Roommate Horror Stories



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    I've only ever had one bad room mate. I answered an add for a roommate from a couple, everything was going well, bills split evenly, food split evenly, had my own bathroom, it was a sweet deal, After about 5 months the GF told me her BF had done a runner. anyway long story short a few days after her telling me he'd done a runner the cops busted down the door and arrested her. she murdered him and had dumped him in the lake that was behind the house
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    I've only ever had one bad room mate. I answered an add for a roommate from a couple, everything was going well, bills split evenly, food split evenly, had my own bathroom, it was a sweet deal, After about 5 months the GF told me her BF had done a runner. anyway long story short a few days after her telling me he'd done a runner the cops busted down the door and arrested her. she murdered him and had dumped him in the lake that was behind the house

  • louisemc_86
    I have been living in a share house for two and a half years and boy do i have some good stories.

    1. We had a couple move in which was going great for about a year til they started breaking up. He moved out and then would come round and start arguments in the middle of the night, right in front of my bedroom door. She ended up moving out about six months later.

    2. We had another girl move in. it was her first time out of home and she bought her dog with her, who destroyed the back yard. she was very young and didn't know how to cook so we offered to teach her but she never took us up on the offer. i actually had to show her how to get something out of the oven. She moved out after about 3 months.

    3. This is one of my current housemates and the worst. She is older then us so we thought she would be alot more mature then the last one. After a few days she tells us she is Bi Polar, which is fine, i don't judge. She started complaining to my other housemate that i am immature, lazy and inconsiderate and even called me annoying to my face. We take it in turns to clean the house, in the three months she's lived here i have seen her do it once while i have done it several times. she has even complained to our real estate agent about me, and even wanted to move out after a month which they were going to let her but then decided to stay. she complians to my housemate that she needs to get away from me but then invites me to go with her. She was hitting on my other guy housemate every 5 minutes for a while. she was also trying to convince me to move back to my parents or with family on the other side of the country. There is so much more that I don't even want to think about right now. and we still have 3 months left with her.

    i am just so glad that i get along with the guy i live with. We have been here for two and a half years.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My college roommate (previously my best friend) was a really passive aggressive jerk with no manners. She always treated her mom like crap, and when we moved in together, she started treating me that way. I pulled a stunt (yeah, I participated because she was so rude to me), and we didn't speak for seven months. While living together. It was awful. The absolute most stressful period in my life.
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    First place on my "own" was a college house. Started off with 5 guys and 2 girls including me. We lived in a 6 bedroom home and it was huge1 Home gmy and everything.

    My and my girlfriend decided to move in to the house together. Rent was only 500/mo and we ha2 pools, a hot tub, home gym, and a tennis court. What could go wrong right?

    So here is where the 5 guys come into play.
    Every date we had was crashed horribly!
    The bathrooms always smelled like piss!
    One of my roomates had a litteral peanut butter and toes fettish, yes woke up to the man spreading peanut butter on my toes and sucking it off! HORRIBLE!
    3 of the guys there litterally had a tally board of who could get the most women in bed in a month, so my and my girlfriend were always finding strange panties, used condoms, ect. it was disgusting!

    I met my husbadn while I was living there, the first night I brought him home to meet the "family" one guy asked in I finished my perscription for Climidea (ps?) it was a joke, but really not funny!

    so many more stories, I don't regret it there was never a dull moment, it was fun too, but yes some horrible things happened, to this day peanut butter feels like a dirty word
  • amrita0286
    I let my roomie borrow my curling iron and when I came back to our apt. I needed it myself to go out and she told me that she had put it back in my room..
    I couldn't find it anywhere and then she avoided me after that and said I must have misplaced it..
    Then one day while she was out, I couldn't resist and peaked in her room and I saw it under her bed!!
    I was horrified because I didn't actually expect to find it there but I wasn't the type to start a fight over it either.. I simply picked it up and hid it in my own room and never ever brought it up. I think she knew though because she never asked about it either.. luckily she moved out with a bf she'd made and my friend moved in.