Embarrassing problem :/



  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Probiotics & Magesium on a daily basis have worked for me.
  • jilli814
    jilli814 Posts: 33 Member
    I have such issues with this. I take a probiotic everyday and it is the only thing that has worked for me. I take Pearls.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    are you eating enough fat, fat helps lubricate the digestive tract.

    Should eat more fat but I hate using/eating it...what's good to eat that'll give me fat? I do eat lots of oily fish too?

    I've set my diary so you can see it..but I only just started to use it on this part...I had a separate MFP diary before I found the forum :bigsmile:

    Almonds and other nuts

    I also suggest probiotics. And if you decide to go with chia seeds, this looks good but I haven't yet gotten them to try it: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2012/06/mango-coconut-chia-pudding.html

    And check your fiber goal...mine on MFP was wayyy lower than I've seen recommended elsewhere.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Eat oatmeal for breakfast, add blueberries and flax seed to it. You def. need more fiber and it's not good for you if you don't 'go' at least every 2-3 days. If that doesn't work, add something like the Metamucil capsules before meals, but make sure you drink a lot of water with it.

    Good luck and I hope you get relief soon!
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    Do you feel bloated, as in 'uncomfortably full'? Cause if not then maybe your just digesting more efficiently and producing less waste. If you are bloated, then something in your diet might be inhibiting your digestive system from functioning properly....i know i get the same problem if i drink too much milk because of the calcium in milk (calcium slows you digestion)....
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    2 words---CHIA SEEDS!!!

    You'll thank me later. :bigsmile:

    Just looked online for these...do you eat them as they come or sprinkle over cereals etc?

    I add them to EVERYTHING!! Put them in yogurt, I bake them into all my Jamie Eason protein bars, put them in chicken spaghetti or any casserole I make--dump them in the crock pot if I'm cooking a crock pot dinner, sprinkle them on scrambled eggs. They have zero taste, but I was struggling with the same issues you're having, and now---I'm NOT!!! :laugh:

    They are loaded with Omega fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, AND they expand in your stomach and make you feel full, but not bloated--I swear I could do an infomercial for these things!! Enjoy!! :drinker:
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I agree with getting a bit more fat. Healthy fats like nuts work well :wink:

    Also, if it has "been a while," you may want to consider something to "help it along." Miralax works well to get things moving again, and is not addictive or causes cramps like some other things (exlax.....), but is expensive. However, if you are in the state where you need some "additional support" to get things going, it is a good option, then you can maintain with chia seeds, etc.

    Good luck..... (I really, really want to say.... "hope it all comes out okay" but that would be crass :laugh:
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Had the same problem and nothing seemed to work. I doubled water, ate high fiber museli, fruit, dried fruit, nothing!

    I then tried sprinkling oat bran by the heaping spoonful into my 0% Greek Yogurt until it was thick. It took a week but thing are starting to normalize...
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    2 words---CHIA SEEDS!!!

    You'll thank me later. :bigsmile:

    Just looked online for these...do you eat them as they come or sprinkle over cereals etc?

    From what I hear - it's best to let them soak in something a bit before eating them - they'll expand and get gel-y I hear that's the best time to eat them (so stir into yogurt and let sit for a few mins)...but maybe someone who knows better could say for sure...
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    2 words---CHIA SEEDS!!!

    You'll thank me later. :bigsmile:

    Just looked online for these...do you eat them as they come or sprinkle over cereals etc?

    From what I hear - it's best to let them soak in something a bit before eating them - they'll expand and get gel-y I hear that's the best time to eat them (so stir into yogurt and let sit for a few mins)...but maybe someone who knows better could say for sure...

    ^^That's correct. The moisture allows the seeds to open up so you can actually digest all their goodness. That's why baking/cooking them into things works well I think. If you just eat them dry, your body doesn't properly process them and you won't get all the benefits. You can even soak them in water or juice and it makes a kind of "tapioca" type snack--I just prefer to add mine to my regular food though. It's personal preference. :flowerforyou:
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I only have this problem when I increase fat/protein from animals and decrease carbs.

    Are you getting enough fruits/vegetables?
  • SariC3
    SariC3 Posts: 69 Member
    I take magnesium citrate for rls and have been regular ever since. CALM is a power you can dissolve in a beverage. Give it a try
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    strong cup of coffee, more water.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I only have this problem when I increase fat/protein from animals and decrease carbs.

    Are you getting enough fruits/vegetables?

    I eat loads veggies..don't like fruit though :blushing:
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Since I've been eating better and exercising I have found I'm not going to the loo...if you see what I mean :blushing:

    I've taken some stuff to 'move' things but even that isn't really working. I drink loads everyday and eat plenty of fiber....so what's going on??

    Also not lost and I'm sure that's because I'm full of it....:laugh:

    Seriously, some advice or explanation would be good :blushing:

    I haven't read all of the responses, so sorry if this has already been said. I have the same problem from time to time. The first thing I check is to see if I have been getting enough fiber. If I noticed I haven't "downloaded" in a couple of days, I usually drink a cup of Smoothe Move tea. You can buy it at Wal-mart and Publix that I know of. It does exactly what you think without all the "explosion" and pain of laxatives.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    It is false that eating fat will make you fat. Your body was designed to need fats to function properly and there are many nutrients that won't be able to be absorbed properly if you don't have fats in your diet. The difference is making sure they are healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, avocado and MUFAs instead of lots of the trans and other bad fats. I'm not a doctor but a lot of people stop losing weight if they don't get enough fat because our bodies were made to need it and use it.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Try adding some fresh fruit of even prunes to your diet. Make sure you are getting enough fiber and drink plenty of water. I have this problem also and have finally found that by taking Miralax on a regular basis that I keep things "moving along" well now!
  • Bluebox32
    Bluebox32 Posts: 100 Member
    2 words---CHIA SEEDS!!!

    You'll thank me later. :bigsmile:

    Just looked online for these...do you eat them as they come or sprinkle over cereals etc?

    I make chia seed pudding and add it into my lemon water, but I never notice any difference. I dont know if it is because I have IBS-C or not.
  • funkylemur
    funkylemur Posts: 55 Member
    I get the same thing, tho I have found that more fruit helps the situation with me - esp oranges !
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    every time I give up grains that happens to me. rice, quinoa, potatos work really well for me.