Who drinks Coke Zero on the regular? Who has given it up?

Hi all :)

I am a coke zero fiend. I usually drink it everyday and I find that it helps me when I'm trying to lose weight as I like to have a glass with of after a meal to make it more satisfying. It helps me in between meals when I start to get cranky and also when I want to avoid alcohol.

I've given it up over periods of a couple weeks to a month when I've tried to 'eat clean.' But I end up missing it so much and giving in to the sweet, acidic hit :/ I've been hooked for years now!

Does anyone else drink it as much as I do?

Has anyone given it up and noticed health/weight improvements?

Can anyone convince me once and for all not to spend $10 a week on a concoction of chemicals?


  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Ha ha if it works for you, use it
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    sometimes i drink 6 a day. sometimes just 1.
    i love the cherry lately.
  • bsuid72
    bsuid72 Posts: 33
    I gave up soda entirely on June 10th....
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    Coke Zero is bomb. c:

    If you like it, drink it. I would try and keep it to a minimum (if at least for your poor teeth!) but I'm the last person in the world who will argue against it. It's your body, your life, and your happiness. And your yumminess! haha;;
  • suwonfish
    I like the stuff too and thought it was basically the same as water. Nope, since starting to log my Coke Zero I've noticed my sodium intake is way high :(
  • iemcanadian
    I drink Diet Coke fairly regularly, not daily but at least a few times a week, and at the time I gave it up I was drinking it most days. I gave it up (and all soda, though I don't really drink regular sodas) for about six weeks and saw no change in weight loss, how I felt, etc. For me at least it didn't seem to make a difference although I try to limit it because I know water is healthier, and have heard that the carbonation can weaken your bones (not sure if this is true).
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    i drink diet coke every day, i crave it and get a bit aggitated and grumpy when i dont have it lol, i drink it inbetween meals just like u to stop me getting that hungry and just overall love it but it cant be doing us any good.. ive cut down and only drinking a few cans a day and replacing them with lots of water so im quite happy with that because i wasnt drinking much water before.. u dont have to cut down as long as its in moderation, just cut down and replace with water and u wont feel as bad lol..
  • jesshall281
    I like the stuff too and thought it was basically the same as water.

  • sophatt
    sophatt Posts: 5
    I find that when I don't drink it, I feel the effects of fatigue more. I get my 8 hours per night, but Coke Zero is my coffee.

    Increased sodium? Is this serious?

    I guess there's the aspartame argument, the phenanlalanine (spelling?) argument too... But I'd like to hear the effects of these chemicals on a real person, compared to a diet without.

    It's just so cool, there is nothing else that has a taste without the calories. Water doesn't count! Cherry sounds good :)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I drank at least one coke zero every day..... It was the one thing that I was not yet prepare to give up.

    Mid June this year I did a 5 day cleanse - which included giving up the coke zero.....

    Of all the changes I made in lifestyle over the past 24 months this was by far the hardest thing to give up!
    I realized that it was about breaking a habit more than anything else, and I then decided to try and do it for a month - it was the longest month of my life, but at the end I decided to keep going....

    It is now 2 months later, and just lately i have realized that I don't thnk about it any longer....

    I don't believe it has a negative impact on weight loss, but for me it was just time to get rid of the dodgy chemicals that I was drinking every day....
  • sophatt
    sophatt Posts: 5
    If you notice symptoms without it, could this mean you can be addicted to Coke Zero?

    Yeah I try only have a can a day but sometimes I have several glasses and it makes me feel so guilty! Because I know it is a chemical and I'd be better off drinking water...

    My appetite rules my reason when it comes to Coke Zero!
  • divinenanny
    divinenanny Posts: 90 Member
    I used to drink Pepsi Max by the bucket loads, at least 3 or 4 glasses on a working day, and a bottle a day when I had a day off. Since starting on MFP I want to quit, so I limit myself to one glass at dinner, for as long as my stockpile lasts. I think I have one or two bottles left, and when they are done, I am done. I tried to quit before and found it hard (caffeine-withdrawals) but now I feel fine, and I think I can do it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you notice symptoms without it, could this mean you can be addicted to Coke Zero?
    Coke zero has caffeine in, which is an addictive drug - albeit an incredibly popular socially acceptable one.

    Me, I'm certainly 'addicted' to it. Have "gone cold turkey" in the past; when I was made redundant a while ago I decided that as I now didn't need to be alert at a particular time etc, I should try and stop my 4 a day habit.
    Back on around 4 a day at the moment.
    Yeah I try only have a can a day but sometimes I have several glasses and it makes me feel so guilty! Because I know it is a chemical and I'd be better off drinking water...
    Water is 'a chemical' too :).
  • sophatt
    sophatt Posts: 5
    Water is 'a chemical' too :).

    Touché ;)
  • SkinnyChemicals
    I drink it once every two days. I see no reason to give it up and probably never will.
    It really has been a great saviour when I want to binge on something sweet, I just drink Coke Zero.
    Though I don't think I'm addicted, I just don't seem to get psychically addicted to caffeine like others do.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    If you like it and it helps you adhere to your diet then by all means have it.

    Don't let the fearmongers get to you - Yes some people have some unwanted sideeffect of aspartame, if you don't have any don't jump on the bandwagon unless you really want to (some people are allergic to shellfish or peanuts, that's probably not keeping you from those?)

    Personally I enjoy a Coke Zero or two every once in a while for pretty much the reasons you mention in your original post and I don't feel bad about if for one bit.
  • RunningWithoutAWatch
    Soda was the first thing I gave up when I started to lose weight. I used to drink a lot of diet coke. Ironically, this was when I was my heaviest (50 pounds heavier than I am now). It was hard, but I replaced the soda with black coffee and water depending on the purpose.

  • ClareOH
    ClareOH Posts: 40
    I use to drink at least 2litres of coca cola a day!! No wonder the weight piled on without me realising! I was drinking my calorie intake!! When I started dieting, I moved on to 2litres of diet coke, my doctor told me If I really wanted it to have a can of regular coke every now and then instead of the diet variety which kind of worried me... Not enough to actually give it up though.

    I have maybe a litre of diet pepsi a day now and I have no wish to give it up soon, although I probably should!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I should note I consider my 'addiction' to be basically my body needing stimulants to feel at normal energy levels; especially after the first one when I start cycling (needing another can when the first has worn off.)
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am a Diet Dr. Pepper fiend, but will sometimes drink Coke Zero if that isn't available. I limit myself to 1 diet soda a day, most of the time.