When did you buy new clothes?

Hi everyone,

I've been using MFP for about a month now I think, and although I don't post a lot I love reading all your success stories and seeing these amazing before/after pics - your accomplishments really motivate me!

My goal is to lose about 25lbs and so far I've lost 10 of them - and my clothes are already getting baggy! Of course I'm not complaining, it's a much better feeling than when I had to stop wearing them because they were too tight :)

So my question to all of you who lost weight is - when did you start buying new clothes? I'm always afraid that I might gain these pounds back and if that happened I'd have wasted my money, or in a much better scenario I might still go down another size so should wait longer before buying anything... and wear baggy pants for a while :)

What did you do?


  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    I have lost 21 lbs since starting MFP in May and I had lost 4 pounds before that! So you can imagine my clothes are ridiculously loose now. However, we are at the end of the summer season and I'm NOT buying capris now. I'm just belting them.
    They are so uncomfortable too!

    I can't wait to buy new fall pants and then maybe people will start noticing my weight loss more! :)

    So maybe buy a couple staple pieces to get you through for now? good luck!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I'm down 40+ lbs and havent really bought any "new" clothes. I'm not at my goal weight and don't want to waste money on transition clothes. I went to consigment or re-sale stores and bought a few essentials to get me through. Example kakhi, black and demin shorts; 2 pairs of jeans and a few cute tops. Now I can feel good in my clothes becasue they fit (for now). If you have a Goodwill near you try it out! You cant beat a designer pair of jeans for $4......
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    When the ones I owned didn't fit anymore. Mostly I've just replaced my jeans every 10# or so. About time to do it again. I have used Plato's Closet because I'm too cheap to buy new before I am at my goal size.

    I am one of those lucky/unlucky females that didn't lose in the chest, so I am still wearing all the same shirts.
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    Hey silviamv!

    I had/have the same problem! I HATE the idea of rebuying a wardrobe for a month. Luckily, my cousin is about 1 size behidn me in her weight loss journey but I still don't like the idea that i am buying HER clothes. lol. What i've found works best (and I know it isn't for everyone): buying clothes at a thrift store/consignment/GoodWill-esque location. Alot of these clothes are in great condition and I can justify spending 5 dollars on a pair of jeans I'll wear for a month or so, but not 40 dollars. It definitely saves me money, allows me to buy more clothes (and some goal pants ;-) ) and stay within my budget. Again, I know some people don't like purchasing from these venues but I highly recommend it if you are ok with it. When I get to goal (or to a body type that I can maintain long-term) I will purchase clothes that I plan on keeping and wearing for a while.

    Cheaper clothes also means that you can donate them again (option 1) or throw them away (option 2) without feeling like you are actually throwing away money. I wouldn't recommend keeping the pants. Wearing unflattering clothing does nothing for your looks and doesn't show you, or the world, your success. I know for some, having those "fat clothes" as an option in their closet makes them justify gaining a few pounds because they have clothes that fit. This could go to far if not kept in check and your hard work would be for naught.

    Keep up the good work!! You deserve to show it off!

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I buy new clothes all the time...mostly on sale or clearance in slightly smaller sizes knowing I will be able to wear them soon. But not real expensive stuff.

    I still have a nice smaller wardrobe in storage waiting for me. Maybe by Christmas I will be able to dig into them.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've gotten a few things here and there as I've needed them. I get new pants when the news ones start sagging, new shirts when the old ones are too loose and make me look fat.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I bought new pants when the ones I had could be pulled down to use the restroom without unbottuning or unzipping them. And, my belt was the only thing holding them up. I went to the store and found 2 pairs of pants I liked and bought each in 2 colors. I had gone from a size 12 to a size 6. I filled in with some better fittinh shirts as well. Funny thing, when I changed my wardrobe, more people noticed my weight loss!!

    I didn't want to spend the money, but I REALLY like new outfits!! Now i need some new fall shoes. I haven't bought new shoes in like 5 years!! YAY!!!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I've only bought new clothes when the old ones were just too ridiculous to wear anymore, I lost about 35 lbs before I even remotely bought a size 16, I was in my 18's forever coming down from 22's. The jeans looked ridiculous, they were falling off me, so I finally broke down and bought a size 16, but I bought skinny jeans, so they will last me a little longer, I had a size 14 in my drawer that I held on too so I'll be okay when I get down there.
    The only thing I've spent money on is to buy a couple tops to get me through the summer, and a couple of blouses for job interviews.

    I'm keeping the clothes shopping to a minimum until I get to my goal.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    I, too, am in the same boat...although having done this before (and obviously it didn't stick) I have some clothes that fit that have sat unused at the back of my closet. Having said that-I need new jeans and work clothes. I plan to hit a local resale shop in the next month or so. I have also returned to work full time, so I need a few more "professional" things. My coworkers, who are so supportive, keep telling me that my pants are way too baggy in the butt....and I have no complaints with that! Congratulations on your accomplishment-we are all on the path-together!
  • Celliott411
    Celliott411 Posts: 49 Member
    I live in gym clothes. Seriously. Spandex and t-shirts. Most of my nicer clothes are dresses so I can belt those around the waist and they still look good, but I'm slimming down so fast that I can't afford to seriously buy new clothes until I level out a bit
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I go to second-hand shops for the basic that I don't fit into anymore. I use belts on my pants until they start to look really sloppy. The shirts are easier because you can get away with the same size for a while without it looking too terrible. Right now we have 3 women at work on MFP (That includes me). Luckily we are all at different stages of our loss, so right now we've been passing clothes on. My boss is the thinnest and she gave me a bunch of slacks that are too big for her but fit me well. They are now starting to get loose. Once I can't wear them anymore I will see if the other girl I work with wants them.
  • athminbri
    athminbri Posts: 51 Member
    I have only lost 22 lbs so far, but I buy clothes all the time. Every time I get dressed and something is too big on me, I throw it in the garage to get rid of. I have donated 2 large trash bags of clothes to goodwill since I started. It seems every week we are at either Walmart, Target, Goodwill or yard sales, and I always check out the clothes. If I like something and it fits, I buy it. I usually stick to the clearence items though. Although, if I really love something I will buy it even if it isn't on sale. You should celebrate your new weight! One way to do that is by buying new clothes.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Thrift stores and discount stores galore! I have lost enough as well that some staples in my usual wardrobe are looking funny (and not in the way a belt could help) but like you I still want to lose more and tone up over this next winter. I found a couple good used item stores nearby as well as a discount store. You can actually find some pretty awesome stuff to 'tide you over' until you feel its time to invest in a real new wardrobe.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Buy new clothes when the old ones don't fit anymore.

    Listen, I'm as frugal as they come... and I used to be worried about spending too much on new clothes. Now, I decided that this is a good "problem" to have, and that it is well worth the money.

    It doesn't have to be all the much. Yeah, I wouldn't buy a $1000 suit while my body is still changing quickly, but I'll certainly go to Old Navy and spend $20 on decent fitting jeans.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    okay, you have to be logical here. You can't go to work looking like a frump. I'm a business person, so as my clothes got too loose, I bought a couple of items to support my wardrobe and I do mean a couple. Say three new pairs of slacks and three new blouses and I didn't get rid of anything I had. Then as I continued losing, I continued to do the same thing, I would buy 3 new tops & bottoms and I even had some of the excessively large clothes taken in. I lost 35 lbs in 6 months and dropped 5 pant sizes. You can't logically continue to wear something that is 2 or 3 sizes too large...it doesn't look good. So, just buy a few things to help you continue your progress...you'll be amazed at how much more motivated it makes you because you see just how fabulous you are looking and the real changes in you!!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    I have alot of weight to lose so didn't actually buy new smaller sized clothes till I was down about 35 lbs.and have now gotten rid of my biggest sized clothes. The reason I am getting rid of them is simple. I live in a small apartment. There is ONE closet and it's clothes, linen, vacuum cleaner.... everything.
    Keeping my largest clothing means that I am afraid or planning for a time where I will be over 250 lbs again. I was 300 when this journey started. There is no way that I ever want to be that big again.
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Once I get to my goal, I have a closet full of clothes! I won't need to buy anything. My weight has slowly crept up over the last few years and the "fat" clothes have slowly taken over. I am just starting to put stuff in the give-away pile and making more room for my "old" clothes.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I waited til I was down 2 sizes before I replaced my professional wardrobe. I can't look sloppy at work and in fact have to wear suits/professional attire every day. Some of the tops I wore much longer, but the pants/skirts needed replacing. Since I ended up going down 4 sizes, this worked well. I bought clothes at a size 10 (not too many- just enough to get by and then got REALLY creative with mixing and matching). Then bought again at my final size- a 6.

    My personal wardrobe I replaced as I needed to. But I also made sure I didn't replace things at the end of a season while I was still losing. I just got creative again. As I was losing, I bought more stretchy things that would allow me to wear them longer. Leggings and yoga pants were favorites. However, I had a couple pairs of jeans so I could see the changes and feel good in my "skinny" jeans.

    Bras and underwear I wore til I just had to replace them. My bra cups were caving in before I replaced them. My underwear were starting to slide down before I replaced them. Those things just aren't as fun to replace because you don't see them all the time, and yet, they are really expensive!!

    I used consignment stores a bit for both my professional and personal wardrobes and got some great deals!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I'm halfway done (26/50lbs) and the only thing I've bought is new work-out clothes. Beyond this I just wear belts with my pants (I went from barely fitting into the belt to being on the 4th hole; I think I'm down 4-6 sizes based on old clothes that I fit into now). Shirts aren't a huge problem because I didn't carry a lot of weight in my upper body, and I still had bras with my old size.

    I'm waiting it out until I hit my goal, then going shopping!
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