and heading to my daughter's school to pick her up for an emergency Eye Dr apt-verdict: multiple corneal abrasions brought on by sand in her eye from the sand box at school. Now...Steroid & Antibiotic drops and an Eye Wash. That's going to be loads of fun for the both (she's two) of us!

    I feel guilty for being stressed out about leaving work when I really need the time at the office. I feel guilty when I take care of her and I feel guilty when I take care of her/home.

    I *hate* being a working mom with a demanding job. At the same time I'm so thankful for a job that provides for our family financially with great health benefits. I just really struggle with always feeling like I'm failing somewhere.

    AND...I can't stand that my answer is to stress eat...which is what I did today.

    I'm just sad, angry, stressed, lost and a mess right now.

    UGH...I also realize how lucky I am to have a job, to have a healthy (for the most part-no major issues) child...but why does everything still seem so overwhelming and out of control?!?

    Told you...rant.

    Sorry. I'll shut up now.
  • Im here and need support as well!!! i have a 2 year old and a 9 month old !!!! a full time job, another part time (just started) and a hubby!!!! and i want to lose 30 pounds and get my body back!! lets do this ROCKYMTNJHAWK!!!!!!!
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    I LOVE these ideas. Thank you for posting. I have 4 freezers in the house because my husband is a commercial fisherman and hunter and right now they are fairly empty. I think that I am going to claim one of them for some of these ideas. THANK YOU!
  • I too would like to lose a substantial amount of weight. I'm a full time working educator with the school district and I am an adjunct instructor at the county college. I have two little ones involved in so much and therefore, the priority in my life is rarely ME.
  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    It can be done slowy but surely. I am the same way two kids, full time job, and full time master student. I am doing it squeezing in at least three days a week exercise but I try to aim for four. Good luck!! Add me if you want we can stay motivated together!!
  • i am new to this an i am a a teen mother sad to say. i have been struggling between raising Lananie and working off all my fat and baby weight ): support would help me and my self esteem so much.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    You can add me! I still have a little ways to go, but i've lost 100 pounds working full time and have 2 kiddos that are in activities. You can do it!
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    Definitely right there with you all! 2 boys - 1 is 12 years old, oh the joy of preteen hormones. I also have a 16 month old, and the terrible twos definitely hit this one early! I work full-time, and have been out of town for a total of 6 weeks this year for training! When I am home, my typical week at work is somewhere between 45 and 60 hours, and my husband works a 12 hour swing shift! Somehow in all that I forgot to say that I have the two most spoiled Weiner Dogs on earth!! So yeah, I definitely get the busy thing!
  • MonisNatural
    MonisNatural Posts: 24 Member
    I'm definitely in the same boat...single Mom to a 7 year old, Executive-level job, volunteer, administrator at my church, and always asked to be on someone's committee. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to drown in all of it but I need to be healthy for myself and my son.

    Sending you a friend request now!
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    3 toddlers- 3 year old twin boys and a 2 year old daughter. Hubby and I both work full time. I take care of 100% of the house work and 90% of the laundry. It took me 8 months to lose 26 pounds (18 with WW and the last 8 here) but I am 6 pounds away from my goal and it is the most awesome feeling in the world!!! You can do it honey!!! :)
  • Lady_Senie
    Lady_Senie Posts: 100 Member
    I've been on this sight a while, but I just kee losing focus when emotions run high in my life (since I'm an emotional person...). I'll be doing well balancing my nursing job, husband, and 3 year old (sorry, no dog), then it'll just all fall apart! So frustrating. My problem is I'm an emotional eater. When things go wrong or I have a crappy shift, I eat. When I've reached a goal and all is well... I eat! I like fitaries2be's idea of tying emotions to exercise instead of eating, the effect would be MUCH better in my opinion ^_^ Anyway, feel free to add me, just please know that I have my good days and bad days, okay?
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I hear ya! I have 3 kids, only one at home now but when they were all at home, I worked 2 very stressful jobs. I was putting in 70-90hr weeks. I finally broke down and hired a housekeeper. Best thing I ever did! Well that and joining MFP, What it has taught me is that my health and well being is most important and that so many others are feeling the same way. Everyone is in a different part of their journey but they all have the same destination. Welcome aboard and feel free to add me! Best of luck on your journey.