Jillian M. 30 day Shred!



  • espi_aww
    I was going to start it yesterday but the heat here in California got to me but I didn't feel bad because I did her killer buns and thighs video that day already. Going to start today and I would love any who wants support to add me and also so we could keep track of our progress :)
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Congratulations on starting! I just finished the shred. I took 3 days off and had a few cheat days with my diet. I really wish I had incorporated more cardio like Jillian suggests, but I still lost 7 lbs and quite a few inches! I'm down 1 pants size. I agree, don't skip a day. When you go back to it, you will regret it. Good luck to you!
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    I just watched it on YouTube and am going to start it tomorrow - do you do level one everyday for 30 days or are there different workouts?
  • Scouter123
    Scouter123 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't post much, and don't consistently have time to read all the posts either, so can't really commit.... But am committed to MFP which is the point. I started out well, and then plateaued....for over a month (being semi-good food-wise). I read about Jillian Michaels 30 day shred on one of these posts as well and thought it might be a good kick to the plateau....tried it on youtube before holidays and then bought the dvd (was only $10) and restarted after holidays (only 3 pounds up at the all-inclusive)(now gone after 10 days) so went back to Level I.
    I have had to modify a bit as I can't jump around due to old injuries (I use ex. bike instead). I like that it's only 20 minutes, very efficient on busy days. When I have more time I also walk the dog. Got a heart rate monitor as well to keep me honest/get some feedback. My husband is doing P90X, there's no way I could do it (would cost a fortune in physiotherapy bills) so I'm doing it, liking it, pushing when I can...on the verge of Level II....hard to modify and still push.
    Good to hear so many people are liking it....how many are actually getting through it all??
    Plateau is not yet broken....but not going up so that's good!
  • eryndawn4
    I also just started it two days ago and YEAH the second day is definitely easier than the first!! She kicks your butt that's for sure. I can't wait for day 30!
  • eryndawn4
    I also just started it two days ago and YEAH the second day is definitely easier than the first!! She kicks your butt that's for sure. I can't wait for day 30!
  • Scouter123
    Scouter123 Posts: 12 Member
    There are 3 levels, 10 days each, progressively more intense, each 20 minutes broken down into:
    - warm up
    - 3 minute cycle of strengthening: alternating a pure strength move with compound (arm & leg) activity
    - 2 minutes of steady cardio: usually two moves alternating for 30 seconds
    - 1 minute of ab's
    Repeat that 3 times
    - cool down
    She mixes it up so there's variety but enough to get familiar with the exercise so you can focus on what you are doing rather than staring at the screen. Also when it switches so frequently if you are in hell you know it won't last long!
    You can preview it on youtube or purchase it pretty cheaply
  • Carlisax33
    I'm on Level 1 Day 3! I was so sore on Day 2 but I pushed through and I can get through the workout much easier. It's awesome! I'm new to the site, if anyone wants to keep each other motivated just add me :]
  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    I came across it on youtube, and saved it. I currently spend at least an hour and a half at the gym doing the same excersizes, I need to swich it up a bit and do more for my abs. This is probably the best way.
  • schultzal1
    Just wanted to say good luck! I plan on doing the 30DS to tone up, postpartum. 31 weeks pregnant, so it'll be awhile yet. :)
  • angehome73
    angehome73 Posts: 5 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm In!
  • krb974
    krb974 Posts: 8 Member
    I finished the 30 day Shred last month, and am now doing the Ripped in 30 DVD. By finished, I mean that I did all three levels, did all the workouts just not everyday. I'm on the road a lot for work and didn't always do the 30 day shred. I took a casual approach to the 30DS. I didn't take any measurements so I don't have any hard numbers to compare, however I did notice a HUGE change in what I am capable of doing. Yes, I stuck to the modified workouts, however my endurance and flexibility increased. My body shaped changed in a good way. Also I found it challenging but not overwhelmingly difficult. Sure many parts of me wobbled and jiggled during non-wobble and jiggle portions of the workout, but I felt accomplished after each workout. I would recommend the 30DS to anyone trying to increase their mobility and fitness level. Don't expect to be a high performance athlete after this DVD; I noticed after doing the workouts I've increased what I am physically able to do, and improved my endurance.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I just watched it on YouTube and am going to start it tomorrow - do you do level one everyday for 30 days or are there different workouts?

    3 levels. level 1 for 10 days. level 2 for 10 days. level 3 for 10 days.
  • LetsDoTh1S
    LetsDoTh1S Posts: 41 Member
    I just started today! Add me!
  • mrshewitson
    I started on Monday, so did D5L1 this morning! Still can't do a real push up yet without collapsing in a heap! Hopefully will have mastered them before moving on to level 2! I am really enjoying it though. Good luck shredders x
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    This morning I started with day 1 of level 1, my calves are quite sore now!

    I was thinking to alternate 30ds days with my regular cardio days on the elliptical: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 30ds, all the other days 25-30 minutes of cardio. Has anyone done something similar? Would love to hear about your experiences!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    hi everyone!
    i was going to start 30 day shred but wanted someone to do it with so i joined the group :
    if someone wants to join me you can see my post there :D
    and you can add me as well:flowerforyou:
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    Sounds good, I'm in. Just checking, will this be hard on the knees?
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Sounds good, I'm in. Just checking, will this be hard on the knees?

    Not if you modify the moves. I have problems with my knees but I haven't really had too much trouble to be honest.