June Starters - January 11



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Happy Tuesday, June Starters. I just wanted to encourage everyone to have a GREAT day today... Own it!!!! Don't forget to log your food today! That is soooo important! It makes a big difference on this journey! Drink lots of water!! :drinker: I'm excited about the whole weeks's weigh-in. We already had such fabulous losses this week and it's only Tuesday! What a GREAT start! And that is sooo encouraging to me!!!
    So, let's set our sights on our goal and get busy! :bigsmile:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm excited too KJ. I've been so good and feeling so energized!

    I can really see a difference in our threads these days. We are all so much happier it seems and there's a lot more energy here. I love it! Keep it up girls!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm excited too KJ. I've been so good and feeling so energized!

    I can really see a difference in our threads these days. We are all so much happier it seems and there's a lot more energy here. I love it! Keep it up girls!!

    I know! Don't you LOVE IT?!!!
    I have had a lot more energy too! Makes me wonder why I ever "fall off the wagon".... I feel GREAT!! :happy:
  • shannahrenee
    Sooo I have to confess that I did not get up at 5am and run this morning as planned. I will, however be running on my bf's treadmill this evening. I'm just too much of a pansy and not a morning person for all that. I'm going to try again on Thursday since I won't be at my bf's house Thursday evening, but I'm thinking I'll have the same outcome. I'm still really excited for the half marathon just not the cold.

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish today and I want to eat the entire lunch I packed right now, but I know it's because I'm bored. Reading all your posts helps!

    Here's to not eating my entire lunch before noon! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Sooo I have to confess that I did not get up at 5am and run this morning as planned. I will, however be running on my bf's treadmill this evening. I'm just too much of a pansy and not a morning person for all that. I'm going to try again on Thursday since I won't be at my bf's house Thursday evening, but I'm thinking I'll have the same outcome. I'm still really excited for the half marathon just not the cold.

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish today and I want to eat the entire lunch I packed right now, but I know it's because I'm bored. Reading all your posts helps!

    Here's to not eating my entire lunch before noon! :drinker:

    Boredom is such an ENEMY!!! I do the same thing... It is CRAZY!!!!! Hang in there!!! Find something else to do if you find yourself going for your lunch...:wink:

    I was going to suggest the treadmill anyway... There is NO WAY I will get out in this cold and run... I'm a HUGE WEENIE!!!!! Although, I see people in our neighborhood running almost everyday... I wish them the best, but I always say, "Not on your life"!!! :tongue: You can still train pretty decently (especially in the beginning) on the treadmill... So, congrats on not giving up and finding alternate routes :drinker:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Sooo I have to confess that I did not get up at 5am and run this morning as planned. I will, however be running on my bf's treadmill this evening. I'm just too much of a pansy and not a morning person for all that. I'm going to try again on Thursday since I won't be at my bf's house Thursday evening, but I'm thinking I'll have the same outcome. I'm still really excited for the half marathon just not the cold.

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish today and I want to eat the entire lunch I packed right now, but I know it's because I'm bored. Reading all your posts helps!

    Here's to not eating my entire lunch before noon! :drinker:

    I'm so bad about the cold. lol I'm glad your still going to train for it though! Good luck!
    I actually feel like eating the lunch I made my fiance! I made him chicken salad sandwhiches for lunch and I want one so bad now. lol I never knew how good they were. :laugh: I'm just sipping away at my water....
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'd like to add a column for lbs to go on the ss. What do you guys think? I'll need everyone's goal weight.

    Sure ... I think my goal is 140 lbs.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Sooo I have to confess that I did not get up at 5am and run this morning as planned. I will, however be running on my bf's treadmill this evening. I'm just too much of a pansy and not a morning person for all that. I'm going to try again on Thursday since I won't be at my bf's house Thursday evening, but I'm thinking I'll have the same outcome. I'm still really excited for the half marathon just not the cold.

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish today and I want to eat the entire lunch I packed right now, but I know it's because I'm bored. Reading all your posts helps!

    Here's to not eating my entire lunch before noon! :drinker:

    Doesn't matter when you workout...just find a time you'll stick with!!!!!
    Good luck not eating your lunch before noon!!!'

    If anyone is looking for an intense strength training video I highly recommend Jackie Warners (from Bravo TV) Power Circuit Total Body. She flies through the moves so your sweating and the time flies by. My whole body is sore today but my abs are screaming....she breaks abs into three circuits upper, lower & obliques...OH the pain:wink: She may actually make Jillian's workout seem easy:laugh: :laugh: Just thought I should mention it cause I was getting bored with my workouts so I thought I'd try something new....I want to do a Cardio DVD tonight (let my muscles rest a little)...any suggestions?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Sooo I have to confess that I did not get up at 5am and run this morning as planned. I will, however be running on my bf's treadmill this evening. I'm just too much of a pansy and not a morning person for all that. I'm going to try again on Thursday since I won't be at my bf's house Thursday evening, but I'm thinking I'll have the same outcome. I'm still really excited for the half marathon just not the cold.

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish today and I want to eat the entire lunch I packed right now, but I know it's because I'm bored. Reading all your posts helps!

    Here's to not eating my entire lunch before noon! :drinker:

    Doesn't matter when you workout...just find a time you'll stick with!!!!!
    Good luck not eating your lunch before noon!!!'

    If anyone is looking for an intense strength training video I highly recommend Jackie Warners (from Bravo TV) Power Circuit Total Body. She flies through the moves so your sweating and the time flies by. My whole body is sore today but my abs are screaming....she breaks abs into three circuits upper, lower & obliques...OH the pain:wink: She may actually make Jillian's workout seem easy:laugh: :laugh: Just thought I should mention it cause I was getting bored with my workouts so I thought I'd try something new....I want to do a Cardio DVD tonight (let my muscles rest a little)...any suggestions?

    Awesome! Thanks for the info.... Definitely going to check ol' Jackie out :wink:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So ... I hope everyone's day is going well. Two more days 'til our weigh in. I feel fairly confident that I've been on the right track this week. Eating right, drinking water, being active ... it's all good. I do have my TOM right now but I'm still feeling good about weighing in on Thursday. Work has been much better now that we're fully staffed ... I'm learning all kinds of new things which makes the day go by faster. There's much less stress in my life now which makes it easier to focus on my health. Tonight I have some errands to do and if that doesn't take too long I'm going to try and hit the gym again. I love it there ... the treadmill has a tv and it has way more channels then I get at home. At home I don't really watch anything but while I'm walking on the treadmill I like to watch some sit coms or a movie while I'm there. Well ... gotta get back to work now ... good day everyone!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    :grumble: This eating out thing kills me everytime!!!!!! I thought I was getting something semi-healthy, but when I got back and logged it here on MFP it was CRAZY!!!!! My mom wanted to take me and my daughter out and I didn't say no... So, when we got there I ordered a kids meal....didn't help... So, after I get my workout in today I will be ok in calories, but I feel so yucky because of the fast food thing.... I am seriously SICK of eating out ... There are too many down sides to it!!!! :angry:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey everyone! The meeting with the surgery head went good today....I had built it up in my mind as being this terrible end-all moment, but he was frank about everything and made me feel more determined about building myself up as a potential resident candidate. He also hooked me up with a guy who can get me involved in some research so I can get published! :glasses:

    It was interesting because the research guy said they have a project going on looking at slight obesity and sudden death after surgery. It turns out that being slightly obese is protective in some instances (pulmonary failure or sudden cardiac death). Isn't that peculiar? Of course they don't really know why this is true or if it really even is true, but they have some good evidence to support it. I haven't really looked into it all that much, but I have to write an abstract so it will be interesting to see what the deal is.

    Anyway, after the meeting I felt pumped so I went to the gym and burned 623 cals on the elliptical/running/ab work. Yippee!! I have been having a hard time getting my cals in lately, though....nothing sounds good to eat. I dunno what the deal is b/c I LOVE FOOD :) I need to go grocery shopping I'm afraid :frown:

    Oh, and mamakat...you can always try "sweatin' to the oldies" :laugh: j/k haha! Saw him on the Today show this morning and he was hilarious.

    Shanna-hope you have success in getting up at that ungodly hour to go freeze your *kitten* off for the sake of exercise :bigsmile: Good luck with that!

    Hope I have a loss to report tomorrow!
  • yellowhouse
    At last night's weigh-in I was 221 so no change- but was down this morning- hoping for a big loss next week. As far as my goal is concerned...I am keeping it small in my head for the time being (easily overwhelmed) so it is to be under 200. I will re-assess my goal once I get there. Hope everyone has a good week!
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    GW For right now is 150. Will see how it suits me when I get there.

    and YAY Courtney. Glad it worked out.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well down a pound. I thought it was more, but I am not going to complain.

    LW 154
    TW 153
    GW 135
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    weigh-in for this week...

    SW 230
    LW 211
    TW 210
    GW 135

    Yes, 1 pound. That's it!!! Seriously ladies, I wanted to throw the @##$#% scale out the bathroom window!! I was expecting a big loss... Seriously, I have lost big this week! I feel it!!! My clothes even show it!! I hate that scale! I'm going to stop by Wal'Mart this morning and buy a new one.... I know that sounds like a cop-out, but this one is a dial scale (my digital died a while back)... and I like the digital ones better... So, yes, a pound is a pound, but when you have worked your butt off like I did this week, and you have a huge amount to lose anyway, you sort of expect the scale to show your hard work...

    Ok, had to vent just a bit!! :laugh: I'm over it... I'm movin' on..... I'm TOTALLY kicking butt this next week and that scale is going to SHOW IT!!!!!!! Or else it will go out the window!
  • shannahrenee
    weigh-in for this week...

    SW 230
    LW 211
    TW 210
    GW 135

    Yes, 1 pound. That's it!!! Seriously ladies, I wanted to throw the @##$#% scale out the bathroom window!! I was expecting a big loss... Seriously, I have lost big this week! I feel it!!! My clothes even show it!! I hate that scale! I'm going to stop by Wal'Mart this morning and buy a new one.... I know that sounds like a cop-out, but this one is a dial scale (my digital died a while back)... and I like the digital ones better... So, yes, a pound is a pound, but when you have worked your butt off like I did this week, and you have a huge amount to lose anyway, you sort of expect the scale to show your hard work...

    Ok, had to vent just a bit!! :laugh: I'm over it... I'm movin' on..... I'm TOTALLY kicking butt this next week and that scale is going to SHOW IT!!!!!!! Or else it will go out the window!

    Try not to get too down on yourself a pound is great, but what's even better is that you feel like you've lost! I know it's frustrating to see the scale do stupid things but I've found that the body and the scale are very confusing to understand sometimes. I'll step on the scale after doing really well all week and feeling great and it hasn't move one bit, then I'll have a week where I feel like I eat everything in sight and it goes down 2 lbs. As long as you're feeling good and your clothes are fitting better just keep with it and the scale will eventually catch up! :heart:

    Also, I'm all for throwing the dial scale out the window! :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    :smile: KJ, I've noticed when I kick butt and FEEL like I've lost weight it doesn't show on the scale until the next week. Try to keep that in mind.

    LW- 161.5
    CW- 160.5

    WHOOOO! 1 lb! lol I had to switch up my goals to lose 1.5 lbs to lose the 1 lb. It totally worked! I'm so excited! (For some reason i didn't think it would.) Hopefully I can keep up my 1 lb loss a week!! I'm SOOOO excited!!!!!!!! lmao! :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink: :happy: :smile: :love: :bigsmile:
  • shannahrenee
    :smile: KJ, I've noticed when I kick butt and FEEL like I've lost weight it doesn't show on the scale until the next week. Try to keep that in mind.

    LW- 161.5
    CW- 160.5

    WHOOOO! 1 lb! lol I had to switch up my goals to lose 1.5 lbs to lose the 1 lb. It totally worked! I'm so excited! (For some reason i didn't think it would.) Hopefully I can keep up my 1 lb loss a week!! I'm SOOOO excited!!!!!!!! lmao! :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink: :happy: :smile: :love: :bigsmile:

    here come the 150s!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm SOOOO excited! This is the first real 1 lb loss in a while! I can't wait to be down to 150!