You know what really bugs me....



  • PattieCakes23
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.

    I am 21 but I know EXACTLY how you feel. SO many girls from my grad class or younger have children(one or multiple) and or are married. And thats great I love kids and those are their choices. good for them. but my BFF and I always joke that we are the only normal ones anymore, and that in itself is sad.

    My Best Friend and I say that sometimes too. We don't ever mean it in a "haha, we are doing better" kind of way. We just still can't wrap our minds around the fact that we are old enough to have a family of we chose that. Time goes by so fast
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    I'm totally with you. I'm 20 and I have friends who are DIVORCED. I'm like "... what the hell guys?" Everybody is posting pictures of their weddings and babies and I'm sitting on my couch playing video games and drinking Mountain Dew. My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and apparently we should be married with kids by now. No thank you. He just graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering... I have 2 more years until my degree in Microbiology... and we have a puppy. Good enough for us.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Things that bug me.
    1) Even numbers. Drives me nuts.
    2) People who drive out to the country and push some poor dog/cat out of the car.
    3) People who lie.
    4) wrinkled clothes.
    Kids? I have a 26 year oldson that I had when I was 18. I also have a 10 year old son AND an 11 year old son. I've always had kids.
  • Polebarbie
    Narrow minded people drive me absolutely nuts because there is no reasoning with them and stuck up people bug the he'll out of me
  • PattieCakes23
    I'm totally with you. I'm 20 and I have friends who are DIVORCED. I'm like "... what the hell guys?" Everybody is posting pictures of their weddings and babies and I'm sitting on my couch playing video games and drinking Mountain Dew. My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and apparently we should be married with kids by now. No thank you. He just graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering... I have 2 more years until my degree in Microbiology... and we have a puppy. Good enough for us.

    I know a couple people divorced. But, to each their own. Divorce is expensive, and I'd rather wait until I could afford it if I'm going to get one. haha.

    and video games and Mt. Dew sounds amazing!
  • PattieCakes23
    Things that bug me.
    1) Even numbers. Drives me nuts.
    2) People who drive out to the country and push some poor dog/cat out of the car.
    3) People who lie.
    4) wrinkled clothes.
    Kids? I have a 26 year oldson that I had when I was 18. I also have a 10 year old son AND an 11 year old son. I've always had kids.

    Number 2. UGH. I just want to save all the little animals. lol.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I come from a town where people have kids EARLY. I am 20 and the last person I know who is still uterus-parasite free. I am engaged have been for 6 months and am getting married in a year. honestly I want to have a baby now, but I also want to be skinny in my wedding dress. And be able to drink on my 21st. Even though I am at that point in my lifeI still find it weird that people are asking me "so when are you going to have a baby?" All I can think is I'm 20!! Chillax and get out of my ovaries!

    as for things that bug me... everything bugs me. I get irritated really easily. Like when my fiance hangs up his towel he only puts like three inches over the towel rod instead of half and half. Super annoying

    Also young girls in super skimpy clothes. But that just kinda makes me sad
  • stephendamour
    1. People who let their kids do whatever they want. Apparently scolding and spanking are not allowed in parenting any more so we are all left with kids who run around like they are in charge. Yesterday I am at the pool at about 9 at night in my condo complex when two kids no older then 10 come to the pool unsupervised. Now I have to get out of the pool and go home because there is no reason i should be in a pool with kids I dont know.
    2. Co-workers who dont do sh1t and yet somehow get credit for doing sh1t they never actually did.
    3. Friends who try to make you take sides in their petty arguements. Keep your bullsh1t to yourself, I have nothing to do with it.
    4. Co-workers who have a degree in chemistry and bio-physics and yet have no common sense what so ever. You can be book smart and have many degrees and yet still make some of the stupidest decisions ever.
    5. People who smell. Hi , it's summer. lets try taking a shower at a minimum of once a day and maybe even more if you feel like it. You stink and everyone talks about how you stink behind your back. You smell as if you BO dripped down into your *kitten* crack and created the most horrible smell ever. We all shower here, so should you. (thats just me randomly babbling sorry).
    6. C-U-Then...IDK....NE1....sure this may fly well in a text if you are 14 years old but lets not try sending out professional emails using type talk ok?

    ok im done venting.
    sorry i sound like a grouch.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    Know what bugs me? When people do smileys the other way, like ): instead of :(. It's all about the position of the parenthesis, people!
    There really is no need to comment on what other people choose to do with their lives. If you don't like it, delete them. Being excited about your child starting school is hardly something to get annoyed about - when you're a parent one day, you'll agree.

    Not everybody wants to join the mommy club, and not everybody needs to get excited about Junior's first day of school. Sorry.

    I took the OP as being surprised that people her own age, which is young, were already parents of school-age children. Sure not everyone is interested in the same lifestyle, but I don't think it's unreasonable for OP to comment on things that are happening on public pages.

    Edit - never mind
  • stephendamour
    Also kids should be in school five days a week from 8-3:30 or 4 p.m.
    Only have major holidays off.

    I hate the complaints about how bad the education system is and the only answer is to give everyone more money.

    Letting kids go to school half days, have random days off, go in late, get out late, have two weeks off for winter break, a week off for spring break..blah blah blah. They should be in school as much as possible.

    Summer break is one thing, but I am tired of seeing kids out of school at all hours of the day and then propositions come up for me to vote on to tax more and give the money to schools. For what? For more days off?
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I'm 20 and I'm only halfway through my undergraduate degree...I can't even imagine having kids. Especially in this economy right now. I want to graduate, make money, travel, enjoy life, then maybe settle down in my early 30's when I'm financially secure, then think about having kids XP. Some of my Facebook friends are already married/have children. I can't imagine that =< . . .
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I lock posts of my child on facebook. I don't know why but it bugs me to have his pics/life public like that. I only post where family can see, and even then it's rare.

    Ketchup packets bug me!! I've never been able to get the damn things open with ease.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I am 31, married with no kids. I hate that so many people I know are not at the same point in life that I am. Oh well--I guess that's why I have friends all over the age spectrum.

    I don't mean to be insensitive, but people who only live for their kids bug me. Yeah, I know I'll "understand" when I have kids, but I'm not there yet, so I'd like to talk about more than your son playing football.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Facebook is known to me as Fakebook now and I deleted my account after many years of being on it. I got tired of all the "likes" and no real communication. Plus nothing but status updates of political, religious or some silly saying instead of peoples real thoughts. I didn't mind seeing those updates but then I realized no one was truly communicating with each other. One of the last posts I saw was one that said "I just so tired.." and then not another word. What are you supposed to do with that? Send them to twitter'ville? PS I don not like reading "useless" information :laugh: Yes, useless to me but someone else just loves it, that's fine, I'll stick with MFP.
    I'm rather bored at work today so I thought I'd see about posting a topic.

    Just post things that really bug you, just get it off your chest. :)

    What really bugs me is..
    That I woke up this morning and looked at my Facebook to find that EVERY SINGLE UPDATE was either a picture or a status about their child starting school today. While some were older married women, most of them were ladies my age (23). Their child is either in Kindergarden, 1st grade, or 2nd grade.
    I mean...what happened to waiting. All but about 3 ladies that I know my age are either married, have children, are divorced! some are all three!
    I'm happy for them and glad that they have the cute kiddos (I like kids...and I can give these back after I've given them too much candy), but what happened to just being 23? I feel like im a minority of the ladies I know these days.
  • PattieCakes23
    1. People who let their kids do whatever they want. Apparently scolding and spanking are not allowed in parenting any more so we are all left with kids who run around like they are in charge. Yesterday I am at the pool at about 9 at night in my condo complex when two kids no older then 10 come to the pool unsupervised. Now I have to get out of the pool and go home because there is no reason i should be in a pool with kids I dont know.
    2. Co-workers who dont do sh1t and yet somehow get credit for doing sh1t they never actually did.
    3. Friends who try to make you take sides in their petty arguements. Keep your bullsh1t to yourself, I have nothing to do with it.
    4. Co-workers who have a degree in chemistry and bio-physics and yet have no common sense what so ever. You can be book smart and have many degrees and yet still make some of the stupidest decisions ever.
    5. People who smell. Hi , it's summer. lets try taking a shower at a minimum of once a day and maybe even more if you feel like it. You stink and everyone talks about how you stink behind your back. You smell as if you BO dripped down into your *kitten* crack and created the most horrible smell ever. We all shower here, so should you. (thats just me randomly babbling sorry).
    6. C-U-Then...IDK....NE1....sure this may fly well in a text if you are 14 years old but lets not try sending out professional emails using type talk ok?

    ok im done venting.
    sorry i sound like a grouch.

    Number 2 and 4. Yes. Agreed!
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    I think I understand what you are trying to say. I don't have children and have never wanted any. It has been tough to see my group of friends dwindle away because they don't know how to still be a person separate from their kids. I have stopped trying to connect with them right now. I hope when their kids are older, we can resume our friendship.

    ^^This!!! Exactly.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't mean to be insensitive, but people who only live for their kids bug me. Yeah, I know I'll "understand" when I have kids, but I'm not there yet, so I'd like to talk about more than your son playing football.

    I have a kid, and *I* don't understand. I have done the best I could by my daughter and I love her, but I do not live for her. I live for me. I have always had a life separate from being "Mommy." A lot of my friends are the same.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Some people are just ready for it sooner than other people :) Also, having a child makes you grown up really quickly even if you didn't think you were ready before.

    I'm pregnant now and even sometimes I get annoyed an the incessant posts about people's children.... but I know I will be the exact same way with my child :P

    Don't feel badly for not being 100% sure where you want your life to go at this point. Just because some of your peers have it figured out doesn't mean you do or have to, either. You'll get there. TONS of 23 year olds have no clue, even the ones that appear to know.

    As far as my career, although school is almost done for me, I still have no idea either!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i dont think she was bashing them for having kids by a certain age but for posting pics every day of their kids i see this everyday and agreed very annoying
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member

    I think I understand what you are trying to say. I don't have children and have never wanted any. It has been tough to see my group of friends dwindle away because they don't know how to still be a person separate from their kids. I have stopped trying to connect with them right now. I hope when their kids are older, we can resume our friendship.

    I agree and understand what the OP is saying. I'm 27, still unmarried (been with the same guy for almost 5 years though) and with no kids. Neither of us have plans to get married or have kids any time soon, cause we love our life as it is. I post on Facebook that we're getting up and going on a road trip, or that I spent 300 dollars on a Tiffany's necklace and it gets spammed with, "OMG HOW I SPENT 200 ON ALL MY KIDS SCHOOL CLOTHES?" and "once you have kids you won't be able to do that!" and I'm like, why does my life has to constantly be compared to what your life as a parent is? Maybe I don't even want kids!

    And it IS hard watching your friends fade away as kids become their life. No, they can't go to the movies because they can't find a sitter. No, they don't want to go to Atlantic City for the weekend cause they can't leave their kids for that long. I once went on a 2-day road trip with my friend to see a concert in Miami and she spent the entire time complaining about how much she missed her kids.

    I'm not against parents at all, but I can understand how some people suddenly make their kids their entire life and you feel like you've lost a friend because of it.