Treadmill vs outdoor running ??

Hey just a quick question which is the best running on the treadmill or going for a run outside, i usually run on my treadmill but the lovely weather inspired me to go for a run outside (which i havent done in years i might add lol) any way just got me thinking which one is better?? which one burns more fat and calories?? any one if with any info would be appreciated thanks :-)


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    The calorie burn, all else equal, should be about the same. However, "all else equal" means the same incline/decline which is unlikely. Outdoors, you'll have hills. Of course, you can also adjust the incline on a treadmill. Overall though, I would say outdoors is best because the change in elevations, change in running surface, etc, will build different muscles than the repetitive motion on a treadmill. I find it easier too, probably because it's so much easier mentally.
  • leenabeana1
    I personally think running outside is a better workout than a treadmill. I run 4x a week and I try to run at least one of them outside. And it seems like everytime I do, I'm sore! It's the UPS and downs of the lil hills, I out myrun app on my phone and it is awesome for running outside! Good Luck and take your time:)
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Calorie-wise I don't notice a difference, but I am able to run outside for much longer cause I get bored on the treadmill and continue to think how much it sucks :P

    Just give an outdoor-run a try and you'll see how you like it!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Eye like both. Aye can usually run fore longer outside because its knot so boring but eye like that its cooler in the jim.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I dnt know if one burns more cals than the other, but the treadmil is better on the joints, low impact and all.
    OUtside is better because u actually run the full distance since u take EVERY SINGLE step as opposed to the treadmil.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    It all comes down to personal preference. I could never make myself run for 90 minutes on a treadmill.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Treadmill is definitely easier on the joints and feet than running outdoors. I prefer the treadmill as I have more control of the speed and incline. I prop my lap top up and watch a movie while running and never suffer of boredom...
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    running out side is harder and burns more cal...tred mill is awsome because i can watch tv wile i run!

    cant deside
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    In addition to possible elevation/terrain changes, you have wind resistance outside, and to me, it seems more challenging than the treadmill.

    The treadmill does provide better shock absorption than some of the outdoor surfaces, like concrete (the worst!) and asphalt.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I feel like running outdoors takes much more of a toll on me than running on the treadmill, probably because of incline changes, wind resistance, etc. I prefer the treadmill because I can put my phone/waterbottle down and just run instead of lugging them with me which gets annoying.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I've heard that if you are running on a treadmil with 0 incline the machine is actually doing the work for you. Other than that I don't know if its better, equal or not as good.

    I am primarily an outdoor runner and find that:
    1. I am bored to tears on the treadmill
    2. my workouts seem to take SOOOOOO much longer (smae amount of time it just passes slower)
    3. my knees hurt more than after I run outside.

    I still use the treadmill but only as a last resort if its too cold, wet, dark, or an outdoor run doesn't fit into my schedule but I need the milage.
  • Kjphotography90
    Kjphotography90 Posts: 77 Member
    I HATE the DREADmill!! Drives me nuts to stare at the wall and run. Plus, I constantly look at the time and get super discouraged. I'd much rather run past horses in a field and in amazing weather than run staring at the same thing for an hour. It's all personal preference but I'd rather run outside ANY DAY, even in the pouring rain!! =)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Outside until the temps drop into the 40's. Then I'm inside. Usually September until May.

    Outside usually is a better workout due to the changes in geography. I find I push myself harder on the treadmill unless I'm racing my watch.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    i don't have a treadmill so i can't compare, but if i had one, i would prefer outdoors. i love jogging at the trails by my house. they give me motivation to push force myself to complete the 3 miles in less time than the previous try. though having a treadmill at home would be nice when the weather sucks, i don't think i'd feel that extra push.
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I just started running again and have to say I hate treadmills. Maybe it is just because I prefer to exercise outside in the elements or maybe because i feel like a hampster on the treadmill (same goes for stationary bike). Outside the air is fresher, the climate adds variety, and it is much quieter not hearing a steady hum of the motors. It also helps me go farther because I have markers to set as goals. Like just make it to the end of the street and then when I get there, set another distance. Doing a treadmill I find it is too easy to just stop.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I mix it up with both. I'm outside when I can be. But I do all my intervals on a treadmill. Mainly because I like that I can set a specific pace and keep it there. I know what speed I'm going w/o distractions. I think it's harder, because the air isn't moving around me, I don't have the visual stimulation of movement, so I'm working harder, IMO. I've done some long distance training on the treadmill too, longest was 15 miles and I about went crazy, it was not fun. But weather dictated to keep me in out of ice and snow. I stay go with what works best for you, accept they are different and you will get different benefits from in or out running.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    i'm an outdoor fan just not so much that if its raining i wont dust off the treadmill collecting laundry id have to lay claim to the remote tho
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    My $.02, get off the dreadmill.

    Hit the pavement, hit the trails, hit the track!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My $.02, get off the dreadmill.

    Hit the pavement, hit the trails, hit the track!

    That's easy to say until it's 5 below and there's a foot of snow pack.
  • riacharda
    riacharda Posts: 16 Member
    Running outside burns more due to adjusting your posture to the terrain, pushing your own body weight and avoiding obstacles. Treadmills are good but burn less calories because you're basically running on a conveyor belt and you're in the same spot.

    A benefit of running outdoors is that you tone your major muscles (especially lower back and calves). The benefit of a treadmill is the adjustable speed settings on it. You can easily push yourself on a treadmil and is great for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)