"BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN" mainly a question...



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Charlize Theron is an african american.

    I'm African American as well. Born and raised in South Africa, became an American citizen five years ago.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I always thought "ppl of colour" was more offensive.

    And technically, can you really call a "person of colour" an African-American since Americans don't spell color that way anyway?

    Sorry... just picking on you a bit.

    lol... sorry COLOR. And im learning something new already. never looked at "ppl of colour" as offensive.
    maybe its just me

    I was born/raised/live in the deep south. Calling someone a "person of color" would get you slapped. It implies that white/caucasians are devoid of color. Surprisingly enough though, more people here seem to prefer to be called "black" though African-American is used when describing the culture.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    Maybe people think that if they are called "African-American" they automatically think they are from Africa. Your really not Black...we should call you brown. White people should not be called white, they should be called tan. And then Asians, Why aren't they called Yellow people? Hmm..they mysteries of the world...

  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    I refer to myself as chocolate awesome
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I was born/raised/live in the deep south. Calling someone a "person of color" would get you slapped. It implies that white/caucasians are devoid of color. Surprisingly enough though, more people here seem to prefer to be called "black" though African-American is used when describing the culture.

    Wow, thats some serious stuff. Im actually watching the news and they said "people of colour" but they weren't only refering to black (African American) ppl....
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    I refer to myself as chocolate awesome

    Chocolate pudding YUM!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Well, i know some ppl are about to b hostile about the question, but really, its only a question, i wanted to know wht other ppl think about it from their PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

    It depends who I'm talking to. If it's someone I don't know I will say African American just to be sure I don't offend but if it's someone I know I will say black. My black friends call us white friends "white girls", I don't care, I think it's funny. I am the whitest of white girls.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I know someone is about to upset with this one, but y'all hve the right to be upset and i hve the right to ask.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO why is it offensive for some to be called, "African American, Black, Black American, Afro American People of colour" but umm, the N word is used SOOO loosely?
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Well, i know some ppl are about to b hostile about the question, but really, its only a question, i wanted to know wht other ppl think about it from their PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

    It depends who I'm talking to. If it's someone I don't know I will say African American just to be sure I don't offend but if it's someone I know I will say black. My black friends call us white friends "white girls", I don't care, I think it's funny. I am the whitest of white girls.

    I can understand that....
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    I know someone is about to upset with this one, but y'all hve the right to be upset and i hve the right to ask.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO why is it offensive for some to be called, "African American, Black, Black American, Afro American People of colour" but umm, the N word is used SOOO loosely?

    Whoa...Slow your roll princess!
  • CanadianThunder
    I know someone is about to upset with this one, but y'all hve the right to be upset and i hve the right to ask.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO why is it offensive for some to be called, "African American, Black, Black American, Afro American People of colour" but umm, the N word is used SOOO loosely?

    I have found that the N word is used primarily by black to black people. The N word was used in a derogatory sense back when black people were used as slaves. So, maybe they're "owning" (I know, very poor choice of word to follow the previous sentence) the word. I would never think to ever refer to a black person as the N word.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    waiting for someone to post that 'DIS GONNA BE GOOD" video for this thread.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I have always believed that if you were born in America then you are a black american. If you were born in Africa and then moved to the US and became an american citizen then you are an african american. Just my thoughts. Im a white american My great great great great great great grandfather came from ireland that doesn't make me irish american. Just my thoughts for what its worth.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    African-American came into popularity during the error of "political correctness" back in the 90's. I call myself black. I'm young, gifted, and BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I know someone is about to upset with this one, but y'all hve the right to be upset and i hve the right to ask.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO why is it offensive for some to be called, "African American, Black, Black American, Afro American People of colour" but umm, the N word is used SOOO loosely?

    Whoa...Slow your roll princess!

    Seriously... just asking. To ME, from MY PERSONAL expericence. the N word is obvisouly offensive and a "no-no" to say the least. The was i was raised those other terms i wrote up there were considered to be respectful. Now as an adult im finding out different.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I personally do not want to be referred to as African American. Here is why...I do not hold a belief that all "Black" people are decendants of Africa. Plenty of people from countries such as the Dominican Replublic identify as "Black" even though they speak Spanish and are of "mixed" heritage. That is just one example. Myself personally...I identify as "black" but my great grand-father was in fact of Irish (white) descent. My father's father was hispanic. I feel that most "black" people are many things so to be labeled from Africa automatically is not ok to me. I don't get terribly offended when called African American because I know most people are meerly attempting to be politically correct. Howeverm those that I am close with I let them know I prefer Black. I think the term "black" also partially refers to our skin complexion (which is really brown...lol), but this is less offensive to me because as I stated before plenty of other nationalities (such as Dominicans) have dark skin besides "black" people. That's just my two cents.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I'm not black, but have worked with a lot of black colleagues, and they all use the term 'black'. I'm in the UK, and 'black' is actually the politically correct term here at the moment. It didn't use to be, which is why some older people can look shocked when people say it - mostly older white people, I find, who generally don't actually know any black people. The term used to be 'coloured' here, but that was deemed offensive because it suggests that white is the default and everything else has a colour. A lot of white people also say 'dark', which to me is a bit of a meaningless word - a white person can be referred to as dark if they get a sun tan!

    On equal opportunities forms, people can specify whether they are 'Black English', 'Black Irish', 'Black British', etc. A colleague once refused to fill it in because there was no option for simply 'Black' or 'Black African'.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    one serious note about the N word. I use it. I think its more habit than anything. The same way other people may use the word "dude". I am a black man myself and i try not to use the term as mush as i have when i was growing up but i will admit that i do use the word when speaking to my friends. i'm not bragging or saying that i'm proud of it but again its more habit than anything. that whole we took the word and flipped it so its ours and we own it is BS its a word that has been used for centuries. no it isnt right. it shouldnt be used but its just one of those things that will never change. oh i forgot to say that i prefer black to african american although i wont feel any type of way if referred to as the latter
  • danilee1020
    danilee1020 Posts: 85 Member
    N word is used by mostly blacks, and some whites. I say the N word. Maybe it's a TX thing. I am not going to lie, it is what it is, oh and when I use the N word, I don't discriminate.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    Maybe people think that if they are called "African-American" they automatically think they are from Africa. Your really not Black...we should call you brown. White people should not be called white, they should be called tan. And then Asians, Why aren't they called Yellow people? Hmm..they mysteries of the world...

    looking around for some Yellow people....