help, please someone!

I've been here for nearly 100 days, have faithfully logged everything I've eaten and drunk, stayed below my target net calories and have not lost a damn pound!

please can someone take a look at my diary and tell me what's gone wrong?

as background, I'm a 6'2" guy, very athletic build (v. broad shouldered) but carrying about 30-40lb too much... I cut right down on wheat and that made me feel a lot better, but I havent lost much / any weight from it.

Apart from the alcohol (it's all logged!!!) the only things I can think of are that I dont sleep at all well as I have a very stressful job, I perhaps get 3 or 4 hours of good sleep a night, plus another couple of rubbish hours. I havent had a proper holiday in about 3 years, have a 2 hour each way commute to the office and am permanently tired. I know I need to, but it's hard to fix.

I guess the other thing I could change is my daily activity settings, I've put 'fairly active' because I walk a couple of miles a day between trains & the office, but once I'm there I'm sat on my *kitten* pretty much all day.

would love to hear any thoughts, as this is starting to piss me off!


  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Is your goal of 2,000 calories too high?

    I know your a bloke and have a bigger frame, but perhaps that's your maintenance calories if you aren't losing weight with that?
    I have a desk job and I put myself down as Sedentary. Any walking is logged as exercise. You don't get to say your active AND log exercise that makes up that lifestyle.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I would lose the concentrated sugar shot in the morning "Cherry Active - Concentrated Montmorency Cherry Juice,"

    The "Hairy Dieters" show on BBC2 had the big guys on 1300 calories a day via professional advice, well under what you're eating. Try that for a month. It'll be on the iPlayer.
  • I would say too many carbs. Your protein needs to REALLY outweigh your carbs.
  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    I find that the type of foods I eat affect weight loss more than just the calories.

    High carbohydrate, low veg = slow/no loss

    LOTS of veg - courgette, peppers, cauliflower, broccolli, carrot, mushroom (I know... NOT strictly veg!)... This is when I lose weight.

    (When I say LOTS, I mean LOADS!!!)

    Your profile made me chuckle! Thanks for that!!!
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    Have you tried cutting drinking? I know that is my problem. I party once a week and that is my biggest problem. I do great all week with my workouts and cardio. I read that fasting 1 day a week works and I am trying it this month to see if will help shed my fat not muscle. check out this
  • I would suspect that "fairly active" is aimed at someone with a physically active job, rather than walking a few miles each day. If you re-set yourself to "sedentary" then I suspect you would get a more accurate target.

    Alcohol, well a little bit won't hurt you. I'm not sure the breakfast cherry juice will be helping much though. Fruit juice always "sounds" as though it's good for you, then you realise how much calories and sugar it contains. You could try bulking out your food consumption with lots of salad and vegetable stuff as well - it may make you feel fuller.
  • wilmanorris
    wilmanorris Posts: 6 Member
    I suspect that your daily calorie goal is to high. You could try to reduce this a bit further. For example for a women the calorie intake should be 2000 per day but as I am trying to loss weight my intake has been reduced to 1200 calories.

    You could also try and increase your protein intake and reduce your fat and carb intake which apparently makes you feel fuller for longer. Also noticed that a number of your entries for breakfast are take away - would you be able to have a home made breakfast? This will more then likely educe your salt and sugar intake.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    this is going to sound insane but your cal count is too high I am on my feet all shift and am still at a standstill. I recently bought a body fat analyser and discovered that to keep my weight stable (ie not lose I need only 1900 a day). I have recently dropped my calorie count to 1400 . Also I put myself as lightly active as I nurse but whenever I have annual leave I don't do as much so will be switching to sedentary. I am hoping I don't have to drop to 1200 but I reckon right now I am kidding myself on and this may happen soon.

    Whatever you do, do not give up..
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Are you weighing/measuring everything properly or just estimating? 30g of something is a lot less than people think it is.

    I also agree on the drinking and it is easier than you might think......because mostly it's a habit. I used to drink wine 4 or 5 nights a week, usually only one or two glasses. When I started on here a year ago I cut back to once or twice a week. I thought I would miss it but I don't and if you'd told me that when I started I wouldn't have believed you. It won't help with the beer but instead of wine I now drink sparkling water ALWAYS out of a wine glass. It looks like a real drink and feels like just doesn't taste like it!!
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    "Apart from the alcohol (it's all logged!!!) the only things I can think of are that I dont sleep at all well as I have a very stressful job, I perhaps get 3 or 4 hours of good sleep a night, plus another couple of rubbish hours. I havent had a proper holiday in about 3 years, have a 2 hour each way commute to the office and am permanently tired. I know I need to, but it's hard to fix."

    This sounds like your problem to me. Stress and lack of sleep mixed together ruins everything including weight loss.
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    You don't log water. Are you drinking loads of water? It does help.

    I'm with the others: go sedentary and log your walks as exercise.

    Also I find a food scale and an HRM invaluable.
  • PaulieUK
    PaulieUK Posts: 11
    I can only speak for myself but I know that I cannot just reply on my walking to and from home to the train station as my daily exercise. Even though I do a great deal of walking every day, for me is not a weight loss exercise. I don't count house cleaning or any other household chore as exercise either; it might make me feel better to see the calorie burn listed but it doesn't help me to lose weight. When I add just 30 minutes of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (or something similar) every other day I will lose weight steadily so long as I am eating a healthy well balanced diet.

    I don't think your 1980 calories is too high I just think you need to pay more attention to exercising regularly (such as the cycling you've been doing) and keep watch that you continue to eat a well balanced diet. I also try to eat fewer calories in the evening because I know that after any workout (or not) I'll just be sat doing nothing and I won't be burning many calories. I also won't eat anything for a couple of hours before bedtime.

    I also drink lots of water...just plain water...this often helps when my mind thinks I'm hungry! I too have a stressful job but I find that the exercise DVD's I mentioned earlier are great for getting rid of the stress and frustration.
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Do I relate to this member! 60days on my diet and 11 lbs lost but plateauing for the last two weeks. I stay below the 1200 calories a day every day, I neither smoke or drink, have a knackered hip, high blood pressure and diabetes controlled with prescriptive drugs. Simon King (HairyBiker) was 16 stone and and is on 1300 cals a day. I started at 20 stone and am coping with 1200 cals a day - GP tells me "the only way to diet, is not to put it in your mouth in the first place!" so trying that for the next five weeks to see what happens. Watch this space!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    You might be over estimating your activity level and probably under estimating your caloric intake. Do you use food scales to weigh your food? If not that would be a great addition for the kitchen. They go for around 5£ at asda.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Its not good news I'm afraid......cut down on the beer and wine....restrict your consumption by having it only with your weekend meals.

    I am a big wine drinker and it significantly impacts my weight loss efforts. If I don't drink wine I consume less calories and my weight loss is easier. I often have gin and slimline tonic or vodka with diet coke instead - only about 50-60 cals instead of 200 cals.

    Go to this website to see what you should be eating to lose weight safely.

    Hope this helps!

    mel x
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Google is awesome - using Google I found out about an entire race of people. They look like you and me but spend six years in college studying the human body - mind you, not like I studied bodies (particularly of the female of the species...course, there was that one time...but I digress). I think they're called. Doktors? Something like that?

    Maybe run in and speak to one; get blood work. Get their advice too. Might be missing something you can't see or log.


  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    I cannot understand this. My daily carbs goal is 204 per day. My protein goal is 56 per day! How can I increase my protein daily to exceen my carbs, without artificial or enhancing products and still remain below my calories a day target. Is this what I have been missing all this time?
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    thanks all!

    to respond to a couple of points:
    the cherry juice is to help prevent gout - I had a couple of attacks in the last 12 months and the doctor said either pills or cherry juice.. It's working too, with no issues since I started. It tastes disgusting so I'd rather be without it, but it's worth it to avoid the pain!

    I do weigh pretty much everything, or at least I have done a couple of times so I know what 100g of chicken or 40g of almonds looks like.

    I wear a heartrate monitor for most of my exercise, it normally gives me a calorie number about 2/3 the MFP number, so I go with the HRM figure every time.

    I've cut back a bit on alcohol already, and mainly switched from beer to wine - I guess I need to try harder :)

    & I'll definitely re-do my goal using 'sedentary'. :)

    the stress thing is going to be harder to fix. My damn job pays to well to quit - even with a 2 hour commute it's still better than anything I can find locally, and we dont want to move any closer. Am trying to persuade my boss to let me work from home sometimes and he's not 100% happy but is OK with me doing it occasionally (like today! )

    off on holiday tomorrow, with a suitcase full of walking shoes and camelbacks (going to the italian mountains) - should be awesome!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Stress and sleep play a huge part in weight loss. There's more to weight loss than the calories we eat - check out she's got some fab articles about the 9factors that affect our weight. If you can't change your job then you should build in some de-stressing activities like yoga etc. if your food and alcohol intake is ok you need to explore other possibilities ie hormones, cortisol and adrenaline (related to your job stress), seratonin (related to sleep). Those are my suggestions anyway. The thing I have to keep reminding myself is that eating well and exercising is for my health and well being - not weight is a side effect not the entire purpose. Good luck.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sleep definitely counts. I think you'll see a big change once you change your activity to sedentary and follow those guidelines. I walk as well but am still set to sedentary. I log the walk but don't eat the calories usually, and then I eat any calories I need or want from additional exercise.