Chances are you are a crappy driver



  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Then there's the a-holes that speed by you in the RIGHT lane when you're already doing 75 in a 65 in the LEFT lane and consistently passing other vehicles, and then same said a-hole peers into your vehicle and shakes his head in frustration at how "slow" you're going in the fast lane. Saw this guy twice in the past 2 weeks.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I guess high beams are better then getting a milkshake in your windshield.
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    If anyone lives in or around the DMV and has to drive on the beltway, you know my pain.
    That's why I have yet to get on the Beltway, other than once...Just got my license in this may apply to me!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I live in Germany and drive an autobahn-worthy car. People here know to keep right.
    I tend to drive a little fast (there is a sticker on my car window, up in the corner, that reminds me that my winter tires are only rated up to 240 kph).
    I still have my windows rattled every once in a while when ze-german-rockets fly by. >o,0<
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Try living in Asia :laugh:

    OMG you win the topic :laugh:
  • mommasox
    mommasox Posts: 97 Member
    I agree OP. I also hate it when people are on the freeway going super slow, then you pass them and its some idiot on their damn phone. If your going to text and drive at least do the speed limit. :wink:

    Plus... I think Washingtonians are the only people in the country that can't drive when the sun is out.... when that big bright thing in the sky comes out we don't know what to do.... so what do we do??? Everyone slams on their brakes. Now that I think about it...we can't drive in the rain either which is sad since it rains here so much.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    They even learn how to control a car while spinning out of control on a huge patch of ice. How many of you can do that?
    I can. I've been driving in Chicago winters since i was a teenager.

    Kansas City here. Yep, I can drive on ice-covered roads, let alone dealing with a patch of ice, even know how to deal with black ice and hydroplaning. We get just about every kind of weather here, and we deal with it. I have to say that most of our drivers are good and pretty courteous. The exception are the ones from Johnson County, KS, when they come over to the Missouri side to KC, watch out!

    I know there are a few people who can do it, but whenever the snow falls up here in Ontario, it's like no one knows how to drive again. The collisions we have are insane. I've even see someone slowly start spinning and just kept the gas on and didn't counter steer. It was a sad sight.

    Oh, and she had AWD and winter tires. Didn't keep her out of the ditch. My buddy was driving a 2WD truck with tires that were almost bald. Just drove right around her without any issues.

    Slow and steady wins the race! I have seen it before where people pass me in bad weather, then a while later, I see their vehicle in a ditch. :tongue:
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I am not saying I'm the best driver, but if we were grading on a curve, I would get an A :smile:
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    If they don't mind the headlights from my truck shining in on them......................then I don't mind having to tailgate them in the left's all good:)
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Is the OP in England, or am I confused? You are supposed to keep right unless you are passing.
    I was so confused by this, too. He lives in Detroit, no?

    ...if you can't tell your left from your right...

    perhaps you shouldn't be driving or is Detroit some special town where people drive on the 'wrong' side of the road?
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    my favorite is the people that are afraid of passing a tractor-trailer.

    Better yet, people who ride with tractor-trailers. Idiots.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    **If you can't understand "keep LEFT unless actually in the act of passing somebody" Please turn-in your driver's license today. Just stop. Stop driving. Get a bike. Do whatever it takes. PACING the car to your right should be an instant revocation of a driver's license pending re-training in Germany, at your cost.

    Move. The. Hell. Over.

    **'re going 40mph in a 55 zone. When I pass you, why are you trying to punish me by flicking on your car's hi-beams?
    Let me remind you of a famous quote: "OH MAY GAWD! The guy I just passed flicked on his Hi-beams headlamps! I'm going to slow down, and get back behind him again." - No person, ever.

    **If you are in the lane beside me, and both our lanes turn RIGHT...YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR **** in the immediate RIGHT lane of the road we're turning on to. Stop driftin' your POS into MY lane.

    That is all. Carry on.

    Keep LEFT unless you are passing? I think that is your issue, here in the U.S. you are supposed to keep RIGHT unless in the act of passing, the left lane is that fast lane.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
    Then there's the a-holes that speed by you in the RIGHT lane when you're already doing 75 in a 65 in the LEFT lane and consistently passing other vehicles, and then same said a-hole peers into your vehicle and shakes his head in frustration at how "slow" you're going in the fast lane. Saw this guy twice in the past 2 weeks.

    If there is enough time for me to come up behind you safely, check my mirrors, change to the right line, go past you, check my mirrors, pull back out and still accelerate.... you shouldn't still be in the left lane.... move over

    I guess having drivers licenses for driving on both sides of the road it qualifies me to over take the slow vehicle on either side since they can't figure out which side they should be driving?