Who drinks Coke Zero on the regular? Who has given it up?



  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I drink Diet Pepsi when I work (3 days a week) because it helps satisfy my craving for something sweet, keeps me full between my dinner and midnight snack and keeps me from eating ALL the cookies lmao. I used to be an "absolutely no soda" person, and was for 2 years but when I started working in fastfood my love of cookies reared it's ugly head again and I gained 10lbs.
  • dmb2002man
    I have given soda as well due to bad it is for the body. So many health concerns that diet is worse than regular and with 1 regular can you are way over your sugar limit for the day. If and when i crave a soda, i go and get a coffee. Coffee isn't great but alot better than soda. I noticed with foods and stuff in general if i didn't buy it at the store and have it around then i wouldn't crave it. I don't even go down the soda isle anymore and also pass by the chip isle.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    I try to have it no more than twice a week (can)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi all :)

    I am a coke zero fiend. I usually drink it everyday and I find that it helps me when I'm trying to lose weight as I like to have a glass with of after a meal to make it more satisfying. It helps me in between meals when I start to get cranky and also when I want to avoid alcohol.

    I've given it up over periods of a couple weeks to a month when I've tried to 'eat clean.' But I end up missing it so much and giving in to the sweet, acidic hit :/ I've been hooked for years now!

    Does anyone else drink it as much as I do?

    Has anyone given it up and noticed health/weight improvements?

    Can anyone convince me once and for all not to spend $10 a week on a concoction of chemicals?

    What basis do you have for giving it up, aside from it not fitting into your partitioning of foods into "clean" and "dirty"?
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I am a Coke Zero fan. I used to drink diet coke, but it makes me feel sick because I would go through maybe 4 a day - but my choice was usually in the form of afountain drinks from McDonald's. Then I switched to regular Coke and I LOVE that stuff, but with trying to lose weight, I wasn't willing to waste my calories on it. Then along came my fondness for Coke Zero. I will have a can during the day at work AFTER I drink at least 6 glasses of water and I'll usually treat myself to a glass at home in the evening AFTER I finish at least 2 more glasses of water. I keep a 2 liter bottle of it on my counter at home, that way if I want it I have to go through the hassle of getting a glass and ice cubes out instead of just grabbing a can & sometimes being lazy will stop me from having it. I don't drink it everyday (but almost) and I have no intention of completely giving it up. Regardless of the chemicals in it, I don't eat alot of bad foods, I don't drink alcohol very often and I don't smoke. For me, Coke Zero is my "bad" habit.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    4 a day keeps Coca-cola classic away!
  • kewlstewieguy
    I mainly drink zero calorie stuff the thing is I'm still losing weight but at a slow pace I went from bmi 30.8 to 26.2 all in about a half of year so just keep optimism.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I honestly don't drink soda on the regular. Never have. I just never liked the carbonation, I find the bubbles hurt.
    If you want to give it up, I suggest herbal tea. I drink that stuff all day long!
    If you are asking if you should give it up, large amounts probably aren't good for you. As you said, it's chemicals. That and I read recently in a psyc textbook that aspartame can have neurological effects (which would explain the eye twitches I get from diet soda!). I don't think having it in moderation will hurt you though.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Coke Zero is cool, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the cherry zero. It makes me feel like I'm drinking a cherry coke at 5 Guys! You know, without all the calories and guilt.

    Maybe 2 a day? I try to keep them down or chase them with a glass of water. If I run out I don't crave them though.

    For anyone on low carb, DO NOT go to sonic and get a coke zero with the cherry added in. It's NOT sugar free...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I like the stuff too and thought it was basically the same as water. Nope, since starting to log my Coke Zero I've noticed my sodium intake is way high :(

    ahh, a serving of coke zero has 28 mg of sodium, a negligible amount considering it's normal to consume 2000 to 2500 mg per day and remain perfectly healthy. Couple that with the fact that it also provides 28 mg of potassium, which counteracts much of the effects of sodium, I wouldn't consider the sodium content an issue.
  • jodiegauv91
    Over the last few years I was drinking coke zero regularly (though not more than 2 cans a day). I gave it up a few months ago after hearing one too many times that "it's full of chemicals" and such things. Surprisingly, I don't miss it at all! I've been drinking more of other things like unsweetened iced tea, water flavored with some lemon or coconut. It feels great psychologically to know I'm drinking "natural" things instead and not get all shaky from the caffeine in the coke !
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I might drink someone if someone paid me for it. Artificial sweeteners give me a headache, so it would have to be enough to buy some pain pills :laugh:
  • rabbit1951
    rabbit1951 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to drink Diet Coke daily and have since pretty much given up all soda, altho I do drink one occasionally. I've replaced it with Clear Splash (the Stop & Shop brand of flavored sparkling water.) My favorite flavors are Raspberry/Blackberry and Wild Cherry. It has zero calories, fat and sodium. It's bubbly enough, and flavored enough that I don't miss the soda at all. I think that most supermarket chains have their own version of this kind of product. I wouldn't drink 8 glasses of this, but it make my water consumption more enjoyable.
  • atoffan
    atoffan Posts: 13 Member
    I'm almost the same way. I drink pretty much one a day. Either with lunch at work or with dinner. On a crazy day I will have two but I have a crazy sweet tooth so I think it saves me. I will accept the aspartame. Over the years I have had way more sugar than aspartame, so now I'm leveling it out haha.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I used to drink it all the time! When i dropped it I was less bloated, lost weight and overall just felt better, had more energy and foods became more satisfying.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I can't drink any diet sodas anymore, I get headaches and nauseous. If I want soda now, since cutting it out, I just have a small glass of regular soda. I used to drink coke zero and sprite zero all the time, but even diet soda isn't really good for you, so I stopped with it, now it makes me sick.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I like Coke Zero but I don't drink it (or any soda) on a regular basis. In fact, its been a while since I have had one. I try to stick with water.
  • katsmit2
    katsmit2 Posts: 54
    I only drink sodas occasionally, but when I do I drink Coke Zero. It just tastes better than any of the other diet drinks. I try not to drink many b/c I drink a lot of coffee!
  • colleenb52
    colleenb52 Posts: 24 Member
    I quit drinking diet coke about 2 months ago. I really don't miss it. I instead drink lemon in water and if I need caffeine, I drink ice tea. Have drank coke for about 30 years and have read so much information about how bad it is for the body and it also strips your body of calcium which we need in our later years. I am happy to be a little healthier and my cravings for sugar have almost completely gone. Not totally gone. I have a dark chocolate hershey kiss as needed!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    It made me feel hungry. I had to stop.