Starting to find comments on weightloss annoying and hurtful



  • 123meg123
    123meg123 Posts: 9 Member
    J1wright for what it's worth I think you look like a healthy young mum.
  • McGrew822
    "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."

    - Aziz "Zyzz" Shavershian, peace and blessing be upon him. Forever 'miring, brah.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    First off let me tell you that I hit goal about a month ago. I am pretty satisfied by the way I look other than some toning but I don't want to lose anymore weight. Last December I had a baby, I weight 197-198 pounds. I now weigh around 120 pounds. This is the smallest I have been since high school, I am 32 now. Probably because I have never been so dedicated......another thing that I don't mention much is that I stopped drinking like a fish (empty calories). Yeah I drank my 20's away, and stayed anywhere from 130 pounds to 155 pounds.

    So here I sit at 120 pounds 5.4" and I still occasionally get the you look great compliment but I usually get...."Wow, you have lost a lot of weight, what are you doing.?" Are you okay? Are you eating enough? I think you should stop losing weight, Everytime I see you, you look smaller and smaller....and the latest, Are you anorexic?"

    I don't even know how to react to this. Any of the people who say this 9 times out of 10 are smaller than I am. The anorexic question comes when I tell them that I count calories. Really? So anyone counting calories is anorexic? I even tell them that I eat over 1500 calories a day (my TDEE is anywhere from 1533 to 1550 depending on what site you use). Apparently over 1500 calories is not enough for people. I sit at a desk all day long.

    Sorry this is so long winded. I needed to get it off my chest. I also need to know if anyone else get this. If so what do you say? It is starting to annoy me and become hurtful. I am starting to doubt myself. I ask my husband if I am too skinny. I wear a size 6 for goodness sakes, it isn't like I am a 0.

    So how would you feel? What would you say to these people? How would you overcome?

    Wow, if you're anorexic then maybe I am too. I'm 5' 6", 124 lbs. and wear a size 2/4. Unbelievable! I can't say I'm surprised because I've fielded questions like that too. Haterville is always gonna have residents. You just have to ignore. As long as you're okay with how you look and feel and your hubby is too, forget all the naysaying. You look like a healthy mom to me. :smile:
  • kathy065
    kathy065 Posts: 3 Member
    Depends on who it is coming from.

    I asked a friend a while back if they were ok, because he hadn't said he was trying to lose weight and he had lost a lot. It was an opening for him to let me know he had cancer with only months to live.

    I think words like "Are you ok", asked in kindness and concern are perfectly acceptable. However, asking someone if they were anorexic isn't! You can just be rude back to them :)