Man, I love Family Guy but...

funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
Sometimes I think they go a bit over-board with the bulimia jokes and references. I'm all for poking a little fun at everybody's problems now and then, but bulimia seems to be a running joke on the show, and it's starting to bother me.

Are there any jokes/references on Family Guy or other tv shows that shouldn't bother you but do anyways?


  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    South Park. Canadians. nuff said.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I live in West Virginia. Wrong Turn, anyone?
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I love family guy, but apparently there is an episode where quagmire rapes marge simpson. Haven't seen that one but my friend mentioned it because it pissed him off too...NOT funny at all.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I love Family Guy a LOT and it takes me a lot to get offended when it comes to jokes. BUT one joke made me cringe and I thought it was highly inappropriate. It was in an episode where Stewie dresses like a girl and enters a child beauty pageant and says that it's a "one way ticket to a s***n soaked death in a basement." It was obviously a reference to Jon Benet Ramsey,a little girl who did pageants and was raped and murdered and found in the basement of her home. You can joke about a lot of things, but hurting/molesting/murdering a child should NEVER, EVER be one of those things...
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    South Park. Canadians. nuff said.

    I don't know what you're talking aboot!

    I'm Canadian and I find it absolutely hilarious!!!!!!
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    South Park. Canadians. nuff said.

    Blame Cana-dah!

    Why don't your heads attach properly anyway ? j/k.. I do like the show... equal opportunity offender. I don't always like their religious references, but if you're going to pick on some people, pick on them all so its fair I guess!
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    Family Guy is all about inappropriate, offensive jokes. The show is never afraid to say exactly how it feels and that's one of the reasons it is so popular. Most of the jokes they make are incredibly shocking, but it's like when you're in a church and trying not to laugh- you know it's horrible, but it's funny still. Of course, they cross the line many times, but there's nothing you can do about it, so why get upset? Just my personal opinion.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    It is a TV show. My favorite, actually. I don't think it is offensive at all. My mom feels bad for Meg most of the time but that is allbthat bothers her. I think it is silly to get offended by a TV show. That is just my opinion though
  • movalpolos
    movalpolos Posts: 5 Member
    I love Family Guy a LOT and it takes me a lot to get offended when it comes to jokes. BUT one joke made me cringe and I thought it was highly inappropriate. It was in an episode where Stewie dresses like a girl and enters a child beauty pageant and says that it's a "one way ticket to a s***n soaked death in a basement." It was obviously a reference to Jon Benet Ramsey,a little girl who did pageants and was raped and murdered and found in the basement of her home. You can joke about a lot of things, but hurting/molesting/murdering a child should NEVER, EVER be one of those things...

    What's a s***n?
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I love Family Guy a LOT and it takes me a lot to get offended when it comes to jokes. BUT one joke made me cringe and I thought it was highly inappropriate. It was in an episode where Stewie dresses like a girl and enters a child beauty pageant and says that it's a "one way ticket to a s***n soaked death in a basement." It was obviously a reference to Jon Benet Ramsey,a little girl who did pageants and was raped and murdered and found in the basement of her home. You can joke about a lot of things, but hurting/molesting/murdering a child should NEVER, EVER be one of those things...

    What's a s***n?

    I wasn't sure if I was allowed to write the word for what comes out of a man when he ejaculates. MFP bleeps out random words sometimes. Like **** and *****... hehe...
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I probably wouldn't care about a joke in a cartoon created for adults, but I was shocked in Gnomeo and Juliet when the nurse told Juliet that Gnomeo wouldn't love her when he found out how heavy she was. That is not a correlation I would want a small child to believe in!
  • Spanntastic12
    I love family guy, but apparently there is an episode where quagmire rapes marge simpson. Haven't seen that one but my friend mentioned it because it pissed him off too...NOT funny at all.

    He didn't rape her. They had sex off screen then cut to the outside of Marge's house where she was like wow Glenn that was amazing. Then homer came in and you hear gun blast. Then Marge says she's calling the cops...gun fire...Bart says aye carumba (sp)) gun fire, etc.
  • Spanntastic12
    Some of the religious stuff can go too far on both but the satire of south park is just so genius if you look past the initial shock value of some of the episodes.
  • stronglikebull
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.

    there have already been at least isolated jokes in a couple of episodes. at one point i think cartman was given the choice between going to neverland ranch or penn state as a punishment. totally awful.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.

    Patiently waiting!


    ETA: Questioning Herb
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I love family guy, but apparently there is an episode where quagmire rapes marge simpson. Haven't seen that one but my friend mentioned it because it pissed him off too...NOT funny at all.

    He didn't rape her. They had sex off screen then cut to the outside of Marge's house where she was like wow Glenn that was amazing. Then homer came in and you hear gun blast. Then Marge says she's calling the cops...gun fire...Bart says aye carumba (sp)) gun fire, etc.

    He even shoots the baby lol, funny scene
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    South Park and Family Guy are hilarious.

    I wonder when there will be a Penn State South Park episode.

    there have already been at least isolated jokes in a couple of episodes. at one point i think cartman was given the choice between going to neverland ranch or penn state as a punishment. totally awful.

    Totally hilarious you mean! :)
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I love family guy, but apparently there is an episode where quagmire rapes marge simpson. Haven't seen that one but my friend mentioned it because it pissed him off too...NOT funny at all.

    He didn't rape her. They had sex off screen then cut to the outside of Marge's house where she was like wow Glenn that was amazing. Then homer came in and you hear gun blast. Then Marge says she's calling the cops...gun fire...Bart says aye carumba (sp)) gun fire, etc.

    Exactly! No rape, just an affair and murder. Good times.
  • mirandamayhem
    I love Family Guy and American Dad, and yes they can be very offensive, but that's the whole premise of the shows really I guess. I can't think of anything they took too far, I think when it comes to those shows I just turn my sensitivity button off!