What is/are your reward/s for reaching your goal weight?



  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    A new goal

  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    A bikini photoshoot!

    New Workout gear.

    The jeans at the back of my wardrobe :-)
  • I set mini goals..

    200 lbs = new walking shoes
    175 lbs = start going to the fake n bake again ( tanning salon)
    150 lbs = shopping spree
    Size 4 = a tummy tuck! ( I had a c-section and that is the size I wore when I found out I was gonna be a mommy)
  • thecrass
    thecrass Posts: 79 Member
    New Tshirts, Jeans. and Tattoo's.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I really don't know.

    I just want to be active again, to be able to run fast and far, and to ride my bike like a bat out of hell. Just like I used to.

    Maybe that's reward enough for me.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    If I ever reach my goal weight, I will get my third and final tattoo. Not decided on it yet, but I've loads of time to think about it :)
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    The feeling of success, getting stronger & most importantly not sucking :)
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    I've got a lot of weight to lose with lots of rewards along the way and most incorporate another way for ,e to be more active. Due to the weight I carry, my exercise has mostly been limited to the pool. At 50 pounds lost, I plan on joining another gym that's close to my house and start lifting weights. At 100 pounds lost, my plan is to get a bicycle. Beyond that, I plan on getting a canoe or kayak as a reward at some point.

    When/if I reach may final goal (I say if only because 220 pounds will be pretty thin on my large 6'-4" frame) I plan on taking a one way trip on a plane. I've never been on a plane and think a tandom skydive will make for a memorial first trip.
  • rachnado
    rachnado Posts: 16 Member
    I will buy new clothes in the petite department! I also want to ride a zip line again.
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    A feeling of accomplishment and knowing that I'm healthier.
  • minuet42
    minuet42 Posts: 33
    I have lots of ten pound goals - my ultimate is 100 pounds lost, so I knew no one thing could motivate me for that long! My next up (40!) is finally getting to play Kingdom of Amalur. I need to go ahead and buy it like I did with Mass Effect 3, because seeing it on top of my tv, taunting me, was very seriously motivating. Others include: a Clairsonic brush, new tv, a necklace that I fell in love with at Tiffany (double reward - pretty and a lovely memory!) and a new chair covered in whatever fabric I want! Oh, and more video games along the line, too.:)

    I love talking about my rewards - they're posted on the back of my door with my mirror, but it's good to keep them at the front of my mind.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I gift myself a new tattoo for every 20 lbs lost and when I reach goal, I'll gift myself a pinup photo shoot.
  • emmmm thats easy i will change my goal.. have alredy done it twice... :-)
  • new pair of shoes!!! every 10 pounds
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I want to get a tattoo on my upper rib saying: "Without Struggle, There Is No Progress."
    I also want to get healthy for college. I want to be a personal trainer, so I have to change myself before I can help anyone else
  • Doing naked dances in the street so that everyone can enjoy my sexy body.
  • Oh wow where to start.... Things I would LIKE to do are get a half-back tattoo, completely on the left or right side; go to Hawaii; complete new wardrobe and throw out all my fat jeans so I have no excuse for ever using them again; new truck; belly button piercing.....

    I'll have to see where the finances check out but I am for sure doing the belly piercing and tattoo...
  • baylor110311
    baylor110311 Posts: 15 Member
    I usually reward myself with clothes for reaching my goals. I rewarded myself this time with a pair of shoes and a BodyMedia FIT for losing 100 lbs. My next reward will be clothes because they will be falling off me again soon lol. Better than rewarding myself with food like I used to....
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    Before and After pics! Also shopping!!!

    Me too.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    is the weight loss not reward enough? I am not planning anything special but will be happy that I am leading a healthier life and look better whilst doing it too!!